the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
purple diesel, indica skunk, and og kush will be joining the sourkush outside.. these new 3 all from seed... i know i wont get a supergreat yield out of them for starting them latter but i still will get something.. that one sk is getting lonely!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks ...yea its huge but i dont wan t to flower it right now cause i think it will be a hermie like the others

if thats the case then kill it!!! pop some of those other bms seeds... some will be hermi... others will be hermi free... that bms aint bad man.. it vegges super fast, yields heavey has fuck, and has a decently short flowering time... the hommie feels he should have kept a few for outdoor purposes... something tells me those fuckers get huge outside...


Well-Known Member
yeah it is,it was trippin me out though because the leaves looked bigger than my bubba haha. these plants have so much variation, even with the same exact strain and pheno!


Well-Known Member
yeah it is,it was trippin me out though because the leaves looked bigger than my bubba haha. these plants have so much variation, even with the same exact strain and pheno!
no its because howak is growing his indoor sk from seed. and you and me are growing our outdoor sk from clone... not much variation man.. i took care of that 2 crosses ago.. what is kinda trippy is this.... the bubba pheno will start out with fat ass leaves in veg from seed, and then make much skinnier leaves in flower, while the diesel dom will start out with slightly less fat leaves in veg and end up with the fatter leaves in flower??? trippy huh?? ima just attribute that to generations of inbreeding


Well-Known Member
yeah it is trippy man. dunno how I can describe it to you but I find the variation of plants in general really trippy.

like I remember when they were young now . . . had hella fat leaves. it's a trip how they grow in general bro.

anyways I'm using miracle grow for veg this year. couldn't find anything good in town, so I found some 24-8-16 that looks perfect for vegging this year.

I'm gonna definitely use something better in flower if I can find it, but I really have no problem using miracle grow on the scale I'm growing.

plus my water has a 7.0 PH naturally, so I can feed the fuck out of these plants without burning them ;).

don't worry though, I started the miracle grow on them a couple days ago at half dose. no burn whatsoever.