Extremely new grower...


Well-Known Member
hell yeah and just like mutts they're more work but in the end leave you feeling happier that you didn't spend a lot of money on 'em. lol I can get some nice shit for 55 an 1/8 when the dude isn't being weird. Last 2 times i got from him he had straight AK-47 and NL#5xHaze. They were both so fucking yummy!!!! The AK was so strong smelling and tasting, really citrusy but the buds were fluffy, the nl5haze had beautiful dense buds and more of a haze smell and taste but fucked you up like woah! lol


Well-Known Member


i don't know if the video is done loading yet... maybe it is. idk

Sweet gravity bong bud. I love the broken lock bowl lol. Last night i was bored and made a lightbulb vaporizer, but it tasted like shit so I stopped that real fast. lol maybe I can take a pic and show ya if you wanna see.


Well-Known Member
haha I did that like a week ago with the lightbulb.. I get so damn bored and Im such a DIY type of person, I try to modify shit that doesn't need to be modified.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya on being a diy kinda guy. Before i started my grow I saw an already set up hydro system but I was like ehhhh I can make something myself and I came up with the rubbermaid V1, lol