the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
these poped really quick still wating on the other 4 but its only been 1 1/2 days going to put them in the dirt probly tomorrow


Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
they were under 80 watts of old school fat t12 bulbs bro.... cool white.. the t5s were cool white to....

and dr. greenhorn. i cant speak on the tropics cuzz im not from there or grown there i know the sun is more intense there, but here i have zero issues with putting plants out in the sun at any time... i got plantas few days old from seed started outdoors doing fine, and clones that were clones first few weeks into bloom and housed under floros in the ground and doing fine....
I guess your sun and my sun are different too, huh?


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4287805]lol yall just needa drop that whole indoor to outdoor shit.[/QUOTE]yea i think thats a good idea hahahah

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
one last point before I back out cause I know the Chi has something to say....

but my question is..... what is the number 1 rule when hardening off your plants and bringing them from the indside to outside? ...put them in a shaded area. not a rain or wind protected area, but a shaded area. I wonder why is that?? hmmmm.... nuff said.


Well-Known Member
one last point before I back out cause I know the Chi has something to say....

but my question is..... what is the number 1 rule when hardening off your plants and bringing them from the indside to outside? ...put them in a shaded area. not a rain or wind protected area, but a shaded area. I wonder why is that?? hmmmm.... nuff said.

me and retro dont get along so he is against me period... all im saying is ive never lost a plant to the sun... ever!!!

and btw my clones are doing fine still!!! no burns from floro to sun

and my clones been getting shitted on with rain since day one and the rain is not gonna let up till after tommorow... even the seedling are fine but there irrelevent to the point since they got started outside...

i dont really harden off anymore havent for some years since i realized i didnt have.. least not to the sun... its always good to start indoors for 3-4 weeks with some fan mocked wind before you put out to ensure survival... its all good that yall care extra hard to harden them and shit... i just dont have to.. i fi can do why cant yall?


Well-Known Member
also no more beans will just be givin out.... sk or otherwise.. you gotta dick ride extra hard to even have a chance of getting some... lol j/k about the later

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I understand dude. but I am telling you the reason to hardening off. it's all G. you don't have to harden if you don't want too. you're not gonna get arrested if you don't. :hump: LOL...had to get that last bit off my chest. :D

you asked about the seedlings earlier. I haven't checked on them for about 10 days. been to busy working from dawn to dusk. as soon as I get a chance, I'll check it out and let you know the status. I assume they are doing good. they looked good the last time I checked on them. :D

....and it still wont let me rep ya! :wall:


Well-Known Member
I understand dude. but I am telling you the reason to hardening off. it's all G. you don't have to harden if you don't want too. you're not gonna get arrested if you don't. :hump: LOL...had to get that last bit off my chest. :D

you asked about the seedlings earlier. I haven't checked on them for about 10 days. been to busy working from dawn to dusk. as soon as I get a chance, I'll check it out and let you know the status. I assume they are doing good. they looked good the last time I checked on them. :D

....and it still wont let me rep ya! :wall:

you didnt have to tell me that i know people do that shit.. they dont gotta though... anyway good luck doc


Well-Known Member
lmfao . . . . .

anyways I'm about to go do a shitload of work on the garden today to get those bitches in tomomrrow!!!

btw I got 2 more strains . . . . AK47 (you know I had to get a sativa in this year . . . woulda been indica overload otherwise!) and Sweet God.


Well-Known Member
well i planted 4 sprouts today i decided to start everything off in smaller pots than i normally do and see if that works better for me and 2 other seeds poped open but dont know if they are the aurora or the afghani:mrgreen:
also the blue cheese clone looks like its going to make it heres a couple of pics:eyesmoke:
