How do you start your own country?


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking about starting a new country, but I have found a couple minor problems along the way such as where can I buy land for this new country? Are there Islands out there that don't belong to any other country. The island needs to be marijuana friendly as far as climate, b/c that will be our main export, only export probably. But we could make tons of money and we would for the most part produce our own food with our greenhouses. We would recruit some doctors and shit and make a hospital. No police though! Eat some fish and shit! Make wifes from the natives. Who's in?


Active Member
Who would pass an opportunity such as this up? :-|

Put down a few mil on an island somewhere and I'll be the first to sign up, buddy!


Well-Known Member
Just purchase an island in the Caribbean like Johnny Depp did. Fucker can do anything he pleases on his own island.
After that, run it past the UN and secede from the nation you bought the island from, and hope they don't shoot you.


Well-Known Member
Man, I been thinkin the same thing and already been lookin in to this shit. They got private islands in the phillipines that are a sq mile for around half a mill. That's cheap as a motherfucker!...Soon as I get a couple mill I'm buying one of them bitches.


Well-Known Member
Man, I been thinkin the same thing and already been lookin in to this shit. They got private islands in the phillipines that are a sq mile for around half a mill. That's cheap as a motherfucker!...Soon as I get a couple mill I'm buying one of them bitches.
Damn, 100 ppl throw in 5 G's and it's done!!


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure all the islands are currently owned by countries although if one is owned by a third world country you could probably buy it


Well-Known Member
This is how the boston tea party started!
Fuck running!
enough is enough!!
We would need a state like new mexcio and take it over
kicking out the fed goverment and it's rules for a "new america"


Well-Known Member
you can get a private island in northern cnaada for like 30 grand not very tropical i would guessw though

might be more like a glacier


Well-Known Member
I would like to be the Minister of Joint Rolling and Bong Loading, or maybe the Secretary of Hash Production...where do I sign?


Well-Known Member
This is how the boston tea party started!
Fuck running!
enough is enough!!
We would need a state like new mexcio and take it over
kicking out the fed goverment and it's rules for a "new america"

hm needsto be somwhere other than new mexico the desert is scarry there ive seen some fucked up shit out there


Well-Known Member
there many islands in the carribian that are for sale from 90k to in the millions, i looked into is a while back, problem is u need one with house on it already cuz its very expensive to build on an island and bring eletricity and clean water.

you can also rent a island off the coast of florida for $700 for the weekend. its got a house on it and is called St patricks island ill get links, maybe we can start with a huge rollitup party out there.