Should Women Go To College? (A Christians Perspective)

The Potologist

Active Member
I had to read the title a couple times, just to make sure I was reading what I was reading. Should women go to college??? Seriously, I dont even think its worth awnsering this question, but for the sake of WOMEN ( no I am a MAN) I will voice MY opinion which is about HUMAN RIGHTS....NOT RELIGIOUS RIGHTS.

YES, Period. End of story.

From a christian point of view? Thats a funny statement/question. First off, IF there is a god ( I think most people fail to respect that ITS A FAITH NOT A FACT) HE WOULD WANT TO BLESS EVERYONE. NOT JUST THESE ONES OR THAT ONES, BUT EVERYONE. MORESO, he would want people to be come educated. But then again, Im not God or Jesus, I am just me. BUT until Jesus SHOWS US OTHERWISE, I CHOOSE TO BE A REALIST AND NOT A ILLUSIONIST!

Jesus, the Jew from Nazareth spread messages of Hope and Love. How hypocritical of "GOD" to only want to give hope and love to these ones but not those ones. GET REAL!!!!!

However, I choose to respect those Billions of Gulliable people that believe in something that they cant see, cant prove, yet believe it...OH IS THAT WHY THEY CALL IT A FAITH?


P.S. Before someone says it.....JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT BELIEVE IN A RELIGION OR A GOD, OR A FAITH, BY NO MEANS DOES THAT MAKE ONE IGNORRANT, OR BLIND, OR MISINFORMED, OR UNINFORMED!!! That saying of what works for you might not for others is true. I am happy for those that have faith that there is a all knowing, all powerful God. However, Im not one of those, and I dont have time for fairy tales. I have one life to live. No body can prove we get another. So in the mean time, I am living life. Not a faith based religion. AMEN!!!

The Potologist

Active Member
So I came across this earlier. It's the testimony of a young Christian woman advocating other young women should spend their time doing more traditional Christian things and not getting a higher education. Read this, the people I talk to about this stuff say Christianity is not responsible for the way these people conduct themselves on a daily basis and it can't be held responsible for a few nutty believers, yet she cites Biblical passages justifying each decision she makes.

The teachings and dogma of the religion itself are responsible for the way people like this behave in our society. It's responsible for science and education taking a backseat to spirituality and feelings, indirectly costing the lives of people across the globe. I don't believe that can be denied. It's as clear as day with Islam but you actually have to do a little digging to see the reasons why Christianity is bad for someone - and - not surprisingly, Christians don't see it.

Anyway, here's the article, I'm gonna pop in and post some commentary when I think something should be pointed out.

After I graduated high school in 2007, I was faced countless times with a very common question: “Where are you going to school?” College is such a cultural “coming of age” and a “rite of passage” that few ever considered the possibility that I would not be stepping onto a college campus sometime soon. They did not ask, “Are you going to school?” or “What are your plans now that you’ve graduated?” No, assumptions made, the question was “where.” It was to the disgust and confounding of many that I answered “nowhere.”

Why Aren’t You in School, Young Lady?

Many things came into play with my decision not to take the traditional route to post-secondary education; the question above was one I pondered for quite some time: 1) what did I think about college, and, as a young woman, with my aspirations, 2) would I be attending. It was an ongoing discussion between my parents and I, and I had a massive paradigm shift from, as a little girl, yearning to be an Ivy League graduate, starry-eyed over a certificate I got from Duke University after my standardized test scores, to, as a sophomore in high school, daydreaming about becoming a UCLA or NYU graduate who made Shyamalan-esque films, to, as a junior, researching schools with a much more Christ-exalting curricula, to as a senior, deciding to do away with the typical college experience altogether.

First off, since college is a form of furthering one’s education, I had to consider what the purpose of my education was: as a Christian, I believe that purpose falls in line with my ultimate purpose: to glorify God and enjoy him forever. (OK, right off the bat, everything we know about modern science and medicine contradicts Biblical teachings, so right away education gets a strike) I wanted all levels of my education to be effective in equipping me for that calling. There were several things that made me shy away my my UCLA and NYU ideals; one was a five point sermon my dad’s been preaching to Trey and I since we entered high school:

  1. Most BA degrees aren’t worth the paper they are written on. (says pastor Dad, bet all educated people on Earth would disagree with that)
  2. Four years is too much time to waste. (not on a valid education)
  3. $80,000 (room&board/state school) to $250,000 (room&board/Ivy League) is too much money to spend. (again, not on a valid education)
  4. College is not for everyone. (I actually agree with this)
  5. Most universities are philosophically antagonistic to Christianity. (no, that's bullshit. Most universities are philosophically inclined to teach the truth, facts, not Biblical bullshit. Just because all the facts go completely against Christianity and that's what the universities decide to teach does not make them "philosophically antagonistic to Christianity")
Click here to read that entire article.

American colleges today aren’t what they once were, and with the amount of time and money poured into young peoples’ education today, I think the results being offered are, most often, subpar. (you get out of a college education exactly what you put into it) Young men and young women would benefit from taking a long, hard look at the way post-high-school education is conducted in America, making decisions, not based on the status quo, but on how to be a good steward with the time and the gifts that the Lord has given them.

But Don’t You Need a College Education, Just in Case?

Just in case I don’t get married -just in case a parent dies -just in case my husband dies -just in case he becomes disabled -just in case I have to work…

Just in case scenarios have their validity -if they did not, I would not be a firm believer in life insurance, car insurance, and home insurance -however, we must be careful never to base our decisions on fear, but on the precepts of the Word of God, and the leading of our consciences in accordance with His Word. (God will help you through any "just in case" scenarios you might face, if you just believe!!)

If it is your desire to flourish in the home environment, I want to encourage you: it is not impossible to make “just in case” plans that don’t include a college degree… it just takes a little creativity, a lot of foresight, and much prayer.

So What Would you Do Instead?

The first two years after I graduated were spent under the tutelage of my parents, helping my mother with the household duties while working full-time for my father as his research assistant. If people asked me what I did for a living, I’d probably quip that I was the all-purpose household and office assistant/brother-wrangler/sous-chef. I was still learning (at that time, I was researching for my dad’s latest book, which gave me an opportunity to read a variety of resources from a host of different perspectives regarding biblical manhood and womanhood) from both of my parents, particularly from Mama, because I had ample time to tag along and take notes.

Towards the end of that two-year period, we found an alternative to the traditional college route that allows me to still be just as involved with my family life, and I am now enrolled in an online degree program called CollegePlus! I’m an English major, and am able to pursue my passion for literature and writing at home while shaping and pursuing the other passions in my life. As Daddy pointed out in his article, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to education (which, as homeschoolers, is something that we definitely know). Doing college this away affords me the opportunity to continue to live at home under the protection and discipleship of both of my parents, as well as to be involved in my family life in a unique way that I believe many college-age gals are missing out on. (protection and discipleship - I don't believe that's what it is at all. This girls parents are scared to death of their daughter going out into the real world and seeing it for herself. They're scared she'll learn how to discern reality from what she's been taught her entire life and she'll separate from God. These people think it's sin that does it, when in reality it's just the truth and honest inquiry. Educated people lose religion all on their own, once you reach a certain point of intellect, you have to either remain religious or become honest with yourself. You cannot be both, and her parents know that and want to keep that from happening)

I think a lot of times, though, women who make decisions like I have get painted into a corner. I know many people have assumed that my daddy won’t “allow” me to go to college, when the fact of the matter is that my educational path was a decision that my parents and I made together. (I'm certain she honestly believes this, but it isn't the case when they've been indoctrinating her her entire life, she does not have the ability to make an independent decision at this point without asking "well what would God want me to do?" "well what would my parents want me to do?". This decision was made long before she ever reached graduation) I’m a sophomore in college now, credits-wise, and my parents and I have talked about the possibility of me getting a nouthetic counseling license once I graduate, or taking advantage of a fully-accredited online doctorate program from a Reformed college. I am working on writing my first book, based on my blog, and will have to complete the manuscript a bit before the deadline, as I’ll be traveling for a month with my family in Africa this August while my dad ministers there.

Not every daughter who chooses to live at home is going to have a life that looks just like mine, but what I’m trying to demonstrate is that when I talk about “stay-at-home daughterhood,” I’m not talking about sitting at home and watching the paint dry until Prince Charming comes along. There are limitless opportunities for ministry and productivity at home, if we will only take advantage of them or make them for ourselves.

So Do You Think Young Women Should be Educated?

I must say that I do not equate the question of whether or not a young person decides to go to college with whether or not young people should be educated; when asked the second question, my answer is an emphatic yes; I simply don’t believe the only or the best way for a young person to be educated is on a college campus. Depending on their chosen career paths, young men as well as young women would often do well to cut out the time-consuming, money-guzzling venture that the traditional college education is. (alright, but what is the point in pointing this out if the vast majority would do far better by attending a university and earning an degree?)

As to the specific question of whether or not I believe young women should be educated -and, further to the point, as well-educated as their male counterparts -yes, I do believe they should. (they just shouldn't go to college to get it...) We are in the midst of a culture war -as Christians, it is our duty to be good stewards of our minds, applying them to learning the truths that can advance the Kingdom of Christ. This can be done in a structured school setting, but it is not at all limited to that sphere -in this day and age, the only limitations to your education are your imagination and your drive to learn.

Do You Think Everyone Should Live at Home Like You?

All I want to do is to encourage young ladies to rethink their presuppositions not only regarding education, but in regards to the aspirations that your education leads you to.

However, I can share with you, as a young woman, some of the reasons I decided against going off to school. It was more important for me to remain under the protection of my father and the discipleship of my mother than it was for me to travel cross-country to sit under the discipleship of others. I believe my primary calling is towards my home, and there is no other place I’d rather be, here in my family’s home for now, and, Lord bless, someday running a home of my own and educating (indoctrinating) my own children. I had no desire for a career that would take me away from that sphere. (gee, wonder why...) I believe that a Christian home is the best training ground that young women can be afforded, and that the safest place a young woman can be is under her parents’ authority. (straight up delusional, and funny because the entire post before that statement says the opposite..)

For too long in our culture, parents have been training their daughters in the exact same way that they train their sons, launching their female arrows to go through life the same way their male arrows do. Fathers have been abdicating their duty to protect their daughters, mothers their duty towards discipleship and guidance. Young women have not only lost their femininity, but they’ve lost their desire for the biblical role that the Lord has called them to. (pretty sure the Bible is pretty sexist when it comes to equal rights and treatment for women...) We no longer want to be wives and mothers, and we no longer realize the power of that calling. As a result, many of us no longer realize what a unique time in our lives this can be, not only to take advantage of our ministry to our home and families, but the minister to others through that sphere.

There are so many other questions that come up in the college discussion, but, lest I write my book in the course of this post, I’ll close with this: there’s honestly nothing I can say that I’d rather be doing than living the life I’m leading; I am always free at any time to discuss alternatives with my parents, because their goal is the same as mine: to be a good steward of the gifts, passions, and callings that the Lord has placed on my life, and to become a true woman of God. My home -my family -was custom-made by the King of Kings for me; I’m blessed to have this unique opportunity to learn from them and bless them and to be blessed by them.

I’m a stay-at-home daughter because I believe this is the best place for me to be (rofl, you are a stay at home daughter because your parents are Bible pushers bent on indoctrinating their kids into the cult of Christianity, just like you plan to do to your own kids, you know nothing else), and because I enjoy learning and thriving in a real-world environment (LMFAO!) that affords me opportunities to minister and to be ministered to in ways that I never could be living out on my own. That’s a decision that I’ve made with the full blessing of both of my parents, and it’s a decision that has blessed the rest of us in turn. I do pray that other young women are able to have these fruitful conversations with their parents as well, and to make wise, Christ-exalting plan for their futures!

So safe religion can be..
WITH NO DISRESPECT, It is my honest opinion that " THEY ARE ALL NUTTY. NOT JUST ONE OR A TWO, OR A GROUP OF 30. EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM IS NUTTY" Geroge Calin quoted it best in my opinion, again :" What an absolute utter waste of life, RELIGION" Moreso, I dont think it takes a genius to see that, religion has one direct impact and attempt: CONTROL. Granted no country currently follows THE EXACT LAWS OF THE BIBLE, ITS GENERAL GOAL IS JUST CONTROL IN GENERAL AND IN SEVERAL MANORS. Mental control first and formost, Moral Control, Currency Control, HOW to live every last second of YOUR LIFE CONTROL......I really dont think the list honestly end either!

I am personally not a fan of using statistics, however here is one of those very sad sad FACTS about religion : If you were to take every person that died from AIDS, A HEART ATTACK,AND CANCER IT WOULD ACCOUNT FOR LESS THAN 3% of all the fucking people that DIED or WAS MURDERED IN THE NAME OF A RELIGION.

So, Is this "GODS" Idea of Love and Hope or is RELIGION SERIOUSLY NOT THE RIGHT FUCKING ANSWER. Obviously, education is. Sadly, I have no hope that humans will accept reality and put religion where it needs to be. IN THE GARBAGE. OR ACTUALLY FOR FUCKS SAKE, WE SHOULD TEACH IN HISTORY CLASS, in hopes that future generatons can learn from how DUMB humans can really be, and to always put religion where it needs to be.

PEACE, LOVE AND HAPPINESS <---------Good Place to start. I personally think thats a much better idea to spread than religion.


Well-Known Member
WITH NO DISRESPECT, It is my honest opinion that " THEY ARE ALL NUTTY. NOT JUST ONE OR A TWO, OR A GROUP OF 30. EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM IS NUTTY" Geroge Calin quoted it best in my opinion, again :" What an absolute utter waste of life, RELIGION" Moreso, I dont think it takes a genius to see that, religion has one direct impact and attempt: CONTROL. Granted no country currently follows THE EXACT LAWS OF THE BIBLE, ITS GENERAL GOAL IS JUST CONTROL IN GENERAL AND IN SEVERAL MANORS. Mental control first and formost, Moral Control, Currency Control, HOW to live every last second of YOUR LIFE CONTROL......I really dont think the list honestly end either!

I am personally not a fan of using statistics, however here is one of those very sad sad FACTS about religion : If you were to take every person that died from AIDS, A HEART ATTACK,AND CANCER IT WOULD ACCOUNT FOR LESS THAN 3% of all the fucking people that DIED or WAS MURDERED IN THE NAME OF A RELIGION.

So, Is this "GODS" Idea of Love and Hope or is RELIGION SERIOUSLY NOT THE RIGHT FUCKING ANSWER. Obviously, education is. Sadly, I have no hope that humans will accept reality and put religion where it needs to be. IN THE GARBAGE. OR ACTUALLY FOR FUCKS SAKE, WE SHOULD TEACH IN HISTORY CLASS, in hopes that future generatons can learn from how DUMB humans can really be, and to always put religion where it needs to be.

PEACE, LOVE AND HAPPINESS <---------Good Place to start. I personally think thats a much better idea to spread than religion.
id like to see a credible source for any statement you made. as for control, this is only half right. maybe we should all start murdering, stealing, cheating, yea the world would be a much better place. the bibles goal isn't control, its a guide on life. yea its full of crap, but ounce you get past the crap, there's some good stuff in it. bankers have a hell of a lot more control in this world then any religion ever did, i dont see any one bitchin about them.


Well-Known Member
You can't possibly believe that. People are just misguided, not crazy. Some of them are crazy, the ones that believe they hear voices from God, or the ones that believe their prayers get answered, they delude themselves to the point of actually believing it. Is that crazy? In my opinion, it's not, and any one of us are just as susceptible to it. Today, it's become something we have to overcome, a step up, above standard, elite in a strange sense. In other words, it's hard to take a grown person seriously, about... anything, who still believes in imaginary friends, you know what I mean?

Geroge Calin quoted it best in my opinion, again :" What an absolute utter waste of life, RELIGION" Moreso, I dont think it takes a genius to see that, religion has one direct impact and attempt: CONTROL.
Control - agreed. Organized religions goal is, and always has been, control of the masses through psychological means. They say what's moral, we act accordingly. You go against the church and up until recently it was either a death sentence or the equivalent in mandatory exile or house arrest. Only with western philosophical ideas brought upon by the enlightenment and the age of reason and dominance of science over traditional religious beliefs has reason prevailed. And in that relatively short time, look how far we've come. Even with the shackles of religion holding humanity down we reached the motherfucking Moon in less than 400 years! Imagine where we'd be without it...

Granted no country currently follows THE EXACT LAWS OF THE BIBLE, ITS GENERAL GOAL IS JUST CONTROL IN GENERAL AND IN SEVERAL MANORS. Mental control first and formost, Moral Control, Currency Control, HOW to live every last second of YOUR LIFE CONTROL......I really dont think the list honestly end either!
Once again, I pretty much agree. Religion has dictated almost every aspect of our society. Don't get me wrong, the ideas organized religions plagiarized from earlier cultures and common sense (murder is bad - duh...) make western society great, and I don't take it for granted, but religion is not the cause of the way our society operates, merely the result of basic human nature. I argue we'd be equally as moral of a society if we were purely atheistic, without any educational basis or scientific foundation for morality, and far more moral with one, while remaining atheistic. Yet we retain all the educational and scientific evidence of why we should be moral in our current society, the only difference with actual reality and the ideal atheistic one in the previous example is that in this one religion remains. The very thing that's job it is to dictate our morals for us is the same thing that causes the most damage. Good joke...

I am personally not a fan of using statistics, however here is one of those very sad sad FACTS about religion : If you were to take every person that died from AIDS, A HEART ATTACK,AND CANCER IT WOULD ACCOUNT FOR LESS THAN 3% of all the fucking people that DIED or WAS MURDERED IN THE NAME OF A RELIGION.
I'm not sure where you got that statistic, but in my opinion, religion is the largest direct cause of death among our species, all things considered.

id like to see a credible source for any statement you made. as for control, this is only half right. maybe we should all start murdering, stealing, cheating, yea the world would be a much better place. the bibles goal isn't control, its a guide on life. yea its full of crap, but ounce you get past the crap, there's some good stuff in it. bankers have a hell of a lot more control in this world then any religion ever did, i dont see any one bitchin about them.
As was mentioned, religion is the result, not the cause. We don't steal or murder not because some religion told you it was wrong, but because we know it's wrong, instinctively, and it isn't beneficial for our species.

The Potologist

Active Member
id like to see a credible source for any statement you made. as for control, this is only half right. maybe we should all start murdering, stealing, cheating, yea the world would be a much better place. the bibles goal isn't control, its a guide on life. yea its full of crap, but ounce you get past the crap, there's some good stuff in it. bankers have a hell of a lot more control in this world then any religion ever did, i dont see any one bitchin about them.
YES, I do believe that CAUSE ITS THE TRUTH! Considering we are encouraging, or even for ones self to believing in religion, IN MY OPINION, makes one a tad bit nutty. NO NOT PYSCHO CRAZY, just not wrapped all that tight. I AM A REALIST, NOT AN ILLUSIONIST! I cant imagine the insanities that justify someones beliefe in a RELIGION.

Control is only half right? GET A CLUE!!! If your blind to the REALITY, THE FACTS, THE UTTER TRUTH....Then I am not so sure I care to make you a believer in REALITY. Nobody did it for me, but I dont need a consensus to show that even those that believe in RELIGION ACKNOWLEDGE the CONTROL DEFACTO. For example, the AMISH. Or hell Conservative "Christians".....What was that about control?? Only half right? Right....again....GRAB SOME REALITY BROTHA!

Like something more credible than a bogus book called the bible? SERIOUSLY? The very next line you tell me Im half right. HISTORY DOESNT LIE!! NO IN REALITY ITS THE TRUTH! I NEVER said starting killing and yada yada. I am not PROMOTING ANARCHY, BUT I WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT THE PROMOTION OF A RELIGION for all of the worlds awnsers. Bankers having control???? NO! Granted they may have some but fundamentally it all started with relgious beliefs to institute control through many de factos.

I DO NOT PROMOTE VILOENCE IN ANY MATTER. ESPECIALLY RELIGION BASED OR INFUSED VIOLENCE! I am a Naturalist, and a Organic Believer. I believe in the FACT of preserving this planet earth. Its not ours, never will be, and I care to preserve so future generations can dwell on this planet. The things that have some control in my life, I LET...cause I have a choice. Just like religion, its a choice...nothing god send!

I do also wish to restate what I thought to be very important. Peace, Love and Happiness<-----Good Place to start. Far less people have died in the Name of Peace, Love and Happiness. AND, BEST OF ALL, ALL THREE OF THOSE ARE REAL FEASIBLE OBJECTS THAT ONE CAN ACTUALLY OBTAIN IN SAID LIFETIME!

