Put on a Headband and take a seat! CaL's HB grow journal...


Well-Known Member
I'll stick around. I like RIU, but I'd like us users to have more control over the privacy settings for threads and posts. Beeing able to "hide" a certain post only visible for friends and thread starter as an example or "private" threads only friends have access to.

I've been doing my continous Bubblegum grows like that, cloning offa the best clone, but this time of year I can veg in the window so I had a lot more veg area to utilize. Ima make ton of clones from Katjie then chop her, that's final! Update comin up ina minute!
Problem being is that the software they use (most of these sites will use Open Source software as well) and the rights and privileges that can be given......

But yeh, that functionality I think is available on RIU you just need to pay for it. Elite Rolling Society (it's not that expensive either as far as I am aware)


Active Member
Ice, check! 2 pillow cases, check! bucket, check! trim, check!

edit: Bubble hasch, check! Gonna smoke this (bout 1gram ;)) tomorrow when I wake up!!!


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
no man keep ya thread imo :) i know i'm only lurking but i do catch up with ya thread bro :) hope ur good? liking the progress reports :)


Active Member
Looks good Cal....hope it smoked nicely.
It was definitely on the "hasch top 10 list" I've smoked. Tasted so pure and w a heavenly aroma + I got sooo fkn baked :blsmoke: Definitely worth it but I bet if I had the right gear I coulda gotten twice or trice as much...?!


Well-Known Member
It was definitely on the "hasch top 10 list" I've smoked. Tasted so pure and w a heavenly aroma + I got sooo fkn baked :blsmoke: Definitely worth it but I bet if I had the right gear I coulda gotten twice or trice as much...?!
thats the prob with the pillow case, you get stuff caught in the seams...so yeah prob double...maybe more. It's worthwhile if you are growing to invest in the 5 litre bubble bugs if you are a small grower (plenty big) I think the link is in Mr West's thread, I was trying to find it...will keep looking


Well-Known Member
Try reading through the journal......there are plently lovely pics that I can see....just not on the last 3 posts!
i got mad respect for this guys grow , and you as well dst. But from page 11 to the last page i found only two pictures. lol. Dude ... did your camera break?



Well-Known Member
i got mad respect for this guys grow , and you as well dst. But from page 11 to the last page i found only two pictures. lol. Dude ... did your camera break?

See that where you are doing it wrong....I am only on page 5 and each page has plenty of pics...more posts per page setting! Users Panel....settings....etc.


Active Member
is this like ... a no picture journal? wheres the headband bro?

Haha...I never thought I'd hear I got a journal w out pics, there are 70+ pics in this thread I think...?! Knock urself out! ;)

i got mad respect for this guys grow , and you as well dst. But from page 11 to the last page i found only two pictures. lol. Dude ... did your camera break?

Thx man, the grow is going on nicely! As D said, it depends on how many posts/page ur displaying! There has been pic updates like twice/week through this grow. Have fun going through the thread, plenty of pics, not all super but there are plenty of pics :mrgreen:



Active Member
Hey D, I'm thinking of starting 12/12 on the clones in a matter of days. After last day of HPS + afternoon sun in the window made them grow pretty much but as I saw West say the "Cheese don't yield good as single cola plant", looking at the HB I'm thinking the same...Scrog is out of the question, don't have time to fill a screen so I'm just thinking of some LST action bending the tops?! Brb taking a pic, this 1 is also for that other guy who wanted moar pics ;)

Here they are:

Oh, and btw...remember the first clone I took, May 16 I cut it.

Bout 10 days into 12/12, 1month since I cut it :mrgreen: Topped!

Here it is next to the BIG woman!

Katjie alone...also topped!

//How bout THAT update? Pc ;)


Well-Known Member
Im gonna read through this whole grow later.Im growing blackjack right now from nirvanas bank but im almost through flower and planning on doing headband for my next grow. on attitude the description says that headband is 100% medical and not too overpowering. Do you know exactly what that means? im gonna be lookin through ... lol. Im ready for the pics :" D



Well-Known Member
Im gonna read through this whole grow later.Im growing blackjack right now from nirvanas bank but im almost through flower and planning on doing headband for my next grow. on attitude the description says that headband is 100% medical and not too overpowering. Do you know exactly what that means? im gonna be lookin through ... lol. Im ready for the pics :" D

i think with the headband it depends on what cut, but all have that cerbal high buzzing effect, with a nicely grown bit also giving you an upper body stone as well. I would say it is quite a heavy hitter all in all. I also have a blackjack running. My last one will go into 12/12 this weekend, but after that I am stopping with it. It produces well, nice resinous buds, but doesn't pack the punch of the HB, or the OG Kush either, another of my faves.

Take it easy,



Active Member
Hey Cal, courtesy of mr West, throw the pillow cases awy, invest £18 on a set of small bubble bags, you will not regret it!!!
Thx man! When the time is right...

Got the lil ladies tied down for bout 36 hours now, been re-aranging the tops as the have turned upwards and tomorrow I will re-center the plants. Gonna give them 2-3 more days to "bush up" then start 12/12 on them. They seem to love the bondage...dirrrty beetches ;) Atm they are in the window basking in the afternoon sun :mrgreen: Time to make some more bone meal to be sprinkled on top of the soil. Heather who is in week 4 or 5 12/12 and some 6+ weeks in veg has only been fed nutes ONCE at 1/4 strength and that was 10 days ago! She still don't look like needing anything x-tra.


mr west

Well-Known Member
[youtube]/v/g0uiY-jDkzs&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
If those are 12l buckets then the width in your grow space mucst be similar to mine. Like the tie downs. Finished Thelma in my thread...yummy. Have a good Saturday night Cal.

peace bru, DST


Active Member
If those are 12l buckets then the width in your grow space mucst be similar to mine. Like the tie downs. Finished Thelma in my thread...yummy. Have a good Saturday night Cal.

peace bru, DST
The blakk square pots are 12l, the blue ones are 11l and the red is bout 9l Only the blakk that are pots, the other buckets I bought at type Wall mart store and saved me half the $ but I had to drill some holes myself ;) They just started their first 12h night, gonna be fun to see how these tied downs gonna turn out...Heather hasn't showed any baLLs or nanners for some time now but I'm still beeing on watch!

Nice song Westy! :mrgreen: