A grow journal, nuff said.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i'm with that willie 3x grows soil/coco/leaves/stalks all have been merged in with the household, i just dont make it to heavy. just put it out when there gonna collect so the cats dont split the bags (and shit in my garden while there at it little twats lol)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I'm not a believer in all that heat sig getting you busted. Maybe if you've got 4000 watts in an uninsultated loft but not with a 600 in a tent. You've just gotta use ya loaf and not put a tent in front of a window that can be seen from the street and if it can put a blind up. it aint rocket science lol an emersion heater in an airing cupboard would give the same heat sig or even a shower cubicle. I could be wrong though.
I went round my mates last night and i just wanted to sit in his room for an hour, god i miss it
man i know i ran a 600 in a tent in a bedroom for a year n a half and never batted an eyelid. the mrs shit her knix everytime she heard a chopper. she has a career at risk.

i know what you mean man i'm missing it like fucking crazy. need to get me new house sorted fucking pronto but its a nightmare man im seriously considering moving out from the mrs for a year

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i dont know why everyone worrys about gettin rid of there plant waste. just put it in a bag then in your wheely bin. the bin men dont check the bins, especially if you live on a rough estate......fear of gettin a needle in ya hand. trust me on this one.
my plant waste goes into bubble bags or the honey oil tube, the stalks my pal takes and puts into vodka or whiskey. dead leaves go in the bin its the rootballs that are the issue. pror to the airpots i just broke the coco up sieved the big roots and re used it. the root mass in the airpots is so dense ive just been black bagging them and finding an appropriate skip


Well-Known Member
man i know i ran a 600 in a tent in a bedroom for a year n a half and never batted an eyelid. the mrs shit her knix everytime she heard a chopper. she has a career at risk.

i know what you mean man i'm missing it like fucking crazy. need to get me new house sorted fucking pronto but its a nightmare man im seriously considering moving out from the mrs for a year
mate thats why my misses dont want me growin!!!! her career is at risk aswell its fukin BOLLOCKS!!!!!! i was thinkin of movin out aswell lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man its either go stealth LED's ozone generator = completely stealth in a loft, its just the initial outlay for the LED's..

or rent a second flat, im leaning toward havin my own pad back again. thing is to make it worth while with the outgoings your talking a big tent or a room minimum. 20 + shame you dont live closer id go in with ya haahah


Well-Known Member
You don't need to go that far Don, just get some decent insulation and make sure your carbon is new and replace it every harvest wether it needs a new one or not.

Alright Ras mate how was aruba? I thought your missus had given you the old spanish archer

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
The 1st pic is of the ssh that is starting to look more like a decent plant, the other one is still a peice of crap. the 2nd is a group shot, it looks like i'm gonna have 2 sat dom JF's and one ind dom, the ind dom is flowering faster than all the others.
I'll repot the clones today if i can be arsed, they need it. it was only 16 days ago that i cut 'em, i'm pretty pleased with how quick they've rooted
ssh looks kanny wicked youve bot both phenos too

aye i hear what your sayin bout the insulatiuon but im not going to drop a couple of G's on doing out a rented house. might not have to soon anyway think the mrs might be moving out. but its not deffo yet, and no we are still together!

happy growin lad


Well-Known Member
Thats looks beautiful Fred, me jealous? too fuckin right lol i bet its getting smelly in there
I still dunno what Don was on about tho


Well-Known Member
When I've got a minute - probably after the World Cup, I'll take a proper look through your grows Oscar. Thanks for the link to your thread bru.

Have a good one.



Well-Known Member
When I've got a minute - probably after the World Cup, I'll take a proper look through your grows Oscar. Thanks for the link to your thread bru.

Have a good one.

Cheers mate, quite a few of the pics in here aint even mine. When the site got overhauled the pics got jumbled up i think lol if the thumbnails are at the bottom of the post they're mine. Only a few of the older ones are affected tho.

I still dunno WTF Don was on about, fancy shedding a bit of light on it Don? SSH????


Well-Known Member
Had another view through the journal, oscar lovely work in here, some real fat donkey colas on show as well...

So how does it feel not growing compared to growing? Has the, "whats that knock on the door syndrom gone?"......

mr west

Well-Known Member
only the lonely kno wthe way he feels tonight, only the lonely knows this feeling just aint right. There goes my baby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: there goes my heart, there gone for ever blah blah blah blah :joint: