soil problem


I just transplanted clones into 6" pots from the plastic drinking cups they came in. I suspect my soil mix is garbage. It appears to be 70% wood mulch and 25% sand and 5% pearlite. I plan to re-pot into larger containers and to use Fox Farms potting mix. Should I hold out and wait until plants grow larger and re-pot in larger container, or remove bad soil and re-pot in same small container?
This is the part where it all happends fast. Youll need to harden it off to life by removeing film and misting plant with good water and 1/4 ferts. Dont over spray, but make sure when it wilts, hit it and it should pop back up. Just light mist.
Clones were transplanted about 14 days ago. Progress has been slow and I also had a spider mite infestation, used 3 in 1 organic spray, this burned them to the point where new leaves are curled and clearly deformed. spray was applied 7 days ago. do you still recommend an innoculant? Is this a product that can be purchased?
Clones were transplanted about 14 days ago. Progress has been slow and I also had a spider mite infestation, used 3 in 1 organic spray, this burned them to the point where new leaves are curled and clearly deformed. spray was applied 7 days ago. do you still recommend an innoculant? Is this a product that can be purchased?

Tomorrow morning, mist the plant till it drips off leaves. Mist with good water. This will help wash off res. from the spray before. Yes innoculant is bacteria,fungi and some amino acids. It will really really help shock and the plant will be able to tolerate alot more stress if it happends. Try General Hydroponics SubCulture-M or Subculture-B. Innoculants do wonders for roots and plants. If you buy some soon, pm me and Ill help you with it.
This is the part where it all happends fast. Youll need to harden it off to life by removeing film and misting plant with good water and 1/4 ferts. Dont over spray, but make sure when it wilts, hit it and it should pop back up. Just light mist.

i dont have any nutes for this grow im just letting it grow until the plastic is not needed then just water it