1000w of cfl compared to Hps


having started a purely cfl grow, i am now at the stage flowering. curently and through the veg i have used 500w of cfl ( 2x enviogrow 250w 6400k bulbs in powerplant reflectors) during veg this has worked well. far better if i do say so myself than people i know using purely hps lighting for veg . but as i understand this success is going to be shortlived in the flowering stage. i really would like to do well with this and stick purely to cfls (although the draw to hps for flowering is stong) so have now went 12/12 with 2x 2700k cfls.

noticed though that there are 4 bulb refectors on the market that would give me 1000w of cfl power, i would of course be using 4x 2700k bulbs.

was wondering if anyone could help by providing me with their knowledge, thoughts and opinions. i know from reading theads on here most people are going to say if i am drawing 1000w why not just use hps, but i am committed to the cfl cause.


u can flower a plant using 6500k fine.
Yea sorry, new to this site, still finding my feet here, wasn't ment for newbie section, im looking far deeper into it than that, thanks anyway for your time and effort. If at all your interested in cfls tho you really need to see my pics


Well-Known Member
HPS is way better than cfl's, especially compared at equal power assumptions...let me further explain...
1. HPS lights produce way denser buds than cfl's...
2. HPS lights have a better lumen/watt ratio...
3. HPS lights have a higher gram/watt ratio...
4. It would probably cost less to buy a whole 400-600 HPS system, than to purchase an additional 500 watts of cfl and reflectors...
Only downside would be heat...but 1000 watts of cfl can get hot as well...



hi think i put this in wrong section to begin with have posted it also in "cfl growing".



HPS is way better than cfl's, especially compared at equal power assumptions...let me further explain...
1. HPS lights produce way denser buds than cfl's...
2. HPS lights have a better lumen/watt ratio...
3. HPS lights have a higher gram/watt ratio...
4. It would probably cost less to buy a whole 400-600 HPS system, than to purchase an additional 500 watts of cfl and reflectors...
Only downside would be heat...but 1000 watts of cfl can get hot as well...

addional cost for new refector would be £40 then there would be a further £40 per bulb depending on if i use 3 or 4 2700k bear in mind i have 2x 6400k not bein used just now. as i have said in my other posting on this subject i also intend some side/undercanopy lighting in the form of 3x 20w and 2x 11w cfls total cost for them all in will be £15 all in all should only be £100 for 500w.

i accept that cfls will produce some heat but i do not anticipate any where in the region of say a 600w hps allowing me to get my bulbs far closer to the buds this has worked well as you can see from my pics in the veg process.

as for bulb dencity i dont care bout dencity just that it is goood for a smoke, theese maybe stupid thoughts of a stoner but i would like to continue this process out of my own curiousity.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
keep in mind that hid lights are mich easier to vent because the heat is concentrated and pushed away. with that much cfl the heat is going to be very hard to control because it's going to be everywhere. and hps lights give better penetration frum a greater distance so "being able to put the cfls close" would not entice me. sounds like the lights will eventually crowd the plants with that many watts. and once those plants take off you are going to be adjusting those lights every single day. and you can totally produce some killer smoke this way, but i have never seen a cfl grow that was "just as good" as a 1000w hps. in fairness i don't think i have ever heard of anyone using that much cfl. let us know how it goes.


Active Member
I use just cfls through veg and flower and i enjoy my results.i currrently have white widow and la woman in ther 6th week of flower with 6 5k lumen bulbs they love it!

I enjoy being able to surround my plant with bulbs and move them around.

These bulbs cost me about 35 bux a piece and i buy them from stealthhydro.com

Ltely ive been getting 2700k 4k lumen bulbs from lowes for 16 bux

You will have great bud! It will be fluffy and you may get a bit less but you will be happy with the out come. I was!



Well-Known Member
addional cost for new refector would be £40 then there would be a further £40 per bulb depending on if i use 3 or 4 2700k bear in mind i have 2x 6400k not bein used just now. as i have said in my other posting on this subject i also intend some side/undercanopy lighting in the form of 3x 20w and 2x 11w cfls total cost for them all in will be £15 all in all should only be £100 for 500w.

i accept that cfls will produce some heat but i do not anticipate any where in the region of say a 600w hps allowing me to get my bulbs far closer to the buds this has worked well as you can see from my pics in the veg process.

as for bulb dencity i dont care bout dencity just that it is goood for a smoke, theese maybe stupid thoughts of a stoner but i would like to continue this process out of my own curiousity.

ok right there i found the words that have you hung up! your mainly worryed about heat, and with cfls you can get the bulb very very close without burning so in your mind using the inverse squar law your plants are getting more light with cfls that are close compaired to a hps taht is far away. ok, im not gonig to try to convice you what to use but let me tell you what my 1000 watt hps looks like and im gonig to bet it will satisfy you 100% !
ok down to it. hps bulbs are hot, the way we solve this is to cool them off! the way i desided to do this is by first going to wal-mart and buying a 20 inch box fan for 20 $. i hang this fan by string to the side of my bulb blowing directly on it, the fan is about 1 foot from the bulb. with this fan blowing on my bulb i can touch the 1000 watt bulb with my bare fingers and not be burnt at all. iv had my hair touching it for several seconds and no burn, no pain, no heat. ok, so thats the first step , i havent gotten rid of the heat im just moving the heat away from the bulb as fast as its being generated, the next step is to remove the heat. on the other side of the bulb i have ducting sucking air OUT of my grow area, this sucks out all the heat and my tent stays at about 75-78.

