Added VIDEOS of my GROW. Comments PLEASE!!


Well-Known Member
Well given that it rained all day here and dropped the temps down to like 80 my babies had a very good day. I fed them yesterday, that and the lowered temps seemed to have given them a second lease on life. They bounced back pretty nicely and I again have hope for their survival. As long as we don't get anymore 100+ degree weeks anytime soon.
Took the video of them, they're still showing some damage from the heat stress but I got my fongers crossed now and I think they may still have a shot. Let me know what you guys think. Also still no definitive signs of sex yet. The one still has what appears to be the beginings of a ball sack and the other one just keeps on growing new leaves out of the nodes. Fucking weird...


Any thoughts???


Well-Known Member
Hey guys time for another video. This one was quickly thrown together cause I'm on my way out the door to go to the lake for a few days, and tomorrow we're going to see DMB at montage!!! I can not wait!!!
Anyway,the wannabe dude plant diesn't look like he's gonna make it. I'm leaving him along til he shows real balls or dies whichever comes first. The thing that I don't understand is why would one plant be dying and the other flourishing??? They're in the same tub, fed the same, same light, same everything. The only thing I could think of is root competition but I DO have a plastic bag dividing the tub in half. Any ideas??



Well-Known Member
I dunno, I just started a grow and out of 3 I tried to pop, 2 did nothing whatsoever, and the third is jumping up surprisingly fast... genetic variations maybe? who knows...

hey, how old were your babies when you started their media life?


If you want you could take a clone from the plants, get it rooted, then put it into flowering to determin the sex. Or just start flowering cycle if u want.


Well-Known Member
I dunno, I just started a grow and out of 3 I tried to pop, 2 did nothing whatsoever, and the third is jumping up surprisingly fast... genetic variations maybe? who knows...

hey, how old were your babies when you started their media life?

The videos you mean? They were started when the plants were like a week and a half old. Or do you mean like giving them nutes, this I started about 2 weeks into veg.

If you want you could take a clone from the plants, get it rooted, then put it into flowering to determin the sex. Or just start flowering cycle if u want.
Dude seriously if you're not going to actually try to give some useful info I'd prefer you didn't bother posting anything at all...


Well-Known Member
†L† play nice kids, it may not have been helpful to you, and as obvious as the suggestion was, it answers one of my more stupid questions....of course it might just seem obvious now cuase I'm sober and dry for about the next week... :(

Yea, thats what I was wondering, when the videos started...mine broke ground last thursday...god I HATE least yours our at the point you can prune them ;)

supposed to be getting a cam soon, at which time my avatar will probably become a constantly updated pic of whichever is my prized child...


Well-Known Member
ha no doubt good luck bro!

Hey guys just got back from the lake. I'm friggin beat. I popped over and fed the babies. Still not doing anything. I don't even know what more to say about them, they just suck ass right now!
Any way heres the video but I'm going to bed. Have a good one all!!



Well-Known Member
Hey! something just occurred to me, what spectrum of cfl are you using now that your in flowering, cuase if your using the 5600-6500 still maybe thats the problem, and hopefully after switching to one in the 2000-3000 range they will finally flower...if thats not it...then I'm still out of ideas... :(

if it works, give me rep+ :)
if it doesn't...I'll make my kitty commit ritual seppuku :p


Well-Known Member
NOOO!!! Not the kitty! Besides doesn't your kitty have a gun? Probably easier then stuffing a sword in his gut. lol

I am still using the cooler spectrum but it's only cause I'm poor right now, lol
The fact that the lights are off for 12 hrs of the day SHOULD kick them over to flowering. The spectrum should help build better buds. So even though I'm not using the best spectrum for flowering they should still at least be showing sex, albeit making shitty buds but something should be happening.
I appreciate the help tho bro so rep is on it's way!


Well-Known Member
Yo MK is there a reason they have to be in the attic, asides from stealth? I mean, doesn't your brother have another room that you could use, that isnt so hot?


Well-Known Member
its cool, its in his contract, thats why one of the job requirements was that he still has 9 lives...he keeps the ritual blade at his safe house... †L†

dude, you have got to see this! check my profile subscriptions, the one on monster cropping....they're taking clones from flowering plants, rooting them, forcing them back into veg, and they're shooting off branches like mad!! unfortunately it seems to time consuming for us indoor fluro growers, but I'm thinking about putting a small setup to the side to try it...would make a fucking monstrous mother...


Well-Known Member
I hesitate to suggest this, but as its been a good good while, and they're still being shy.....

many many many years ago my abuela was having troubles with a rose bush, she had a fairly large garden, and a hell of a green thumb. The bush looked beautiful, was growing great, but unlike the rest of the bushes it wasn't flowering. Finally my abuela snapped, yanked the bush out roots and all, and threw it by the morning it started flowering and she replanted it.

Drastic I know, but she was violent and a bit crazy...(the only women in my family I carry an undying love for :) and I have to give her, it worked...

P.S.- if you do get desperate enough to try this, start with just one of them ;)

now how's that for a pimp slap...:blsmoke:

P.P.S.- don't forget the pimp hat, baby powder, and to yell "BITCH, STOP FUCKINS WITH MY MONIES!!!" in other words, try talking dirty to em, they may just like that sort of thing...:hump: