the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
[quote="sicc";4344961]thats shit is frosty like a mutha fucca :weed:
And it was only under cfl's :eyesmoke:[/quote]

they are rock fucking hard under hps man.... Shit is has dense has broccoli


Well-Known Member
that one sk clone lol it aint looking to pretty..... its on its last leg... i look at it like this.. fuck that bitch ass plant.. it wanted to die from mag. def. all like a bitch even though i treated it with epsom salt.... wasnt worthy of being called sourkush!!! the other clone is doing fucking amazing.. keep seeing rabbits right by it so ima soak some corncobs in viniger and put them around the spot, along with some dog hair.... should be good untill next rainfall
yeah bro, it was too small man.

if it was a little bit bigger it could handle a mag deficiency probably . .. . or vegged under a HPS . . . . one of the two.

either way, the stress of the sun + a bad deficency will pretty much fuck up any plant . . . . if it's small and not ready for it. I had one of my plants come out with a molybdenum deficiency, but it was big and already used to the sun so one feeding fixed it instantly . . . .

anyways I've been balancing the holes and shit . . . a couple holes have a slilght excess of clay I've been fixing up. mixed soil in it last watering, going to mix some more soil into it this watering and that should do it good enough.

probably gonna buy my veg nutes today as well. pics in a few days.


Well-Known Member
Hey ugly, I got a suprize for your brocolli eating monkeyass next week tuesday night.. Stay tuned:cool:

Awesome on the light howak.. Looking forward to seeing that badboy in action!

it better be that money ou owe me on that dice game nigga!!!! now take yo punk ass to the store and get me some poi and crackers... lol j/k i im looking forward to your pics...


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4344942]yo chi checc out this SK i found going bac in this old ass thread haha

all the way bac in February[/QUOTE]
hell yea wish i still had them nugs they were so tasty and would put u on your ass!!!


Well-Known Member
goin to the l;ake this weekend for the 4th of july my buddy just called and said he has 1 oz of shrooms so iam goin to be trippin nuts saturday and sunday hahahahh cant wait goin to take the video cam :)


Well-Known Member
goin to the l;ake this weekend for the 4th of july my buddy just called and said he has 1 oz of shrooms so iam goin to be trippin nuts saturday and sunday hahahahh cant wait goin to take the video cam :)

thats gonna be a good time for sure... i kinda miss growing mushrooms... i still got some p.e.s.h. and half a syringe of coasta rican cubensis i could innoculate some grow bags with.... maybe i will get rid of some old inventory


Well-Known Member
goin to the l;ake this weekend for the 4th of july my buddy just called and said he has 1 oz of shrooms so iam goin to be trippin nuts saturday and sunday hahahahh cant wait goin to take the video cam :)
cool, record somethin cool.

i'm at the lake this weekend too.. or the river.


Well-Known Member
thats gonna be a good time for sure... i kinda miss growing mushrooms... i still got some p.e.s.h. and half a syringe of coasta rican cubensis i could innoculate some grow bags with.... maybe i will get rid of some old inventory
yea it will be fun have not triped in like 2 years !! i was thinking the other day about tryin to get some spores and growinm some cause no one around here gets them my buddy lives in another state.... but wheres a safe place to order some?

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
goin to the l;ake this weekend for the 4th of july my buddy just called and said he has 1 oz of shrooms so iam goin to be trippin nuts saturday and sunday hahahahh cant wait goin to take the video cam :)
damn i havent done shrooms since '99' .. be carefull & be safe yo...


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4350215]Let me kno if you do decide to grow some, i've been wanting to do it for a while now[/QUOTE]
ok i will let u know !! i have been reading up on it alot lately !!! iam goin to see if i can get a spore sample off some of the ones my friend is going to have!! iam leaving real early in the mourning to go meet him to get my trip on !! cant wait got camara charged and ready i will odo a update of the plants when i gjhet back sunday or iot might be monday depends on how iam feellin hahaha


Well-Known Member
I personally thought growing shrooms was a pain in the ass. I originally did it in my current grow room and it always went fine, but as soon as I decided to grow herb in there and moved the shrooms, every batch I had contaminated. Shroomery is a great resource. I actually originally started my journal on their sister site the growery. So if you stumble over there, you can see my grow with Hi-res pics. The name is the same as on here. I still have a ton of spores(penis envy, B+, hawians, and 2 others I cant remember. I can see what is left and look up where I got them, because it was some of the best spores I had ever gotten, large syringes that were completely blace, none of that half clear bullshit. I know Chitown uses bags, but I had much better luck and bigger yields using Mono-tubs. I tried several techs. PF cakes are usually what new guys try, but you dont get shit from them.

Here's my last batch that didnt contaminate. Hawiians Mono Tub