The Potologist

Active Member
You can't possibly believe that. People are just misguided, not crazy. Some of them are crazy, the ones that believe they hear voices from God, or the ones that believe their prayers get answered, they delude themselves to the point of actually believing it. Is that crazy? In my opinion, it's not, and any one of us are just as susceptible to it. Today, it's become something we have to overcome, a step up, above standard, elite in a strange sense. In other words, it's hard to take a grown person seriously, about... anything, who still believes in imaginary friends, you know what I mean?

Control - agreed. Organized religions goal is, and always has been, control of the masses through psychological means. They say what's moral, we act accordingly. You go against the church and up until recently it was either a death sentence or the equivalent in mandatory exile or house arrest. Only with western philosophical ideas brought upon by the enlightenment and the age of reason and dominance of science over traditional religious beliefs has reason prevailed. And in that relatively short time, look how far we've come. Even with the shackles of religion holding humanity down we reached the motherfucking Moon in less than 400 years! Imagine where we'd be without it...

Once again, I pretty much agree. Religion has dictated almost every aspect of our society. Don't get me wrong, the ideas organized religions plagiarized from earlier cultures and common sense (murder is bad - duh...) make western society great, and I don't take it for granted, but religion is not the cause of the way our society operates, merely the result of basic human nature. I argue we'd be equally as moral of a society if we were purely atheistic, without any educational basis or scientific foundation for morality, and far more moral with one, while remaining atheistic. Yet we retain all the educational and scientific evidence of why we should be moral in our current society, the only difference with actual reality and the ideal atheistic one in the previous example is that in this one religion remains. The very thing that's job it is to dictate our morals for us is the same thing that causes the most damage. Good joke...

I'm not sure where you got that statistic, but in my opinion, religion is the largest direct cause of death among our species, all things considered.

As was mentioned, religion is the result, not the cause. We don't steal or murder not because some religion told you it was wrong, but because we know it's wrong, instinctively, and it isn't beneficial for our species.
Sure, There are nicer ways to put it. But the bottom line is, when you believe in RElIGION, YOU ARE MISGUIDED! MISINFORMED! That statistic was formulated by Noam Chomsky. I dont take credit for it, and I certianly cant show how he gathered his numbers. Personally, I would say common sense really. Everybody know that religion is the biggest mass murder that has never faced justice and never will and will continue to kill untill mankind can grabs its senses and, again, put religion where it needs to be.

Lastly, I wish to awnser a private message. GHOST, SPIRITS, DEMONS, YADA YADA....EVEN IF THOSE "Things" ARE REAL....IN NO WAY DOES THAT PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF A GOD/GODS! SURE IT PROVES GHOST OR WHAT NOT, BUT NOT THE ACTUAL EXSISTENCE OF A GOD. Yes, I do consider my self "spiritual, but its a spiritual that is the furthest thing from religious".

Maui Waui

Active Member
One question that no christian can ever seem to awnser is that if the bible is correct what about dinosaurs?

The Potologist

Active Member
Lmao, and the funny part is no teacher can awnser that without some instant confusion themselves, as well as lying through their teeth. " Ahh well billy, they wrote the book" is just as honest as the book itself, IMO


Well-Known Member
YES, I do believe that CAUSE ITS THE TRUTH! Considering we are encouraging, or even for ones self to believing in religion, IN MY OPINION, makes one a tad bit nutty. NO NOT PYSCHO CRAZY, just not wrapped all that tight. I AM A REALIST, NOT AN ILLUSIONIST! I cant imagine the insanities that justify someones beliefe in a RELIGION.

Control is only half right? GET A CLUE!!! If your blind to the REALITY, THE FACTS, THE UTTER TRUTH....Then I am not so sure I care to make you a believer in REALITY. Nobody did it for me, but I dont need a consensus to show that even those that believe in RELIGION ACKNOWLEDGE the CONTROL DEFACTO. For example, the AMISH. Or hell Conservative "Christians".....What was that about control?? Only half right? Right....again....GRAB SOME REALITY BROTHA!

Like something more credible than a bogus book called the bible? SERIOUSLY? The very next line you tell me Im half right. HISTORY DOESNT LIE!! NO IN REALITY ITS THE TRUTH! I NEVER said starting killing and yada yada. I am not PROMOTING ANARCHY, BUT I WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT THE PROMOTION OF A RELIGION for all of the worlds awnsers. Bankers having control???? NO! Granted they may have some but fundamentally it all started with relgious beliefs to institute control through many de factos.

I DO NOT PROMOTE VILOENCE IN ANY MATTER. ESPECIALLY RELIGION BASED OR INFUSED VIOLENCE! I am a Naturalist, and a Organic Believer. I believe in the FACT of preserving this planet earth. Its not ours, never will be, and I care to preserve so future generations can dwell on this planet. The things that have some control in my life, I LET...cause I have a choice. Just like religion, its a choice...nothing god send!

I do also wish to restate what I thought to be very important. Peace, Love and Happiness<-----Good Place to start. Far less people have died in the Name of Peace, Love and Happiness. AND, BEST OF ALL, ALL THREE OF THOSE ARE REAL FEASIBLE OBJECTS THAT ONE CAN ACTUALLY OBTAIN IN SAID LIFETIME!
lets take a look at some pictures....
View attachment 1029902
as we can see here there is at least 13 variations of the 3 major relgions that are practiced worldwide. still quit diverse. and diversity is not a reasonable form of control.
next we have the IMF...
View attachment 1029910
wow thats almost one solid color except for some little country in west africa. even the vatican is subjected to the IMF. hmm...

FACT is, that the IMF has more control then Christianity, judaism, and islam combined. the new religion is monetary gain and the deities are the bankers.


Well-Known Member
lets take a look at some pictures....
View attachment 1029902
as we can see here there is at least 13 variations of the 3 major relgions that are practiced worldwide. still quit diverse. and diversity is not a reasonable form of control.
next we have the IMF...
View attachment 1029910
wow thats almost one solid color except for some little country in west africa. even the vatican is subjected to the IMF. hmm...

FACT is, that the IMF has more control then Christianity, judaism, and islam combined. the new religion is monetary gain and the deities are the bankers.
Wait a second, I thought the Jews control the IMF and all the banks.:-? I guess religion does have more control since they control all the money.


Well-Known Member
so are they using their religion, bible, talmud, whatever, as a means to their control, or is it financial systems, economic polocies, loans, etc. as a means to their control?
what people say and what people do are often 2 separate things. and what people worship and what people spread can also often be 2 separate things. wake up guys, its something more sinister then "the jews". but lets run with your statement. prove to me that the jews have total control.


Active Member
I think our lives are just tests... God gives us the right to think and believe whatever we want to believe, and its up to us to find the truth. I hope all this bickering leads somewhere... Btw, i am a man of science just as much as i think of myself as a man of God. Just accept everything that happens, because tests arent supposed to be easy. In fact, they are hella hard but as time goes on, we learn and grow and become wiser. Skepticism is good, but when you have nothing to hold onto anymore, are you really even human anymore? Peace and love is not a stake to be impaled into people, so whatever you have heard or read about, just remember that there is much evil concealed under false face in this world.


Active Member
Oh, and if women feel it necessary to get an education, then by all means go get it. When i get married, ill be wealthy enough for my wife to stay home and take care of things there. Once upon a time thats how it was supposed to be. But new era, new gender roles i guess


Well-Known Member
so are they using their religion, bible, talmud, whatever, as a means to their control, or is it financial systems, economic polocies, loans, etc. as a means to their control?
what people say and what people do are often 2 separate things. and what people worship and what people spread can also often be 2 separate things. wake up guys, its something more sinister then "the jews". but lets run with your statement. prove to me that the jews have total control.
I was being a bit tongue in cheek. I have no idea if the jews control everything or not. I personally don't believe that they control everything although there are a lot of them in finance and they do control the diamond trade.bongsmilie


New Member
An Good Education Provides Necessary Discipline And Can Improve One's Overall Well-Being In LIFE. A Great Education Provides One With TRUE SELF REALIZATION And The PRINCIPALs And DISCIPLINES Which Can Lead One To The Fulfillment Of Their TRUE DESTINY.


An Education Doesn't Have To Be Acquired In The Modern Or Traditional Settings; Thus, It Is The ESSENCE Of An Education That Makes An Education An Education.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
Religion or no religion, there will always be people who think they have the answers as to what is best for others, and who consider themselves so wisened that they are entitled to inform all who disagree that they are in error.