Midwest Medical Grow - Soil & Indoor


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Ok well I did FIM on the bagseed plant just to see how it works out, I am kinda scared to do much training cuz im still really new to this so we will see how I did :D


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[Day 48 Update]

I fed them yesterday and did FIM on the bagseed plant. All new growth is really green and healthy, The seedlings are under the MH now so there is a size comparison for you (they are in 16 ounce party cups). They are all doing really well with the food they just eat it up so I gave them all 100% recomended dose of Grow Big + Superthrive. (ofcourse the seedlings only got plain water with superthrive, seedlings 3 out of 4 are a little burnt from the hot ffof soil they are in)



New Member
Ok guys - Today looks like its going to be the BIG day for 3 of the girls (hopefully girls) - Today Lemon Skunk Will Go into Flowering along with the two sweet tooth in the green pots -

I have to make this important decision I hope to hear from you guys - I am going to run the flowering lights at night so its cooler - when the lights are on at night the room never goes above 80 - they have currently been under 18/6 and 4:30AM untill 10:30PM IS the MH 1000W light they have been under...So I am going to run the HPS lights at 12/12 from 10:30PM untill 10:30AM to help with temps I feel its important -here is my choices, DO I:

A) Put them under the HPS at 10:30PM when the HPS light goes on and the MH GOES OFF which would give them 30 HOURS OF LIGHT before the first 12 hour dark


B) Put them under the HPS at 4:30AM when the MH VEG light goes off so that they get 24 hours dark

I am reading a lot about this and it seems a lot of people recommend option B even some very credible sources but also a lot of people disagree with option B at the same time..thoughts?


New Member
Well the deed is done - 4 plants going into flower under the lumatek digitil 600W super lumens w/Super Hortilux bulb - first day of flower 6/20 for lemon skunk, bagseed, and the 2 sweet tooth in the green pots.

My mothers are gunna be Vanilla Kush and the sweet tooth in the black pot.

I will update soon

Btw here is how I did it

MH 1000W VEG 18/6 - Was on 4:30AM till 9:30PM - Changed timer to 6:30PM till 12:30PM - so they get an extra 15 hours of light and then will be on 18/6 with the day being at night for cooler temps now - hopefully it doesnt freak em out to bad with a new DAWN.

Lumatek 600W - The flowering plants went under this light which is 7PM to 7AM so that means they get an extra 6 hours of light today and then will be under 12off and 12on. All these have gotten roughly 40 to 50 days of veg time. (some 40 some 50). They are about 20 inches in height each with the bagseed being about 16 maybe. They all have preflowers currently without pistol but I beleive they will all be female, we will see hopefully within the next 10 days or so.

Still going to be feeding only grow big for another 2 weeks or we might start flowering nutrients tueday we are likely going to use sensi bloom for first 4 weeks and then add molasses after the initial first 4 weeks.


New Member
wow the plants in the hps light seem like they really want to get their freak on, ive noticed some growth at the nodes already (keep in mind i am incredibly drunk typing this) dey luv that red light 4 sure


New Member
eh well my patient set the light timer wrong and the hps light ran for about 36 hours straight. gunna be about 48 when all is said and done...so I guees we have a longest day of the year type simulation oh well lol


New Member


[Update Day 52]

We are on day 52 of veg - the two sweet tooth in green pots are on day 1 of flower they are 52 days old, Lemon skunk and Bagseed are 40 days in veg and have also been put into flowering.

Flowering with SUPER HPS hortilux 600W. Lumatek digital SUPER lumens (supposed to be 30% more lumens then normal 600W ballast) Love this light setup - never buying a magnetic ballast again.

The Pic with blue hue are the veging plants, 4 young seedlings and vanilla kush - the largest plant in the veg is a sweet tooth that I will use as a mother as this is our most healthy sweet tooth plants...these mature plants are roughly 30 days worth of healthy growth (remember vanilla kush stunted for a good two weeks).


New Member
Well there is no definitive signs of sex just yet but I am pretty confident that they are all females...All plants are growing rapidly, I feed them with 3L of water w/ 2 TBLSP of FOX FARM BIG GROW in every other day now because the pots are drying up really quick (this is actually slightly more than recommended dose but they all love it just fine and are healthy and green , we have high temps lately 75F to 90F and the plants are also bigger just sucking it all up...I finally tested out the PH of my nute solution and we are at about 5.8 so its been perfect.

