Your Grandfather
Well-Known Member
They all get it _ I'm an equal opportunity grower 

YGF, did that one get the micorrizhae treatment?
YGF, did that one get the micorrizhae treatment?
I figured so but I know you are a mad scientist so I thought there could be experimentation going on.
condolences on Bob, I hate when I go to bed with Janet Jackson and wake up with Reggie!
Well I didn't take root pic's so early, but I feel that the root development seems spot on. If you remember back to my root development thread, the earliest pic' I took was at four weeks flower... and there wasn't much more root in my pot than is in yours now.
condolences on Bob, I hate when I go to bed with Janet Jackson and wake up with Reggie!
Tahoe, my brotherthis is a great site with all kinds of levels of sophistication....and practical use UV meters.... Welcome to Solartech ......
that is not funny at all because i live on a park bench.Ewwwwww... yuck, yuck.... Not kewl, at all. I heard that Koosh once woke up on a park bench ....but that is another storyKoosh - I'm joking
Happy New Year you old geezer!!
Thanks for all the help and advice and extras over the past few months, I truly appreciate YOU.
You are quite the resource for RIU.
Man, get your azz up!!
Where ya at YGF, we missing you on New Years day!