New Member
thats all? cool cool! so with clones, how long does it take for them to start budding?
thats all? cool cool! so with clones, how long does it take for them to start budding?
Im genuinely surprised at the confrontational, abrasive, ignorant attitude many members on this forum appear to display. Surely some good old medicinal herbs should raise you up above that sort of petty 'I know more than you' one upmanship bullshit - it certainly has the power to do this in the right sort of open minded people. Cant help thinking that anyone involved with marijuana who displays a stressy, confrontational attitude has some genuine underlying psychological issues, ones that will not actually be helped by marijuana usage - in fact for issues like this I truly believe it can turn these issues into actual behavioural/personality disorders. Of course, by all means, have differing opinions (it is this which fuels human evolution) - but if you present these in a shitty way and then claim incredulity when you draw a shitty response then you are quite frankly a tool who should really take a long hard look at themselves...oh and give up the weed and get some therapy!
One Love!
PROF MJ sounds like a money hungry whore. Plenty of free info on here. This site has so many journals containing so many different styles of grows everyone can get what they want for free.
"If you cant dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit".
Professor: Way to continue dodging questions with more bullshit and insults in each of your replies. Until you show us a method for harvesting a completed marijuana plant in 43 days, by showing as in write out exactly what your doing, strains, environment, etc., I'll continue to read this thread and your posts as the circus that is so far is. Nothing more than someone pretending to be in the know to direct attention to themselves. Your a fraud and an opportunist. We share knowledge here.
"If you cant dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit".
Thank you Vento, old timmer indeed. These threads get you older by the minute. I'll add a clip from a Boulder, CO rag that will age me a bit and also no doubt inspire more hate mail which we are all having a wonderful time with here.
In addition to Feldman, the event will feature members of the Kottonmouth Kings, who'll take part in a CD signing and may play a song or two, as well as local acts with a connection to the local cannabis scene, including THC and Qballa. There'll be speakers, too -- among them attorney Rob Corry and Dana K. May, who helped put Corry on the MMJ map. According to this 2004 release, Corry represented May in a lawsuit against the Drug Enforcement Administration that ultimately saw the DEA give back gear it had snatched -- an outcome described as "the first time in history that the federal government has returned marijuana growing equipment it had previously seized."
As a bonus, Bookman says, May is "an amazing man -- he used to be a drummer with Joe Cocker and did sessions with Pink Floyd -- and a dynamic speaker."
Fraud, theif, money grubber, lokk at his site, etc. damn learn more about yourself everyday. History is history and things are what they are. I have yet to see the inspiring work of all the haters documented by their real names. A lot of talk but not much more as far as making an impact on this community as a whole. Easy enough to google my name and see the battle I went through with the DEA. Perhaps others would like to share their efforts.
The site as said is new to help field questions from upcoming seminar tour.
Folks don't buy my dvd's for the mystical secrets of growing cannabis in 45 days, they buy for the technical information and illustrations of how "I" layout, design, mother, clone, grow, harvest, manicure, dry, package, and store the fruits of my labor.
Certainly their are very few that can't figure out how to do the same but some people see the value in experience. Where a technique or style used by somebody over an extended time period has had all the kink's and bugs worked out so the wheel doesn't have to be reinvented. Believe it or not there are people that see the value of not wasting time and being able to start out with a high success rate from the first crop. WOW a thousand dollars? The price of a QP, if I can save them the expence of purchasing wrong or uneeded equipment or increase their yield by that QP then they have broke even. What's the big deal? I offer free advice all the time as I can, AND, I also book seminars where folks come to learn in a more intensive cut to the bone format, and personal consulting.
I simply responded to a post someone made me aware of. Frickin lightin up people