PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun


Well-Known Member
Carbonated water is carbonated with co2 (carbon dioxide). The roots need oxygen so I don't think it would be wise. On the other hand I have heard of people folar feeding they're plants with carbonated water because the plants leaves take in co2 for photosynthesis. It's suposto be a cheap easy way to give your plants extra co2.


Ok I just hit a aint that bad but I could use your help on what to do. In my opinion it is time related so the sooner i fix it the better I'd say.

So in one of my disposable beer cups, i planted 1 seed and it sprouted, but the strange thing is, it has NO weed leaves, just those 2 oval looking green ones and its been like this for some time. and out of nowhere today, there is a SECOND plant growing next to it, that seems to have much faster better development. What do I do? If you need pics or want pics of all my new plants which Im now calling The Plantista Family, let me know. Thanks again! j, smoke itttt


Well-Known Member
I've seen seeds produce only cotyledons (seed leaves) and sit for months.

Occasionally, after a week, or a month, they put out a shoot.

Two seasons ago I had one sit for three weeks before producing TWO shoots. It ended up male, which I used as a father for some seeds.

Your second shoot may very well be from the one seed.

Pot is an amazing plant. It will do a lot to survive.


but they are literally half an inch from eachother. what if 1 turns out to be a female and the other a male but by then its too late to separate them?


Well-Known Member
You should grow them seperately for that exact reason, you may end up with one male and one female. Plus the fact the roots get tangled.


Here are my new plants. Id say 2 weeks old from actual seed in dirt day, to now. Let me know if you think they need more or less water.

This one here(second pic) is the one that just sprouted insanely fast right next to a not so healthy plant.



Yea i just checked on them today, and put 1 pint worth of water amongst all 4 just to keep the watered because heavy rain is forecast for my area.


Well-Known Member
They are looking pretty good, maby a little streachy but good none the less. How much direct light do they get a day? As for transplanting, your probably good for a little while yet, especially with the ones in the coffee cans.


A day i honestly dont know. I just know that i put them in the spot of the yard where at the first peak of morning sun, they get that, then about 30 minutes of general shade from a tree...then direct sunlight till about 7.



Ok so the 2 survivors of my intended 5 plants are looking decent. They got a little fungus problem but the Neem Oil seems to already be taking its effect on that, and I just got little insect pellets to spread around the perimeter. Check out the photos and give opinions!

QUESTION: I put my plants on one side of my yard so that they get sun from sunrise, up until around 12, I move them to the center of my yard, then around the evening, I move them to the sunset hit side and they get all that sun until like 6:30 to 7 pm when my tree's block it all. Is this ok for my plants? Or should I leave them in the center and just let them get used to that? Check out the pics and see how they're doing. OBVIOUSLY, one is a lot nicer than the other.

Heres my snake...just for sharing.




QUESTION: I put my plants on one side of my yard so that they get sun from sunrise, up until around 12, I move them to the center of my yard, then around the evening, I move them to the sunset hit side and they get all that sun until like 6:30 to 7 pm when my tree's block it all. Is this ok for my plants? Or should I leave them in the center and just let them get used to that? Check out the pics and see how they're doing. OBVIOUSLY, one is a lot nicer than the other


Well-Known Member

QUESTION: I put my plants on one side of my yard so that they get sun from sunrise, up until around 12, I move them to the center of my yard, then around the evening, I move them to the sunset hit side and they get all that sun until like 6:30 to 7 pm when my tree's block it all. Is this ok for my plants? Or should I leave them in the center and just let them get used to that? Check out the pics and see how they're doing. OBVIOUSLY, one is a lot nicer than the other
Ive heard of a lot of people doing this, i believe its fine as long as you don't shake the plant too much or drop it. But lucky you! you got a nice sativa I'm jealous. I really want a nice pure sativa, but it always seems like i get indicas and mixed sativa/indica.