leafs 2 diff. colors

Mitsu racerX

Well-Known Member
Sup peeps, Ok this is my first grow in a closet. We started it on a 12/12 schedule a couple days ago. I look at them today and the leaves are two diff. green colors. Dark green on the outside(viens) and light green in the middle of the leaf. Should I be worried. I'm using 6 CFL's(26W, 1750 Lumens). I'll post pics in about 15 minutes....:?
Here's a pic.... Any ideas?
get a better light..are you using any nutrients? looks like its losing color due to being hungry, possibly not enough light either.
i'm on my second week from seed hashberry i'm using sinkwater and the ppm is 200 i add about 5ml of flora micro and the water is at 224 230 i was especting the plants to take more water or more nutes but the ppm tays the same should i add more nutes or just leav it?
I have been using All Purpose Plant Food (NPK=24-8-16), 1/4 tsp per gallon of water. I usually give it around a cup of this mixture every 4-5 days or when the soil starts feeling dry.

I orginally had it under incandescent bulbs. Now I know better. I switched to the CFLs today. Here's some pics of the new setup. It's in a corner of my closet about 2'x3'x5'.


Here's a pic of the top of the plant where the problem seems to be. The lower leaves look normal, a little small but normal.

its extremely stretchy due to lack of light...looks like you have about 3 nodes, yet the plant is over a foot tall! get a new light bro, you wont yield shit.

looks healthy though, if you do flower w/ cfl then get some daylight CFL's.
Would I do better with tubes? I'm not really interested in MH or HPS. I read somewhere that wide spectrum tubes are similar to HPS and great for flowering. Can the soft white CFL's be used for starting seeds or would I do better to drop them and switch to daylight CFL's completely? Sorry to ask so many questions. This is my first grow. I'm trying to do my research. I would at least like to say that I smoked something from my first try.
Would I do better with tubes? I'm not really interested in MH or HPS. I read somewhere that wide spectrum tubes are similar to HPS and great for flowering. Can the soft white CFL's be used for starting seeds or would I do better to drop them and switch to daylight CFL's completely? Sorry to ask so many questions. This is my first grow. I'm trying to do my research. I would at least like to say that I smoked something from my first try.

Some university research labs and commercial flower growers are using T5 lights. These bulbs come in several colors including multi-layer tubes.
"Zinc Deficiencies:
Deficiencies appear as chlorosis in the inter-veinal areas of new leaves producing a banding appearance as seen in figure 18. This may be accompany reduction of leaf size and a shortening between internodes. Leaf margins are often distorted or wrinkled. Branch terminals of fruit will die back in severe cases.
Also gets locked out due to high pH. Zn, Fe, and Mn deficiencies often occur together, and are usually from a high pH. Don't overdo the micro-nutrients, lower the pH if that's the problem so the nutrients become available. Foliar feed if the plant looks real bad. Use chelated zinc. Zinc deficiency produces "little leaf" in many species, especially woody ones; the younger leaves are distinctly smaller than normal. Zinc defeciency may also produce "rosetting"; the stem fails to elongate behind the growing tip, so that the terminal leaves become tightly bunched.


Figure 18

Zinc Toxicity:
Excess Zinc is extremely toxic and will cause rapid death. Excess zinc interferes with iron causing chlorosis from iron deficiency. Excess will cause sensitive plants to become chlorotic. "