Confused please help


Active Member
I have a question for one of the experts i have like twelve plants that a friend gave me because of a divorce but anyways when i got them they were clones under a light so i put them outside and there doing a whole lot better than when i got them but heres the problem there still in the pots that i got them in there like 15 gallon Pot bags and a friend said i was fuckin up i should have put them in the ground along time ago Ive had them outside for like 2 months if i do put them in the ground will it hurt or help. This is my first time so im in need of sum help guys please with a cherry on top.


Well-Known Member
man my bad guys im must be super high there like 5 gallon bags hahahahahahhahahahahha
5 gallon is the lowest you want to go if you want to get a good yeild...still a good can move up but i wouldnt if i were you..i have mine in 4 gallon pots and im happy with how big they are...5 gallons will get you some good stuff


Active Member
if you do it carefully without disturbing the roots to much there wont be that much shock


Well-Known Member
so keep em in the bag and dont risk shocking them transplanting????

I mean how big do you want to go? 12 plants all in 5 gallons is alot of medicine. I mean you can upgrade to bigger pots if you want and then you'll have tree's on your hands it depends on how much you want to worry about people seeing them cause theyll get big in a 10 gallon pot. i would bounce up to a 10 or 15 gallon pot or bag if your going to do anything...upgrade by 2x or 3x that of your original pot. or go to the ground if you think you have the patience to dig...up to you doggy lol


New Member
15 gallon bags dam ! if you want to you can dig a hole in the ground and just lift the the pants into the hole with the same soil on the plants ... then mae sure to use a full table spoon of superthrive to 5 gallons of water and water them !