the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4228721]how do those things even work?[/QUOTE]

you break up the herb finely after it has been sitting out the bag for a few hours to be bone dry... then you put it on the screen and i personally sift threw it with a credit card...... gotta do it for a while to make sure you got all the kief from it....


Well-Known Member
thanks man !!!! i normally just smoke it loose cause i have a shitty press and last time i tried it it did not work good

put all your kief in a cellafane........ compress it tightly and roll it up and tape it tight..... then wrap the ceallafane with some damp paper... brown paper bag works best a lil wet.. put it into your oven set on has low has it can leave it in there for 5-6 min. should come out a nice slab of homemade rock hard hash


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4228721]how do those things even work?[/QUOTE]
this was just the Crystal covered leaves from the fruit kush harvest after leaves are almost dry put in box and shake shake shake i will get even more off these leaves still got them in box this one has a silk sdreen in it witch i have heard works alot better than metal mesh ones


Well-Known Member
put all your kief in a cellafane........ compress it tightly and roll it up and tape it tight..... then wrap the ceallafane with some damp paper... brown paper bag works best a lil wet.. put it into your oven set on has low has it can leave it in there for 5-6 min. should come out a nice slab of homemade rock hard hash
yea i have done it that way but i would rather smoke it loose on top of bowls also tryed the method of pressin it and puting it in oven for like 5 minutes but with the keif i like it losse :)


Well-Known Member
this was just the Crystal covered leaves from the fruit kush harvest after leaves are almost dry put in box and shake shake shake i will get even more off these leaves still got them in box this one has a silk sdreen in it witch i have heard works alot better than metal mesh ones
if you put the bag of shake you're using to get kief out of in the freezer before putting it in your box you'll get 4x more kief INSTANTLY.


Well-Known Member
if you put the bag of shake you're using to get kief out of in the freezer before putting it in your box you'll get 4x more kief INSTANTLY.

the best qaulity kief is from the first few sifts..... and you gotta be gentle... the ruffer you are the greener tinted your kief will be.. and you dont want that... i personally like pressed fine quality kief better then bubble hash.. and i like proper b.h.o. over them both!!! lol


Well-Known Member
maybe tryna needs to be least 120 micron or smaller........ but im from the old school ive made hash with silk nylon filled with bone dry shake, and beating it on a glass table, and collecting it with a playing card


Well-Known Member
maybe tryna needs to be least 120 micron or smaller........ but im from the old school ive made hash with silk nylon filled with bone dry shake, and beating it on a glass table, and collecting it with a playing card
damn hell hell chi i hear yea on that!!!:)


Well-Known Member
that looks a lot more sativa-ish . . .

don't worry chitown, yours is definitely the most unique.

and anything you cross it with will become a unique strain of its own.