I take clones weekly for my perpetual grow. Ive used differnt medium and methods and now i keep it real simple.
I use a heating pad, clear party cups and 1 26 watt CFL for light.
I use soil w/ equal parts of perlite and vermiculite. I cut the clone and place in water, cut again at an angle in the water then dip into rooting hormone. Poke a hole in soil and slip the clone into the hole. Mist an empty clear cup and place on top of the bottom cup holding the soil.
The clear cups are great for rooting clones, i wouldnt grow in them for very long but helpful in seeing roots develop without having to mover the stem around and possible damage any tiny rootlets.. As soon as I see roots through the cup i transplant into a 1 gallon container.
I only mist the clones 2 times a day once in the AM and once in the PM. They dont need alot of water, you want humidity so keep the top cup misted and the heating pad on and humidity will be fine. I go 100% with this method and its simple.