my 1000 watt hps can be about 2 inchs from my plants and im fine. i try to keep it atleast 5 inches so my plants dont grow into the light and they can grow 2 inches on a good day with 1 inch being about the minimum. batwing reflector so the air can move freely.

all that being said i paid 100 bucks for the hps setup , 20 for the fan, 100 for the fan sucking out air and 20 on ducting. so 240 bucks for what i like to think is a very good setup

cfls are ok, and they do the job. i have some cfls flowering a few plants right now in a differant tent, the results of that are ok, nothing great, but they work. i think each of my plants in the hps tent thats are the same strain and age as the cfl tent are atleast 2-3 x the buds and weight.


Active Member
2 inches with a 1000w hps and your plants are fine? Interesting...you must be the luckiest guy I know. Most other plants would have either burned or bleached like mad.


Well-Known Member
2 inches with a 1000w hps and your plants are fine? Interesting...you must be the luckiest guy I know. Most other plants would have either burned or bleached like mad.
yep, i just harvested 3 plants that were under in in the last week. no burn, no bleach. i think it has somthing to do with the fact that i get rid of all the heat..

plants dont really bleach when the heat is ok, the humidity is ok, and they have new air to breath. atleat thats how it works for me.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
2 inches with a 1000w hps and your plants are fine? Interesting...you must be the luckiest guy I know. Most other plants would have either burned or bleached like mad.
i never used that much light, but i do have a 400w hps and the vent job is pretty sad at current. still i am able to keep the plants abut 4 inches from the glass on an average temp day, so i would tend to believe someone who claims that their vent job is so awesome that they can move their plants pretty close, even with that many watts. also before i got the hps i had 390 combined actual watts of cfl/t5 and it was actually a bit hotter in there. not so much the heat coming directly off the lamps because they were pretty close, but the combined heat that raised the overall temp in the room was greater. the lowest i could get my temps on a hot day with the floro setup was around 89. now i can comfortably assume my temps will never go over 83 unless i forget to leve the door open when i leave, and this is only on a scorching summer day. cfls have their advantages, but if money and space are not of much concern i can see no reason to go with the cfl. maybe if you wanted to play with light spectrums to experiment, but even then i would do a little experiment off to the side and keep the hid light for the main grow.


keep in mind that hid lights are mich easier to vent because the heat is concentrated and pushed away. with that much cfl the heat is going to be very hard to control because it's going to be everywhere. and hps lights give better penetration frum a greater distance so "being able to put the cfls close" would not entice me. sounds like the lights will eventually crowd the plants with that many watts. and once those plants take off you are going to be adjusting those lights every single day. and you can totally produce some killer smoke this way, but i have never seen a cfl grow that was "just as good" as a 1000w hps. in fairness i don't think i have ever heard of anyone using that much cfl. let us know how it goes.
not sure if you have seen my current reclector in action but all heat from it appears to be coming from heat vents in the top of them which is easily dealt with through my extaction system. i hope new reflector is the same! fingers crossed! the temp in the canopy stays between 74 and 76.

the same as hps would in all honesty be a fantastic result. i think i have taken this on because to my knowledge no one has thrown this many watts into the flowering process as it is thought that it is not the way to go. my opinion is it will definatly work. so i will get some quality lush green smoke that i have fathered and cared for and that for me will be a result.

hps maybe in the future but my belief and hope is it wont be.


Well-Known Member
addional cost for new refector would be £40 then there would be a further £40 per bulb depending on if i use 3 or 4 2700k bear in mind i have 2x 6400k not bein used just now. as i have said in my other posting on this subject i also intend some side/undercanopy lighting in the form of 3x 20w and 2x 11w cfls total cost for them all in will be £15 all in all should only be £100 for 500w.

i accept that cfls will produce some heat but i do not anticipate any where in the region of say a 600w hps allowing me to get my bulbs far closer to the buds this has worked well as you can see from my pics in the veg process.

as for bulb dencity i dont care bout dencity just that it is goood for a smoke, theese maybe stupid thoughts of a stoner but i would like to continue this process out of my own curiousity.
I don't doubt the bud producing abilities of cfl lighting,
it has just been proven time and time again, that HID is better...
Regardless, I'm confident that a good grower would be able to grow product with cfl's, that is at least equal in quality to those grown by HID's!



I don't doubt the bud producing abilities of cfl lighting,
it has just been proven time and time again, that HID is better...
Regardless, I'm confident that a good grower would be able to grow product with cfl's, that is at least equal in quality to those grown by HID's!

thanks for the post.

guess i am just a stubborn bastard as i've said before. and hopefully i will come up with a result that will encourage more people to push the boundaries of cfl growing as i think hid growing has been perfected and this is not the case with cfls...