Active Member
I would have to agree with Legalizeitcanada!! anybody attempted a setup like this in a closet?
Im no pro but I do know that pvc can be very effective if the right glue is used. There shouldnt be any problems with leaks. Your not even putting any pressure through it. Take your time and be very meticulous when putting everything together. Check for leaks when your done. No problems. Might not be the absolute best you can put together but if used well im sure you could grow awsome plants in pvc tubes. Great for someone with a smaller budget also. Just my 2 cents. Might only be worth 1.doh. i'm a fewl. thanx. now could regular pvc pipe be used instead of sdr-35 pipe with those SDR-35 polypropylene, push-fit, self-sealing with gaskets fittings? or would that not work?
does anyone know, in order to make an inside measurement of 48" how big you cut each side of the octagon.Because I'm going with a1000 watt bulb I want an inside measurement of 54 ".
I figure 2 pie r is the formula or 2x3.14x27=170 inch divided by 8 (# of sides) = 21.25 inches
Does this make sense. Chime in anyone in the know
Has anyone been able to find 4'' pipe in the US. I have been trying to find some and its damn near impossible. I'm thinking about just walking into home depot and asking if they carry it. Their site doesn't say that they have it but you never know.
Is he even answering these threads? I borrowed an idea from him and applied it to my aero ponic boxes, really seems to help as I keep my sealed/airconditioned rootzone less than 68*F and can run the rest of the room at 80*F. great insulation!