1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

mr west

Well-Known Member
LOL sounds like u had another eventfull weekend Don mate, I aint had one like that for many many years. Me and the princess had a nice quite one and were going to seee my grandad tomoz wth my dad down in the big shmoke lol, shes never met my granddad b4 in the 3 years we bin dating lol. Should be fun but lol ::joint:>>>>>;)


Well-Known Member
well i somehow managed to make it to work on friday still pissing beer sweats out left at 3 went straight on the lash ended up going to watch it at one of those screens in time square jobs, hammered several stellas into me so they would let us in without giving them the beer. only to find the fucking screen was so piss poor i went n watched it at home.

honestly i could have painted bits of rice, shat them up a wall and it would have looked better than their screen.

got inh had a massive jakey sent my world west. dont remember the match. when the mrs turned in i was laid out in a suspect puddle onn the sofa ( turned out to be sick but mostly cider lagery bile ) the floor standing speaker was on the floor sideways with a big dent in the wall and a great scratch up the fucker.

the mrs is not impressed but was up whiteyin into a bucket from 6am to 9 so isnt kicking off too much. top it all off someone knocked a pint into her face last night and she got an abrasion on her cornea, seriously 1 night away from me and we both end up a state, the staff at the walk in center were surprisingly simpathetic usually when you go in with a rink related injuiry they're right berks.

im literally covered in bumps, cuts and bruises from 3 days on the lash i really need to cut down. but thats like asking nelson mandela to stop being black when the suns out in the toon

hope everyones having a better weekend than me!
Sounds like every penny well spent, Donny, ahahahaha...good skillz.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
today is the first day ive felt normal in a week. im definately off the booze for a while probably till this after it being fathers day...

i need to get a grow going before i become a fucking trainwreck. and i think ive near sorted a plan. cant give details probably wont even show photos. but im getting on it ASAP

have fun daaarn the big smoke westy man and to everyone have a good fathers day be you father, son or celebrating a memory( not the holy ghost) :lol:


Well-Known Member
back in the saddle boys :)
You are talking about growing right? Woo that is great news man.

It is hilarious how willy asked you if your blitzed.

i think England is going to take the Slovenia game. They are only going to get better, all the players getting more and more used to of playing with each other.

Fucking North Korea Game, they got butt fucked, LOL probably what the rest of the world was wishing for.

Really happy that Mexico made it to the next round. Uruguay kicked their game up big time. Ref from the Mexico-Uruguay game was so far the best ref I have seen in this world cup, I wish all the refs were like him.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
11 bubblegum
10 exodus cherry cheese

got on and popping last night!! honestly guys i havent slept that well in months it was like my life was back in order it was some serious deep shit moved in my soul hahaha

yeah im going into the game today with an open mind i think the mental state of the team will be the make or break of them, terry got a blasting for speaking out, rooney is a hot head but we'll see joe cole should be back and hopefully gerrard will get his finger out his pikey arse.

urugauy were pretty good last night tho they missed a shocking sitter, i believe the commentator actually said 'miss of the tournament' haha

wonder how orange gary linekar will be by today???

mr west

Well-Known Member
congrats on the poppage Don Don mate. So u staing put for 16 weeks then don? Im not looking forward to the football laters lol, shit or bust an i recon we gonna bust out everywhere. Id love to be proved wrong but its englnd and even if they get through to the knock out cant see us doing much more than that playing agianst players who want to play football and enjoy their craft.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude i said we'd be out by the quarters haha i reckon brazil are in with a shot the argies and as an outside bet ze germans

the french have done nothing but prove they are nothin but cheese eating surrender monkeys!

and no im not staying put im moving house twice ;)


Well-Known Member
Is there a football match on today? We beat the Aussies last night and thats all that matters.
Good news on the growing Don, well done mate

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn straight mate i missed it like fat chicks need cake.

yeah england are playing at 3 bells ( if you can call it playing ) slovenia who have looked actually pretty good so far.


Well-Known Member
good stuff mate. ive got the rest on store in my freezer. gonna grow a few more reg seeds soon to find another male. breed some diff seeds.

i was thinking about if pollen would still be good if you posted it somewhere???? if so people could cross strains via post. imagine that

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have a confirmed male psychosis deep purple male, but urd know that if u read my thread lol Im gonna be collecting the super spluff dunt u worry boys.