Why are all my clones wilted?


Active Member
I just cut my clones last night right before my dark period. Snipped them, dipped them in clonex, stripped off the base fan leaves. placed them in a humidity dome. I wake up this morning and they are still very wilted. I watched quite a few cloning guides on youtube and thats about the extent of my knowledge :-(

should i be concerned?
please advise


Active Member
What are they in?? Rockwool, Rapid rooting plugs, etc?? What is the PH of the water, what is the PPM of the water? Did you add any nutes at all, if so what? Pictures would help as well..


Active Member
What are they in?? Rockwool, Rapid rooting plugs, etc?? What is the PH of the water, what is the PPM of the water? Did you add any nutes at all, if so what? Pictures would help as well..
1) "Sure to Grow" cubes = similar to rockwool just kinda cottony in look and texture (not cotton though)
2) PH = low 6ish
3) Nutes = none
4) Water = distilled and reverse osmosis
5) cant post any pictures

I just went out and got a misting bottle and gave the cuttings a good misting. I hope its not too late
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :(


Active Member
cuttings should be in a greenhouse environment i use plastic bags but they make trays with lids


Active Member
yea i got one those humidty domes from the hydro store. I just also halved some of the larger leaves. I think these things are reviving but it might just be my mind playing games on me.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I take clones weekly for my perpetual grow. Ive used differnt medium and methods and now i keep it real simple.

I use a heating pad, clear party cups and 1 26 watt CFL for light.
I use soil w/ equal parts of perlite and vermiculite. I cut the clone and place in water, cut again at an angle in the water then dip into rooting hormone. Poke a hole in soil and slip the clone into the hole. Mist an empty clear cup and place on top of the bottom cup holding the soil.

The clear cups are great for rooting clones, i wouldnt grow in them for very long but helpful in seeing roots develop without having to mover the stem around and possible damage any tiny rootlets.. As soon as I see roots through the cup i transplant into a 1 gallon container.

I only mist the clones 2 times a day once in the AM and once in the PM. They dont need alot of water, you want humidity so keep the top cup misted and the heating pad on and humidity will be fine. I go 100% with this method and its simple.

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Just give them a couple more days. Don't overeact. I cut 75 clones last Saturday, and the next day about half were wilting. I propped them up with wood kabob sticks, and by the third day they started standing up by themselves. Don't mist them more than one or two times a day max. You want to force them to start taking water up the stalks by themselves. I expect to have 100% success based on the way they look now 5 days later. I also use the heat mats. Make sure your rockwell cubes, (or whatever your using) don't get too dried out.


Active Member
OK... i think I fixed it.

Here is what I did:
1) I cut the stems shorter so that the can actually hold themselves up. (so they no longer look like wet spinach flopped over)

2) I started heavily misting them regularly.

3) I halved some of the fan leaves.

Hopefully this will do the trick. The growth spurts still look healthy. I may or may not reapply the clonex just to make sure they got enough on there. I think the big problem was that the stems were too long and they were bending from the weight of the top and flopping over.

any other advice would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
use a low wat bulb
they are under t5 flouros

OK... i think I fixed it. they look a lot better. The stems i think were too long and couldnt support the weight so they were flopping over like wet spinach.

Here is what I did:
1) I cut the stems shorter so that the can actually hold themselves up. (so they no longer look like wet spinach flopped over). re-applied clonez

2) I started heavily misting them regularly.

3) I halved some of the fan leaves.

4) raised the t5 bulbs a bit

any other advice would be greatly appreciated.