where did u hide your...


Well-Known Member
I hide my pipe on a shelf in my closet in a sock in a old shoe with my bud jar in the other shoe and my bong under a shirt next to the shoes. <- dam that is one big poor gramar'ed sentence


Well-Known Member
thats the first place i would look.....

try taking out the bottom drawer of a dresser.

glass lamps are often hollow... unplug one and see how easy it is unscrew the socket from the vase. stash your evidence, then screw it back together.

kitchen and bathroom counters/vanities are also nice spots. no one ever looks to see if there is something taped to the underside of the countertop...or behind a drawer.


Well-Known Member
i used to tape mine on the inside of my cupboard above the door. if i had a lot of weed i'd split it up and put some behind different posters in my room. i never really had a problem with hiding it cause my parents never came into my room, and the DEFINITELY never went through my drawers/wardrobes etc. and i never went in their room or through their stuff. so all was pretty chilled!


Well-Known Member
i keep weed in my laundry room and my coffee table, and i keep my money in a place i decide.
i'm an adult, and even when i was a kid i never had to hide shit.


Well-Known Member
I had (and still have) 3-way speakers with 12 inch woofers. I unscrewed all but 2 of the screws on one of the woofers and I could then easily and quickly remove the last two screws to get inside it. There was enough space in there to hold much more than I could ever afford. If I didn't have much then I would just put it inside my computer.


Well-Known Member
My computer had a front mounting for an external hard drive.... so I could easily stick a 1/2 ounce of bud behind there.... then install my external hard drive... and nobody was the wiser ^^
I did eventually get busted.... because I made the stupid idea of showing my SISTER where I hid my weed (she was cool with it).... 2 weeks later.... I come home and my external HDD is unplugged and my weed is sitting on my keyboard with a note from my mom. My sister was a SNITCH.

Man, that was years ago... hah

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Easy - didn't do it when I was young, but when I first started I kept my 8th in a tin in my drawer...now I'm finding it much easier to get weed as it were I just leave the jar under my desk (not hidden at all - its a fairly big jar and I ain't got anywhere with enough space to hide it...if you saw my room you'd understand what I mean by "big" in terms of how much free space I've got)


Active Member
when i first started smoking i would usually hide it in the zip part of the head rest or zip it up in my futon matress.
when i started to smoke more i put it, along with my piece in a buisness suitcase with a combination lock