A Change from LED to HPS- Path Worth Taking!


Well-Known Member
finally got a camera that would take pics in the light and its actually on a phone which is the really suprising thing to me. the droid from verizon to be specific. it takes pretty decent pics of bud as well, had to test it on some electric purple i got from local clinic. i decided to turn the ballast up to 600w and put the a/c on a alittle higher to keep temps ranging from 76F to 83F. the plants have taken on a better look in the last week or so. i gave them all some of the fox farm grow nutes on friday even if they were still wet from the big flush i gave them. the pre 98' bubba was doing terrible after the over nute i did and was barely able to suck up any of the water in the soil from the flush. it was still wet around the stalk and everywhere else over a week and a few days later. i said screw it and gave it some of the fox farm and it sucked that right up and then moved on to the other moisture left from the flush. i think its root system suffered but is now doing better. i really enjoy the leaves on the plant though as they are almost perfect chronic depictions, except for me burning them and causing them to yellow! it may get topped here in a few days if its growth continues to look healthy. the master kush is doing better and has some noticeable growth over the weekend which is very re-assuring. some branches are out growing others so i may have to get some rock wool cubes and start cloning here in a week or so. some leaves are still yellow, burnt, and curled but its returning to its healthy state that it was before the humboldt nute burn. the oldest LA con kush was doing the best even before i gave them nutes on friday. it was able to recover from the burn quicker then the others and was popping out its new tops in the mid of last week. i tied it down and it also recoverd from that very nicely and may need to be re-tied here in a couple days. now its looking happy and will hopefully keep up its solid growth. its nodes have also became staggered so it will be showing its sex soon. the smaller LA con kush is doing alright. it was slowing its growth and was starting to burn from being nute less so it was happy to get the fox farm on friday. once it got the nutes it started growing again and put out some nice fresh green leaves. compared to its bigger version, its definetely stockier and has tried to put out new growth from the lowest nodes since very early on. its kind of noticeable in the pics but not very obvious. the newest sprout (possible snowcap mix) is very tiny and amazed me when it broke ground with its small size. i think it may be the smallest sprout ive ever witnessed, tiny circle leaves with its tiny first bladed leaves barely showing. since the soil im using is nuteless i also gave it a little of the fox farm to help it along. you can see the fungus gnat on the right leaf if you look hard enough haha. they all took well to the nutes and dried up the soil over the weekend so i gave them another splash of the fox farm and well see if they continue to do well.

i tried putting pics in order, if theyre not then im sorry this new attachment thing is lame.



Well-Known Member
i keep giving them some fox farms every few days since they seem to like it. the growth in the last few days really surprised me and i think i finally got it coming around. hopefully in another month or so i can have a big canopy of the multiple strains and will be able to switch to flower. i still didnt get any rockwool yet so as you can see a top was cut and was left to die...i tied down the biggest LA con kush and its looking good. kind of hard to see in pics. the more it grows the more it will be tied down around the pot, if it continues to work atleast. im sure it will have obvious sign of sex by next week, still think its possible herm. the master is getting better and will be back on track with fresh green foilage by next friday. it will most likely be cloned off sometime before then for a few clippings for my buddy that still has most my original strains. ill try and get some rockwool as well to get some for myself but i still have plenty of time. the pre 98' bubba looks healthier and is perking up its leaves now. i may wait until i know the sex of it before i start topping. for some reason i dont want to tie this one down as of right now but that may change. its a month old so it should be showing sex soon. the smaller LA con kush is doing well along with the newest sprout.

pics- pre 98' bubba, master kush, biggest LA con kush, smaller LA con kush, the unknown, and group shots.



Well-Known Member
everything is doing well. tied down the biggest LA con kush some more and it has shown it sex which is appearing to be female for now. hard to see in pics since theres alot of green in there making it kind of confusing. one of these times ill have to single the plants out and take pictures of them and really show what they look like. i tied down the pre 98 bubba as well as topped it. it has done well from both and is turning into a very nice looking indica plant. picked up some pre 98 bud this week and it was some bomb so if this plant turns out like that ill definetely be keeping it around. the master kush is turning into a big bush and is getting harder and harder to control. the sides of it have there own miniature bushes on them and the middle has all been tied down to get better coverage and increase top number. the groups on each side of the master have been topped and will be cloned next week. the smaller LA con kush and the unknown are both doing alright and are still growing at an average rate. i got some rockwool so i will be cloning next week around this same time. the pics with no light are from thursday night and pics with light are from yesterday.

pics- no lights- pre 98 bubba, master kush, bigger LA conf, smaller LA conf, unknown
lights on- pre 98 bubba, master kush, bigger LA conf, smaller LA conf, unknown



Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, I'm back!! lol

I'd say it looks like that have recovered nicely from the nute burn. They are looking reallly nice and filling out alot. As usual i havn't been aroun dmuch but wanted to stop by and check things out!! Peace buddy TC


Well-Known Member
Hey how it going ? Take out alll take leaves off top of pot .. if u watering and all dead leaves there will make plants sick ... keep it clean .. when u water it make sure watering till the water coming out the drain then stop ... it doesnt matter what plants look like you need to take good care of roots .. as healthy the root is healthy plants is ... when plants get light color it not enough nutes or ph is off .. good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, I'm back!! lol

I'd say it looks like that have recovered nicely from the nute burn. They are looking reallly nice and filling out alot. As usual i havn't been aroun dmuch but wanted to stop by and check things out!! Peace buddy TC
thanks for stopping back in TC! im getting these plants finally coming around and i hope i will have some bushes like you in a few weeks. hows your grow going?? and the move and kid??

WaRpIg- its going alright. better then it was with the heat and the last nute burn. ill take your word for it and move the dead leaves and try to keep the top soil as clean as possible. actually the only time i ever watered them until run off was when i flushed them after that nute burn from when i tried the humboldt county nutes. next watering im going to go light on the fox farm nutes and will give them enough water to have some flow out the bottom. the growth is coming along nicely so they seem to be using the nutes but ill make sure the bottom gets some. thanks for the advice and showing some interest.


Well-Known Member
so about a month after the nute burn and things look better. i didnt water them for a day and a week until i saw them start sagging. during this time a lot of the growth went back to the pale greenish yellow and some starting burning and dieing on the master kush especially. the LA con plants are both keeping the best green in theyre leaves. i watered them yesterday with a decent amount of nutes until each had runoff coming out the bottom. within hours the sagging of the leaves was gone and they were all nice and perky. i hope they will do well with this amount of water to the roots and well see here in a few days if the new growth returns to green like the LA cons. the pre 98' bubba is doing alright and has done well from the topping. the two new tops did stretch to get out of the shade of the large fan leaves but are now getting more compact. the lower growth is also trying to stretch and get in the light which is alright to me since it will eventually be handled to get it to be bushier. the leaves did turn pale yellow again but it never really started to sag from being dried out. i still watered it until it had run off and im hopeful that it will return to nice green growth. the master kush had the most dead growth to be removed this week and it went yellow as well. the top nodes maybe a little close to the light or may just be nute deprived causing the extreme yellow! this one did start sagging which gave me the indicator its time to water. she had a great reaction to the watering and will be growing a bit better in a few days. i need to get some clones off of her too which will probably help get an even canopy. the bigger LA con is doing real good except for some wind stress since its right in front of the tower fan. ive been thinking about switching some around so it can revive before taking on too much. all of the growth from the main stalks are growing up and theres a good amount of tops already. im really liking this plant cause its thick and stalky, which may produce some fat buds. i havent seen any balls yet which is a very good thing! the lower growth is almost catching up and what doesnt get out of the shade soon will be removed either cloned or tossed. some of the leaves inside are dieing so im removing them as i go which is providing nice room underneath for eventful better airflow. the smaller LA con is doing decent and also has some pretty nice green leaves. this was another plant that was showing its need of water and took nicely to the splash of nutes and fresh water. it showed its sign of female sex for now, so i topped it to keep it stockier. ill have to make sure to keep the two different LA cons seperate when i clone just in case one has a better flower. the unknown possible snowcap mix is seeing some stress from the waterless and nuteless soil. its not too fresh and green as it was but has still continued to have some new growth, which means it isnt stunted like the over nute with the plants a month ago. im sure it will due nicely from the watering and will be having speedy growth in a few days. the temps have been rising but stick mainly around 80-85F and the humidity is around 25-30. the light is about a foot about the tops of the master kush.

pics- in order as summary mentioned above. i tried to single some out but didnt work too great, still shows a little better.



Well-Known Member
decided i would finally get a gallon jug and start giving the plants the right amount of nutes. i gave them there first dose today at the normal amount running about 1-3/4 teaspoon. the root sytems have done better and are now sucking the water out of the pots in about 3 days. the watering before last i gave them alittle bit too much nutes and they had slight burn and stress which is visible in the pre 98' bubba. the plants seem to like being watered until run off so i will continue that. i got around to getting all of the necessary cloning gear and hooked it up. im far away from my next run but i want to get some healthy plants going under the LEDs to make sure im ready. i still havent got these ones under the HPS in control but soon enough they will be ready. for the next run it will be multiple clones going under the HPS and will be put straight into flower since they can be vegged to the ideal size under the LED. i took 4 clones of each: the pre 98' bubba, master kush, and the bigger LA confidential. the other two plants, the smaller LA con kush and the unknown possible snowcap mix, will be cloned once the others are out. as of now everything in the closet is showing female pistils but some may have male parts show up in flower due to most being from seed. the pre 98' bubba got some nice stretch in this week so it got tied down. the lower branches grew up into the light but got clipped for clones or topped to help keep an even canopy. it will be nice to see how the pruning turns out in a week or so. the new growth is a better green color then it has been so that it a good sign. it is also starting to drink more water now which shows the root system is getting healthier. the master kush is doing alright and has some nice growth coming in the middle. everything that was tied down is taking off towards the light now. most of it is at the same height now that i got some clippings taken off of the two main stalks. if i can conitnue to get this plant to go green and keep up the growth it should make for a very nice plant and a good producer. theres many tops already and theres a lot of room for leaves and other tops to come up. also is really nice for air flow. the bigger LA con kush is being beaten up by the fan still which is causing it the most stress. it has some leaves going yellow and some burn either from the nutes or the fan. over all it is the healthiest and continues to branch out. i tied the 4 main branches down again as well as took the clippings from some of the taller growth. theres plenty of light into the center of the plant now so in no time more tops shot being coming up. hopefully it will continue to be a even canopy after this pruning. the smaller LA con kush recovered nicely from the topping last week and produced two nice tops. they dont look like they stretched very much which is a good thing unlike the pre 98. it also is looking pretty healthy with only some dieing growth at the bottom of the stalk. when i clone this one ill make sure to mark it a different pheno in case theres a noticeable difference in the flowering stage. the lower branches are staying tucked in next to the mainstalk in the shade so it may help if i tie them down somewhat to help get them in some light. the unknown seed is doing farely well and showed its first hair a few days ago. i really hope this one portrays the stinkyness of the weed i found it in cause it had the super pungent snowcap smell. its looking healthier this week and has some nice lower growth on it starting from its very first nodes. im planning on leaving this one untopped to see how well it produces as a single cola.

pics- as mentioned above
threw in some pics of where they were topped with new growth, over all shots, and some of the cloner/clones.



Well-Known Member
the plants are all continueing their path to healthyness and the big three have taken well to the clippings being removed. most of the tops are within a foot of the light and the new growth will possibly force me to move it a few inches higher later in the week to come. the clones are doing well and havent had much stress or swelling of the stems appear yet. some have root bumps forming but most i cant see since they are in rockwool and its only been 4 to 5 days since i put them in. the pre 98' bubba got tied down a little further since the main stalks started out growing the areas that were cloned from. the areas that were cut have recovered well and the new growth has begun. for now it is pretty level, we will see how it does in a few more days. the master kush is doing better and has less yellow in the leaves. some of the tops are a bit taller then the others so they might get clipped off. the growth was pretty good over the last few days though and shes looking bushy. finally got the nodes to be less stretched and the middle branches to fill in and catch up to the main stalks. theres plenty of light being given to that plant so im sure it will be a main producer if it stays in the same spot. the bigger LA confidential continues to be beat up by the fan but is staying healthy other wise. i can be glad its in front of the fan since its causing some big stems which will be good to hold big buds when the time comes. the tops that were cloned off are kind off falling behind in height with the other tops but im sure they will be able to keep up enough to stay in good light. the growth in the middle is looking better and should be thickening up over this week. the smaller LA con kush is doing well and has two good size tops on it. it was getting taller then the other plants so i removed the book it was on and now its just a bit taller. this will give it time to push out some more of its lower branching which would be nice. the node below where i topped it, is trying to get into the light and out of the shade so hopefully it will make its way soon. the unknown bagseed is doing decent but shows some sagginess in its leaves even though i watered yesterday. not a big deal just something to mention about it. i havent tied it down or topped it so it will be nice to see how well it keeps in uniform height with the rest. ive just recently been throwing around the idea in my mind about getting some netting and possibly putting that up a week before flower.

pics- in order as mentioned above with group pics at end

thanks for sticking around TC! i knew you would like the LED clone set up. glad to see you around still and hopefully youll get around posting your update/harvest pics!



