A history of stabing and stalking people


New Member
Ok long story short - I work in a hospital. We had a patient the other night with "A history of stalking people and stabbing them" - he has done a total of of ONE YEAR in jail on these three occasions that he stabbed women whom he stalked.

Yes I said that right folks - this man stalks women and stabs them for most of his adult life and has only done the time of one year...and these women all complete strangers to him.

Then we got Martha Stewart doing what 2 years for tax evasion or whatever? We got men serving life sentances for Marijuana, 25 or 35 year sentances for a couple of ounces of the safest medicine on earth?

Where is the justice...this stuff just sickens me everyday...Our justice system is so fucked


Well-Known Member
The horrible thing is this is nowhere near an isolated case, I notice shit like this all the time in the paper. I also see alot of people who are *untouchable*, it dont matter if they kill someone drunk driving(happened to my best friend-edit, the friend is the one who died just to be clear) or anything like that, theyve got money and are well known and all know each other so its ok for them to only get 6 months probation on a 3rd dui that also resulted in death and hit and run. Marijuana users/growers/sellers are dangerous and need to be locked up and given hefty fines since we are so evil and we hurt so many people though....
The guy your talking about needs to be locked up permanently, just like the people around here should be.


New Member
The horrible thing is this is nowhere near an isolated case, I notice shit like this all the time in the paper. I also see alot of people who are *untouchable*, it dont matter if they kill someone drunk driving(happened to my best friend) or anything like that, theyve got money and are well known and all know each other so its ok for them to only get 6 months probation on a 3rd dui that also resulted in death and hit and run. Marijuana users/growers/sellers are dangerous and need to be locked up and given hefty fines since we are so evil and we hurt so many people though....
The guy your talking about needs to be locked up permanently, just like the people around here should be.
yea...this guy is not even on probation or parole either and the last incident THAT HE WAS CAUGHT was only 18 months ago, for the most part he had the same penalty that they give someone who gets caught driving on a suspended license


Well-Known Member
Flatout sickening, saltwater or sodium pentathol I.v. for that guy. I shouldn't say that. But the only things lower are child molesters, theives, ands the dogshit on my shoe.
I salute you, I avoid public service type careers simply cause people make me sick, I don't think I could handle the reality svu agents or homocide detectives have to see, I don't get how someone in that profession, or the people commiting the hanus acts can sleep at all, especially being a leo, it has to be sickening to know such sick fucks are openly roaming and stalking innocent people, meanwhile their jails are so overcrowded with "habitual drug users" whom have no need to be in jail that people are sleeping on floors. . I don't think incarceration should be an acceptable or even humane form of intervention. Especially for someone truly trapped in a drug habit. And of course, jail time for cannabis, or even a damn ticket, is wrong on so many levels that I'd probably overload the servers ranting about it. With that ill stfu as my only real intention was to say, "that's just fucking sickening that people can be so twisted"


Well-Known Member
Personally I feel that mutherfucker needs the goddamn chair. WTF is wrong with our system. Thats scary as hell to me as I am a WOMAN.


Well-Known Member
Its happened here real recent again! a 29 year old man who had been ruled incompetent to stand trial on 8 serious charges, 3 of them sexual assault on a minor was allowed to live in a home for developmentally disabled adults thats come and go as you please, no real restrictions. Not 36 hrs later even after he moved in he abducted and sexually assaulted a 3 1/2 yr old boy and repeatedly told the police and others it was good they got there when they did cause he was planning on strangling the boy after sexually assaulting him one more time.
Makes me fucking sick, that guy should just be shot in the back of the head imo, he is not worthy of the priveledge of being alive. I take that back, He is worthy of being alive.....but that life should be filled with pain and suffering. The guys not some poor disabled adult, he can drive, he can come and go as he liked, he was competent enough to hide the boy and abduct him so he wouldnt be seen.......


Well-Known Member
here is your justice, ... ;) ===>

Inmate Killed At San Quentin

Man Earlier Convicted In Girl's Death

POSTED: 1:53 pm PDT July 27, 2010

NOVATO, Calif. -- A man convicted earlier this month of striking and killing a 9-year-old girl with his motorcycle while intoxicated was stabbed to death at San Quentin State Prison by another inmate, authorities said.Forty-four-year-old Edward Schaefer was pronounced dead at a hospital around 9 p.m. Monday, about 11 hours after he was stabbed in the chest and neck with a homemade weapon.Prison officials have identified 31-year-old Frank Souza as a suspect in the stabbing and say they are investigating whether other inmates were involved. Souza was serving 60 years to life after being convicted last year of murdering a homeless man in San Jose.Schaefer was convicted in May of hitting Melody Osheroff and her father, 41-year-old Aaron, last year. He had eight prior drunken driving convictions and was sentenced to 24 years to life.


Well-Known Member
APPLETON — An Appleton man accused of abducting and sexually assaulting a 3½-year-old boy Tuesday evening told a police officer he probably would have killed the child had he not been tracked down.

Joseph G. Skenandore, 28, told police he snatched the boy from his front yard and fled with him after touching him outside the home.
Skenandore was charged Wednesday in Outagamie County Court with first-degree sexual assault, child enticement and abduction of a child.

Friends and family said the boy was playing in the yard just before a storm hit Tuesday when Skenandore walked up, grabbed him, put him under his shirt and fled the neighborhood.

"He's a little peanut," his aunt, Jennifer Grossinger-Stulo, of Menasha, said Wednesday. "He's only 3½. He can't weigh more than 20 or 30 pounds."

Skenandore, 28, was found an hour later with the boy in Kiwanis Park, about a mile west of the northside neighborhood after family, neighbors and police mounted a search. He had taken the boy there to escalate the sexual assault, he told a police officer after he was apprehended.

Skenandore lived in a group home around the block from where the child lives. He has a history of arrests for crimes against children, but was not on the state's Sexual Offender Registry because he was not competent to stand trial and instead was institutionalized.

Court Commissioner Maureen Roberts Budiac ordered Skenandore held on a $250,000 cash bond. Defense attorney John Zadrazil asked for a hearing to determine whether Skenandore is competent to proceed. A hearing wasn't immediately scheduled
Grossinger-Stulo said a woman witnessed the abduction, and said other neighbors said they have seen Skenandore "cruising around" the quiet, older neighborhood just north of the Wisconsin Avenue business district, watching the children playing in their yards.

"He has been watching the house," she said. "He has been driving around the neighborhood looking at kids."

The boy's mother was in the home's living room with her son, and thinks maybe he let himself out when she went downstairs to do laundry, Grossinger-Stulo said.

"He's figured out the locks," she said.

The boy's mother noticed him missing and called police immediately.

Skenandore told police he touched the child inappropriately near the home and took him to the park, the criminal complaint says. He told police he was looking for secluded spots to continue the assault.

As the boy's mother carried a photo of her only child around the neighborhood, a woman at nearby 10th Frame, a bowling alley, said she saw Skenandore put the boy under his shirt.

Police and neighbors joined the search, and officers learned Skenandore was missing from a group home less than a block away, said Sgt. Pat DeWall.

Grossinger-Stulo said several relatives and neighbors went to that home because "we had a hunch about Skenandore."

People at the neat single-family home — which has a view of the boy's home through the backyard — refused to talk to the boy's family or give any information to them, she said.

Police and relatives at first had incorrect information about who ran the home.

The home — with a 24-hour security sign posted in front — is operated by Innovative Services, a nonprofit corporation with its main offices in Appleton and Green Bay, said Rick Bahr, Innovative's chief operating officer.
Bahr declined to answer questions about the home, the number of residents, how residents are supervised or how Skenandore was able to leave what is supposed to be a supervised setting.

"We are in the middle of a ongoing investigation. I am not at liberty to share any information," he said.


Well-Known Member
This was in KY.My aunt's boyfriend killed her with a shotgun almost a ft away from her.He got 2yrs,somehow got out in 1 year.My aunt was a very nice person.Ever since that happend(She was burried on my 10th birthday) I hated how the system runs and how dumb certain laws are.Theyres people that are in longer over growing.Wtf is up with that shit?:evil:


Active Member
Ok long story short - I work in a hospital. We had a patient the other night with "A history of stalking people and stabbing them" - he has done a total of of ONE YEAR in jail on these three occasions that he stabbed women whom he stalked.

Yes I said that right folks - this man stalks women and stabs them for most of his adult life and has only done the time of one year...and these women all complete strangers to him.

Then we got Martha Stewart doing what 2 years for tax evasion or whatever? We got men serving life sentances for Marijuana, 25 or 35 year sentances for a couple of ounces of the safest medicine on earth?

Where is the justice...this stuff just sickens me everyday...Our justice system is so fucked
i know exactly what you mean bro. thats why i support the death penalty. except i support killing a lot more ppl that murderers and rapists. cleanse the garbage scum in the prison system. they just get out to do something stupid and go back in. im only 25 and already lost respect for most human life. wish we could all just get a bong.