Evidence of time

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
There is so much evidence of time. Yet we can never perceive time. We can only perceive the now.

and in the NOW... everybody is GREAT.. even george bush


New Member
There is so much evidence of time. Yet all we can never perceive time. We can only perceive the now.

and in the NOW... everybody is GREAT.. even george bush
If there is no beginning and no end, what are yesterdays and tomorrows? Memories and future memories, right? What if I forget, was there no yesterday?


New Member
If there is no evidence of time, why is it that every time I look into the mirror, I see my Grampa looking back at me? :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
then wtf's up with my post count? i didn't do that just now.

if there were no yesterday then we could not live for tomorrow. :)

wait....nevermind. it's all about the now.

man, i'm dumb.


Well-Known Member
lol you guys got me thinking alot
Thinking is the disease, not the cure.

The thinking mind (the ego) is where time is cultivated and grows. The thinking self creates time to fix it's location in, for lack of a better term, "what is". This gives our thinking selves an opportunity to use time to bookmark the present, the only time which truly exists, and spend the bulk of our existence in the past or the future. More specifically, fantasy worlds, in which the eternal (your true self) self has no power.

Turning off thought (yes, you can) yields the true experience of time. It's happening now.

Read "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now: A Guide to ... - Google Book Search

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
If there is no evidence of time, why is it that every time I look into the mirror, I see my Grampa looking back at me? :blsmoke:

Oh dearest vi, there is lots of evidence. What is missing is the actual perception of time. But the eveidence is abundant. Say hi to your grandpappy for me.



Well-Known Member
Oh dearest vi, there is lots of evidence. What is missing is the actual perception of time. But the eveidence is abundant. Say hi to your grandpappy for me.

I really appreciate how you openly express you love for everyone.....it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.....but not in any kind of gay way at all.....not that there is anything wrong with that :)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek ephēmeros lasting a day, daily, from epi- + hēmera day
Date:1576 1 : lasting one day only <an ephemeral fever
2 : lasting a very short time <ephemeral pleasures

i had to look it up :)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
then wtf's up with my post count? i didn't do that just now.

if there were no yesterday then we could not live for tomorrow. :)

wait....nevermind. it's all about the now.

man, i'm dumb.

your post count is eveidence of time

there was a yesterday.... what makes yo think there is NO yesterday?

did you forget about it?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
you told me there was no yesterday. only the now.
oh, I apologize.. there definitely was a yesterday.. i have memories and some pictures...

I am looking at them right NOW.... well of course cause that's all there is..

RIGHT NOW i am apologize sincerely for my poor communication regarding the denial that yesterday existed... and yet I must tell you that all there is, is the NOW... and NOW I am looking at pictures of yesterday.. whcich clearly existed...

which remind me.. i need to make an appointment with you NOW to come see you next week... :hump:



Well-Known Member
what i do now will effect me tomorrow.

there's always tomorrow. :)

someone once tried this on me. the whole "live for the now" thing. i get it but i think it's more being aware of the now and live for the life. you have to take in the yesterday, the now and the tomorrow to be in the now to begin with. what i do now is determined by what happened in the past and it will effect the future. so now i type this and await for the future when you will respond then i can read the post you posted in the past.

that's all i got for "now". :)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
someone once tried this on me. :)


what did they try on you...

You don't have to try to live in the now.. it is impossible to live anywhere else..

BUT you could blur your perception of the now by using the past and the future to interpret the NOW...