Well-Known Member
What strain of plants are your mother plants and how long have they been "alive" for? l< l< l<
i dont have any mothers yet, since i just took clones two weeks ago and they have just now developed roots out of the rockwool. the clones are under the ufos and will be transplanted to soil from the cloner once well rooted and have started growing. then i will choose a couple of each- LA confidential kush, master kush, pre 98' bubba kush, and eventually a clone of the unknown snowcap mix to keep as mothers. then will figure out which are worth keeping after i flower them.


Well-Known Member
fuuuuuuuuuuck dude that one plant that is tied down looks juicy like a sour patch kid
the three biggest are all tied down but im going to assume you mean the LA confidential that is tied down the most. its got a lot of nice growth on it and has been tied down a lot!! i accidently tied it down too hard and split the middle main stem but it hasnt effected it too much. also happened to do the same thing to my master kush which i didnt notice until the next day. that snowcap mix im hoping turns out like the weed i found the seed in cause it was rock hard nugs with a supppppper potent snowcap smell to it which is something i can hardly turn down. thanks for showing some interest.


Well-Known Member
things got re-arranged and now the biggest LA con is on the right, the pre 98' bubba in the middle, and the master kush on the left. i tied down some more branches and also topped the smaller LA con again. i added a new fan to help with air circulation and its helped the temp stay down a bit. the clones didnt do so well once i removed the dome and most died so i might have to take a few more before i switch to flower. everything is fairly healthy and the bigger LA con is getting back to being less stressed by looks of new growth. the two smaller plants have some droopage that leads me to believe they may have some root lock going on which i may take care of by transplanting to slightly larger pots if i can find them.

pics- from saturday
bigger LA con, pre 98' bubba, unknown, smaller LA con, and the master kush



Well-Known Member
this is last update before switching to flower. last watering i started the humboldt nutrients and will be continueing on their schedule for 9 weeks. next watering i will be giving them their first dose of flower nutrients in combo with the grow nutes. along with the next watering, i will be switching the lights over to 12/12 and will hopefully keep this closet in 12/12 for good. the ballast i have is semi-broken and has tough time starting everday and i cant do anything about it except send it back to HTG and wait till they can send me a replacement. might have to do this once i finish flowering these plants. ill keep some plants in veg under the UFOs and will be able to veg them a little longer if i do send the ballast back. next grow will probably be around 6 to 10 plants vegged for a couple weeks and then stuck into flower. i re potted the smaller plants and took a couple clones off each to keep them around. so now everything is in iits permanent home and all clones have been taken. i stripped all the lower growth off the branches and took the small growth in shade off. should be going to flower sometime in the week to come.



Well-Known Member
these pics were from yesterday, day 11 of flower. leaves are splitting in the tops and the hairs are starting to form. only a couple stretched noticeably. the big LA con isnt doing very well anymore from the split in the main stock and the master kush isnt doing a whole lot better. the others are doing pretty good and have some more flowering growth then the two just mentioned. theyve gotten 2 doses of flower nutes so far. should start seeing more significant growth in the next few days to come. temps are from 65 to 80 F.



Well-Known Member
day 21 flower- some are doing better then others. some hairs are already burning and shriveling maybe from poor soil in bigger pots.



Well-Known Member
day 28 flower- not looking very good on most plants. the two that got transplanted are doing the best. everything got some nutrients and looked real perky which was a good sign. im not expecting very much off this run and am looking forward to the next grow already. the biggest plants are in terrible soil and may have been overwatered severely causing lots of dead growth to occur. i let them dry out until they started sagging before giving some nutes. hopefully will turn around a bit here in the next month to pull some off of them thats worth smoking. the smaller two are doing decent, one better then the other. the better one is in more light and had some bleaching do to being taller then the rest. the smaller one is in the shadows and is still doing better then the bigger plants. the clones are doing good and are healthy as can be. i will be taking a few more clippings and then will move the aero cloner out to give more room to veg the next round of plants. looking to be just over a month until we get these next plants in so they are going to be a nice range of sizes. i swithched over to miracle grow and added a good amount of extra perlite to help for the next grow. in a couple weeks ill introduce them to some veg formula and see how they do.