A) The seedlings appear to have a pretty bad case of gnats, I am going to get AZAMAX likely tommorow as my research is showing that gnats can kill seedlings but are somewhat harmless to adult plants...I think its quite possible all the pots have a minor case of gnats but the seedlings are really bad as when I water them gnats scatter everywhere, I put a pest strip right up against the seedlings as they did not have one before :\

B) Im worried they wont start flower as we have somewhat of a lightleak - the seperation from veg to flower side is with a tarp and there is light escaping that very lightly illuminates the flower side for the first 6 hours of its dark - We will be adding another tarp to block more light but I don't want to do this untill we add another exausht to the flower side because this is really going to put a hamper on our ventillation. It is still kind of up in the AIR how we are going to handle this; one option is to ofcourse add another tarp and additional ventillation to the flower side, On the other hand we are considering just putting all the lights on 12/12 for now and constructing a veg cabinet that will use fluros and then eventually buying an HPS conversion bulb for 1000W MH or perhaps just making the cabinet large enough that it could handle a 1000W MH.....We are also taking into consideration using a completly different room for veging all togather. It is also being considered to just pack away the 1000W light for another grow another day because quite frankly it pulls way to much electricity because its a magnentic hunk of junk and getting a t5 setup for the vegging in a cabinet. The thing pulls out just over 9AMPS of electricty while our HPS digital 600W is only pulling 2.75AMPS.

C) The Bagseed that I performed FIM on looks to have at least 4 main colas now

D) I spread all the plants out so they have more breathing room then in my last pictures, they have about 10 inches inbetween them now, Dont know why I had them so crowded before.


New Member
Ok well here is the 'light leak' - this is the tarp we use to seperate the sides, there is one big gap to the right side and then the big gap up top, the gap up top is because as you can see the exaust is only on one side so we wanted to share this exausht untill we add another one.....

so do you guys think this will be a prob, should they start flowering? Notice where the light is hanging its about the same ont he other side..

View attachment 1009758


New Member
Ok much construction going on working on stomping out the heat and also the light leaks....

1)We added an industrial fan from the grow shop its INLINE like 1200CFM and we fitted it to the old exausht, We added a Y bracket at where the exausht enters the room and ran duct work to each side...We velcro'd the tarp tightly to the wall and tommorow we will fill in the top with another tarp cutting a hole in the tarps for the duct work and duct taping around it...

2) We added an additional intake duct , one duct going to each side opposite of the out-take - We intalled the old out-take fan on this intake duct.

3)We have simply tooken down the veg MH 1000W for now and all plants are currently on 12/12 untill we patch up leaks tommorow, at that time we will take 2 clones to go with our babies in the cups for our veg side and all adult plants will remain in flower.


New Member
sounds like things will be taking off real soon!!!
Cool man, Glad to see someone is still following along....

So they all received 13.5 hours of darkness today so hopefully they start thinking this is the real deal...The timer came ajar out of the plug so the light didnt come on and this was not discovered for an hour and a half. There is no pistols yet although I see some possible ones on the large sweet tooth..Where should I be looking for pistols first at the new growth or at the bottom of the plants?

The middle wall is now TRIPLE layer tarp and it is compeltly sealed so no light leaks at all..the two spaces are totally sealed off and we put the seedlings back under metal halide.


New Member
Day 56 day 1 of flowering

I am going to call this pretty much the first official day of flowering due to all the complications it really is the first time they received 12 or more hours of total darkness. We have begin to flower all adult plants and today or tomorrow we take some clones for the future.

Recap: All plants are from feminized seed except the bagseed: Two of the Sweet tooth are 55 days old, The sweet tooth in the black pot is 40 days old, The Lemon skunk - Vanilla Kush - and bagseed plant are about 45 days old.

Problems we had with plants: The vanilla kush had stunted growth for at least 2 weeks and we did not think it was going to survive its was only 5 inches tall for at least two weeks and then we transplanted it and it took off. The eldest sweet tooth plants both suffered from nitrogen defeciency and one of them had a much more extreme case that stunted it growth so dramatically that the other one is twice its size - This was solved by feeding heavily with Fox Farms Grow Big.

