A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Had another view through the journal, oscar lovely work in here, some real fat donkey colas on show as well...

So how does it feel not growing compared to growing? Has the, "whats that knock on the door syndrom gone?"......
I used to have that feeling mostly when i was chopping stuff down coz i'd stink the entire house out, when i got my cheese cutting it was even worse lol. i ordered a takeaway once and realised what i'd done so i sat in the car for an hour so i didn't have to open the door to him and meet him on the front lol.
I'm bored in the evenings now, even after i'd fed em i would still sit there looking at em. the worse thing is that i can't smoke atm either ffs


Well-Known Member
I used to have that feeling mostly when i was chopping stuff down coz i'd stink the entire house out, when i got my cheese cutting it was even worse lol. i ordered a takeaway once and realised what i'd done so i sat in the car for an hour so i didn't have to open the door to him and meet him on the front lol.
I'm bored in the evenings now, even after i'd fed em i would still sit there looking at em. the worse thing is that i can't smoke atm either ffs
Employers with drug tests?...bloody liberty!? My best mate was a Sales Director in Lehmans (before they went tits up natcho) and before he went for the job he got with them first he stopped smoking as he expected a drug test....yet he was still banging the ching up his nose based on the fact it cleared through his system quicker!! Crazy really. Worse thing is, he doesnt smoke now and bleets on about how MJ is the worse drug of them all as it takes away ambition. Needless to say I only meet him once a year if lucky.....

How long you got to wait before you can smoke?


Well-Known Member
Yep thats right company drug test FFS i can't even have any privacy in my own feckin blood/pee stream lol
its next wednesday but i aint smoked for 4 weeks, 5 by next week, that was enough last year
ex smokers are the worst kind of cunt lol


Well-Known Member
Yep thats right company drug test FFS i can't even have any privacy in my own feckin blood/pee stream lol
its next wednesday but i aint smoked for 4 weeks, 5 by next week, that was enough last year
ex smokers are the worst kind of cunt lol
Sounds like you'll be right.....good on ya, 5 weeks. Most I do each year is three, if we go away on holiday that long....man the dunt you get from your first smoke, you'll be like a school kid again....almost jealous (as I said, almost, lol)

Party at Oscars on Wednesday night?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
sounds like a plan D! u bring the bong (seen the pic of ur bad boy) i should consider myself lucky then, i smoke with 2 of my bosses no mdt's at my work lol. i wouldnt mind a little clear out of the system but dont know how long i'd last lol


Well-Known Member
Just to let you know, there is FUCK ALL happening in this journal.
I shoulda done some outdoor action to keep my hand in
Its the best hobby, so rewarding in every way even when shit goes wrong and you have to sort it.
I miss it.

mr west

Well-Known Member
ive been like that recently, I look at all the threads that get action but can never be arsed to write anything lol. I think i only log in out of habbit most days lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye ive been thinking a bout a cardboard box in the cupboard lol just a cfl single plant job lol i know me tho thered be 20 in there before i knew it.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna do some outdoor but i didn't get round to it. I know how to grow now so i'll be able to have decent weed whenever i want but i'll need a few months notice lol its good to know i can do if i want. Its just getting cuts thats the hard bit, mine are in (hopefully) safe hands so if i need em back i can get em. I've had some pretty tasty genes, cheese is my fave tho, filthy skunk it is=) blues and psychosis are quite similar, i think blues has a stronger stench imo

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol, i canny tell the difrence tween am all specialy after a few lol filthy skunk indeed, filthy dirty slutty skunk lol.