Calling All Noob Growers

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Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Damn, that light is the shit ! I bet you don't have to adjust and set the white balance under that baby for pictures like the HPS and MH. I can see a difference on the shots. Crazy.

Phillips CMH WILL BE the next investment into MY garden for sure. Thanks RM3 and everybody.


Well-Known Member
A question on nutes. All my experiments have involved using Gh flora three part, no extras. This is probably the most confusing part for me. I know I will need more nutes when I start my first official grow. If I stick with the 3part GH what would be some enhancers I could add? there are so many out there & I know squat about nutes.
How have all of your experiments come out? Good I am guessing. Have you accomplished a harvest or two? Guessing yes again. Less is more and more is better. Less nutes and more knowledge. The GH Flora 3 part is a solid and complete baseline nutrient program. The Flora series can stand on its own. They have grown many different crops for many years. If you grow comfortablely with them then with a bit of research I bet you will come up with something that will fatten your crop.


Well-Known Member
heyy everybody, i just got a ballast/fixture from one of my friends. im not to sure what it is tho, lol
its from a shop, and supposibly it will run hps and mh, 400wMH, or 600w or 1000w HPS. the ballast is TINY, just a square hunk of layered metal, about 5"x5'. any ideas?
im about to go get a bulb so im just tryn to decide what i should get. hoping MH is an option =]
i can get a pic of the ballast if my rambling doesnt make sence. haha


Well-Known Member
well theres no stickers or any thing left in tact on it, it looks pretty old.
but it says 600V, 2000W inside the socket. does this mean anything?


Well-Known Member
Means you have a pretty tough socket!! It can handle 2000 watts. But that doesn't mean anything for the actual ballast. I suppose if you are able to wire it up correctly without a bulb, then apply power and put a multimeter capable of 1000 watts or better on the leads which should go to the light, this should tell you how many watts it is proving to the light bulb. Make sense? I would ask on one of the electrical threads on here before I do this to be safe.


Well-Known Member
haha well thats good, but yea that does make alot of sence gumball. i talked to my friend a bit more, he used 400w MH bulbs in it when it was in his shop. and i took it down ta home cheapo and talked to a electrician. got a 400w MH bulb for it. happy ass hell !! =]
im not to concerned about putting a higher voltage HPS bulb in it any more tho, so im goona plug er in and see if its wired right n stuff. lol.
thanks alot tho gumball =]
appreciate it bro


Well-Known Member
MH is the shit.... hands down. hahaha
its way brighter then my 1000W hps, it lights my ENTIRE room... and its the $28 phillips bulb. lol



Well-Known Member
nope. just says "crisp white light"
when it fires it goes through alot of red/orange/yellow stages though, so im thinking it has a pretty wide variety of spectrum


Well-Known Member
so iv decided to pull the MH to the flowering room, and will have the vegged plants, and the new clones flowering all at once.
but iv been reading all day, and i swear i have read about the how mixed spectrum benefits flowering, im wondering if any body knows of a good article/read on the subject.
my computer decided it doesnt like google any more, closes me out everytime i open it so im having a bit of problems...
also, i think the guy at my local hydro shop lost his marbles...... he told me yesterday that they now carry 600w,1000w, and 1500w MH bubls... i thought 400w is the biggest they came?


Well-Known Member
biggest CMH is 400. i think those bright lights at outdoor stadiums that would fry you if you got to close, those are metal halide, i think. so they have really big ones for the right application.


Well-Known Member
so iv decided to pull the MH to the flowering room, and will have the vegged plants, and the new clones flowering all at once.
but iv been reading all day, and i swear i have read about the how mixed spectrum benefits flowering, im wondering if any body knows of a good article/read on the subject.
my computer decided it doesnt like google any more, closes me out everytime i open it so im having a bit of problems...
also, i think the guy at my local hydro shop lost his marbles...... he told me yesterday that they now carry 600w,1000w, and 1500w MH bubls... i thought 400w is the biggest they came?
Ceramic Metal Halides only come as large as 400 watts. Standard Metal Halides come in a vast array of sizes and types.

I cant think of any articles offhand. But Eric Biksa is really on top of the lighting scene. Even though he is a front man for Advanced Nutrients, the guy still really knows his shit. So once you get you google googling again check some of his stuff out.


Active Member
I don't (and won't ever) do canna specific 2 or 3 part nutes, /snip
hey Riddle.. why is that? No to canna mix? just curious. I started my 1st coco grow, and am using their nute lineup (minus the Boost), and things have been seeming to go good so far? what in your experience was a drawback from the Canna line?


ps. this thread is the


Well-Known Member
sorry not slamming the canna line specifically, I meant ALL of them , nutes that are advertised for cannabis designed to empty your wallet


Well-Known Member
Got this on sale this spring at Home Depot. 4.99 Having one of the easiest outdoor growing seasons ever. I am hooked on it. May even try it on some container plants.



Well-Known Member
I am really liking it. I have premixed it in, top dressed with it and have yet to burn a plant. We will have to see how it does during flower but so far it has vegged wonderfully.


Finally got some pics from my friend I have told you about, like me, he is an old school grower that learned before HID's were invented (why we understand lights)

He built his garden under his basement stairs has a few CFL's and a few T8's growing a bagseed sativa and indica

enjoy the pics

Riddleme all this reading has been sooooo freakin helpful. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE EFFORT!

Quick question about the 4th pic. Plant has red in the stems - like rhubard almost. My plants do as well. I read somewhere on RIU (I could find it if challenged too) that red in the stalks meant the plant was not health in some way, shape or form. I figured that is possible, but maybe it is the strain. I'm growing from bag seed so I have no way of knowing. The 4th pics buds don't look like mine. Mine are more bright green whith similar triche #'s and lighter hairs. His plant also has more red then mine - mine, like I said looks closer to rhubarb - the main stalk is the typical MJ grteenish brown at the bottom and has streaks of red/maroon starting about 1/3 from the soil.
What say you? Is it a sick plant, or strain that caused it? Best guess is appreciated.

Oh yeah - gonna make it rain on the 'morrow. Starting 7th week of flower, hope it helps fatten 'em up.