Germination methods


Well-Known Member
i have become a fan of the cracking method merely because i am a very impatient individual. chip shell then germ in paper towel normally and i have a tap root almost a 1/4" long within 18hrs.


wtf? ..........
What he means is that you need 10 seeds to get a percentage of 30. You can't have 30% of 5 seeds because you're dealing with increments of 10% per seed. For a percentage of 95, you need at least 20 seeds because you're using increments of 5% per seed. 30% of 5 seeds means that you're virtually cutting seeds in half and that doesn't add up (30% of 5 = 1.5 seeds germinated, 95% of 5 = 4.75 seeds). The only way you could do that is to do multiple trials and take averages to get those percentages. Yes, this is anal but just an explanation.
What he means is that you need 10 seeds to get a percentage of 30. You can't have 30% of 5 seeds because you're dealing with increments of 10% per seed. For a percentage of 95, you need at least 20 seeds because you're using increments of 5% per seed. 30% of 5 seeds means that you're virtually cutting seeds in half and that doesn't add up (30% of 5 = 1.5 seeds germinated, 95% of 5 = 4.75 seeds). The only way you could do that is to do multiple trials and take averages to get those percentages. Yes, this is anal but just an explanation.
just to clarify..i was using estimates as i really couldn't be arsed workin out the ACTUAL percentages..merely a guideline to show how successful i believe the soaking method to be. i am about 3 days into flowering now and they look/smell great! now to find the males and axe em'

phenix white

Active Member
really thats cool1 so youd say to me for my attitude precious seeds to use which metghod?
held a bit of an experiment there to see for myself which germination method worked best..i used 3 methods for my current grow:

-paper towel method (30% germination)
-pre soaking in glass of water (95% germination)
-just plain planting in soil (0% germination)

the best method i found was the pre-soaking in a glass of water and left in the dark for 24-48 hours. at first all the seeds floated and i thought that they were screwed (because of the float test) but i left them anyway and within 36-48 hours they had all sank. not all the seeds had cracked their shells but i took them out after this time and planted them. nearly every seed from this method germinated and i have lots of healthy seedlings now. :hump: