Started Flowering Today. They are 28 Days from Seed! Getting Pumped!


Well-Known Member
If you have white hairs, you still have growing to do. once the hairs have turned red, no more white then start monitoring the trichomes. 50/50 will give you a nice blend in highs.



Well-Known Member
I need a magnifying glass! But I can still see the trichs are still white.. maybe another week or 2 and ill start flushing.


Active Member
i need one baby isn't looking too good...might have to harvest her early...i had a second light fall on the plant...bumming me out! Approaching week 8 of i will also plant my second NYPD plant...i think i'm going to only do 3 weeks of veg, and go right into 12/12


Well-Known Member
GOt any pics of her? She doing any better bigL? I have about a week or two left then its time to hang her up!! Thing is she doesn't smell a bit?? That can't be a good thing? My lst plant is doing awesome! I'll post pics soon


Well-Known Member
My short rider didnt smell, but i have cured the remaining buds for 20 days and now there is a smell but still doesn't smell like weed. still good smoke though.



Active Member
GOt any pics of her? She doing any better bigL? I have about a week or two left then its time to hang her up!! Thing is she doesn't smell a bit?? That can't be a good thing? My lst plant is doing awesome! I'll post pics soon
Dude....I been going through some rough times...I have about 4 branches hanging upside down right now...that same light fixture fell 4 times already onf
The plant...broke branches and all...the top still looks mint...but the middle looks bare and the bottom still is full...bummed me out a bit...but she is looking ok...I'm at work now...will take pics in a few hours...
Week 8 of flowering is weds...I will then go into water only and harvest next weds.


Active Member
as you can see...i had to put a stick in the soil and tie her because she had a crazy michael jackson in smooth red tape is used to support one of the branches when the lamp fell on her...trying to maintain....the buds are super sticky...and it seems like the branches i have hanging will never dry and they loose smell day by day...idk how harvest is going to be...hope the buds are good...they look really good and smell sweet!...ima finish this blunt and the yankees are down 6-0...terrible...but i'm high...night guys
just checking shit out and mannn your plants are looking goooooooood...i had a ??? im in week 2 of flowering and i got white hairs growing every where not a hole lot but u can see alot of it but i noticed a couple of the white hairs the tips turned redish and are curling up and im only in weeek 2.. is this normal or do i have a problem???


Active Member
na...i don't thhink you have a problem...i mean...i'm not an expert...but the hairs do turn reddish...sounds like you got a should start seeing buds within the next week or two...any pics bud?


Active Member
Yea...I started giving her water only for this week and next...then I'm going to cut her down...last night I rolled up another blunt and it smelled good, I took a puff without lighting it up and the taste was amazing but when I lit it up...there was no taste and the high was mild...I was really upset...I hope my entire grow is way better...


Well-Known Member
do you have a scope? Maybe it's just not ready yet. Are you looking for more of a body high? go for 50% amber. if you go with all milky you will get a head high that might not please you.



Well-Known Member
hey bigL, do you plan on curring her any? Ima do it for a few days atleast, thinking that may help her out some. I got bored the other day and made me a temp growbox, seems to be working pretty good for right now! My LST plant is looking killer, ima veg it for another couple of weeks then throw it under a new 400hps i just got. The baby plant is some killer purple, a GREAT bed buzz :) ...ITS FRIDAY FOR ME BICTHES!!bongsmilie:eyesmoke:



Active Member
Letitgrow...yes...i'm def. going to cure my girl...especially after what happened yesterday...i smoked the buds i had hanging up!...and they were amazing! one of the best smokes i've had! Couldn't believe it since i smoked the other ones and got no taste...curing is def. the way to go...i had the buds hanging for 3 days and i put them in a glass jar i got from for 24 home from work yesterday and rolled up!...sticky as shit still but this time i had a strong smell...i knew it would be some good i've decided to harvest this weds. she;s ready to go! I was so souped to come tell you guys about this...


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah bigL!! I wanna see a pic of that bud! How much you think you'll get off her? My 12-12 turned male on me yesterday which sucks, but its getting easier to toss when I find males. I still have about a week before I harvest my big girl, can't wait!!!


Active Member
lol...too late man...she's in the her away and afterwards i was kicking myself in the ass for not taking a pic...i am hoping to at least get a ounce off of her...there are alot of buds and the bottom buds are just as good as the top...much thanks to you on that because if you look at the from when i first subscribed to this thread, you told me to get rid of the foil and get more lights...and every since then the bottom has been looking sweet!...i'll actually bump that ounce up to 2 oz;s...i'd be happy with that for my first grow...remember people....dry for at least a week upside down...then take all the fan leaves off and cure(put in glass jar with airtight lid) the buds for at least 48 hours before yhou start to cheat and smoke bday is on the 5th so i want to be smoking something by then...


Well-Known Member
Nice dude. And I'm glad I could help ya out a little! I'm not sure how much Ima get but I'm hoping for atleast a oz..that would kick ass! I have a few branches that look a little over 50-50 on color and was wondering what would happen if I cut it off? Any advice?