IMAGE_590.jpg Here is the smallest plant, Vanilla Kush. It has an incredibly thick stalk and stems as well as leaves. It is roughly a ft tall going into flowering.

IMAGE_589.jpgHere you can see the work we did seperating the veg from flower side - this pic is taken from the flower side, as you can see its now completely sealed it is layered with 3 pieces of this thick tarp. Each side now has its own ventilation outgoing and incoming and we now have a much more powerful fan.

IMAGE_588.jpg Here is a group photo of the adults (minus vanilla kush who was cut out of this picture. In the back right is the tall lemon skunk our tallest plant she is just a smudge under 3ft in height going into flowering. The one in the back left is the bagseed and the other 3 are Sweet Tooth.

IMAGE_587.jpgA shot of the new separation wall from the veg side.

IMAGE_591.jpg Well here is bagseed the plant that I FIM'd - I am really not quite sure exactly how many tops she is going to have but it appears maybe 6 or 8..but I could be wrong on that, it is at the least 2, what do you guys think?

day56-1.jpg And the seedlings vegging they got 1000W MH all to to their selves, I have been letting the medium dry for an extra long time to kill off the fungus gnats. They are doing good now and all new growth is healthy regardless of the initial nute burn from the soil.


New Member
Well I got two clones from someone locally, I am going to respect the breeders wish and leave this strain name blurred out as he does not want it advertised or given out...this man has been growing for 45 years, It is grape kush crossed with an unknown sativa. I will call it sativex in this log hehe

It has been about 4 days since I watered any plants and 6 days for the seedlings (trying to kill off fungus gnats in the seedlings) - Water and Feed at lights on which is in 12 hours.

I am still only using Fox Farm Grow Big - Flowering Nutes will be started soon.


What do u think of that Vanilla Kush so far? Haven't heard great things about Barney's but anything with vanilla associated to it always catches my eye. Sounds like u caught a gem with that Sativex too.


New Member
What do u think of that Vanilla Kush so far? Haven't heard great things about Barney's but anything with vanilla associated to it always catches my eye. Sounds like u caught a gem with that Sativex too.
The vanilla kush has very very tight spacing with incredibly thick leaves, stems, and stalk. That plant is about 1ft tall and it has a stalk nearly as thick as a quarter at its base...so very interesting veg experience, we will see how flowering goes but I think the yield wont be so great as the leaves are so thick it doesnt get light to a lot of places but the canopy is what is important eh? Very uniform plant and easy to work with thus far. It also will eat up anything I throw at it no problem...I give it more then recomended dose of fox farms and have given it bat guano a few times along with the fox farm ocean forest and no burn.


New Member
Ok well nothing major has happened with the grow really, It looks like the sweet tooth is females for sure now, I am about 85% sure but again this is all new to me its my first real grow...I definitly don't see any balls anywhere and it appears to have pistols in a few places, the tops of all the plants look like they have white pistols coming out at the new growth. We got blessed with a cold night last night and temps have been 70-77F in the room steady for awhile.

I had the kush far from the light so it stretched out a lot so I put it up with the others now and I have pretty much perfectly even canopy about 15 inches from the HPS light, I did this by proping some plants on things..I never have my tape measure with me but I wanna say that the Lemon skunk is nearing 4ft in height. It goes up to my nipple but that's including the pot (im average size man). I hooked up the intake so it is shooting air at a little over 500CFM underneath the plants and then it sucks up into the light and out the roof.


New Member
Subscribed, love the avatar lol
Nice man, glad to have a pro like you a long for the ride.

I picked up this new thing today its called Root Shooters from Jiffy & Advanced Nutrients - going to try some cloning with it tommorow...Supposably it has the rooting stuff already in the cubes and its ready to go you just pop the cuttings in there. It is 100% money back gurantee so that is a pretty bold statement. I will be taking some cuttings, I know I shouldnt be taking them off plants already in flower but its too late for that now lol, They are only a few days in flowering anyway. I will take from the sweet tooth the branches that need to be pruined anyway (the ones that get no light)..