Police knocking on door. NY


Well-Known Member
A similar thing happened to me. On July 4th at 8 am i heard someone banging at my door. I looked out and it was the police! My heart fell and I started shaking and almost fell to the floor. I made sure all the doors were locked and after a few terrible moments they left. Thinking they would come back with a warrant I woke my son up and we gathered all the plants (there were about a 25 seedlings in my closet and 5 or 6 bigger plants on my back porch) loaded them up in the lawn cart and moved them back in the woods just off my property.
After a couple of terrible hours we discovered a note left on the door. It turns out my son had lost his wallet the night before and they were trying to return it. They were just doing him a favor. Not all cops are bad.

It was a sobering experience to say the least.
It's too bad we have to go through this.

But it did make me be more stealthy-- I bought locks for the grow areas and carbon filter.

I know I shouldn't have plants on my back porch but they love it so much more outside and I love being outside with them.


Undercover Mod
They can't enter your home without a warrant. I mean if they saw plants growing in your house, they could come right in and take them. But it is even still likely that they would get a warrant even for that.

They have to have a reason to be there. No one would ever be able to tell you had seedlings in your house lol.


Well-Known Member
I thought maybe my neighbors turned me in even though it's hard for them to see much unless they're really looking. But you just get paranoid sometimes.

A couple of weeks previously it was on the news that a neighbor had turned someone in, not too far from me, for growing several plants in his backyard. The cops hauled him away and his plants, AND HIS VAN! He wasn't growing in his van.
As they took him away he kept saying, "But it's my medicine"

I live in NY as well and we don't have medical yet but it's in the works.

But can they confiscate your property, even your house?

It's enough to make anybody paranoid.


Undercover Mod
Growing marijuana is only a misdemeanor in NYS. Unless you have harvested marijuana in the same place or on you. Then it turns into a felony sir. I am a law student.


Undercover Mod
Cultivation of the plant is not a felony until harvested, or having other harvested mary jane on you.


Active Member
I thought maybe my neighbors turned me in even though it's hard for them to see much unless they're really looking. But you just get paranoid sometimes.

A couple of weeks previously it was on the news that a neighbor had turned someone in, not too far from me, for growing several plants in his backyard. The cops hauled him away and his plants, AND HIS VAN! He wasn't growing in his van.
As they took him away he kept saying, "But it's my medicine"

I live in NY as well and we don't have medical yet but it's in the works.

But can they confiscate your property, even your house?

It's enough to make anybody paranoid.
It's definately enough to make me paranoid!
that's why when I do finally grow, it's only gonna be 2 or 3 plants.


Well-Known Member
Is it a misdemeaner no many how many plants your growing and even if they are ready to be harvested?
Thanks for the advice.
Do you think the medical will go through in NY?


Undercover Mod
The vote was dead locked last year and that was before Obama approved Medical legalization and before the V.A. also approved medical use. I know it will pass in September, the only problem is it will be the most regulated system in the U.S. The laws are very strict and only people with terminal illnesses can get cards. No luck for people like me with insomnia.


Undercover Mod


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Balzac.
I also read that if the med goes through patients will not be allowed to grow. Do you know if this is true, and besides terminal illnesses what would be the grounds for getting a card, eg chronic pain?


Undercover Mod
The state will be in charge of growers and suppliers. The problem with people growing in homes is a fire hazard. They are just passing a very strict law. Don't worry if everything works out in Cali. in 5 years it will be legal here.

Only terminal illnesses are covered as far as i've read.


Well-Known Member
So there's light at the end of the tunnel!

But that sucks about only terminal illnesses-- you have to be dying to legally smoke your medicine.


Undercover Mod
Man, legalization has got to start somewhere. Real change can only be met with steady progress.

I want to grow legally. It is a personal dream of my own.

Under current federal laws the way marijuana is scheduled it has no medical value what so ever. go figure.


Well-Known Member
I would contact her employer and let them know that you bought some gardening supplies for growing cooking herbs in your home and the next thing you know, Police are knocking asking about growing Marijuana. Tell the manager that you feel violated that one of their employees would use information garnered from work to harass you. Even let the manager know you and this lady do not get along and that she was being vengeful. Let him know that if she remains there, you will spread the word that people should avoid the business because the tattle tale at the register has made herself the moral police.


bud bootlegger
i don't think that you mentioned if you opened the door, or even talked to them through the closed door or not.. if so, did they say that they were there for suspicion of growing weed? or did you not even talk to them and are just assuming its cuz you had a few seedlings in your house?


Active Member
hate to admit this but... one time a cop was banging on the door, every 15 minutes for an hour. i was trippen out, grabbed the shears, ran down stairs and started "downsizing" , lost a few irreplaceable mothers that day, and a whole batch of cuttings. later my neighbor knocks at the door and she apologizes for the "comotion" but someone had stolen a bike out her garage. thats why the cops came, and now she was asking me if i'd seen anything or anyone. so i played along like i hadn't been thinking the worst case scenario 2 minutes earlier, and got all neighborhood watch about it like a give a shit about this bike in question after it costs me prize stock! that sucked.


Undercover Mod
Except the consequences and if you cannot maybe your in the wrong hobby/ profession depending on what you do.


Well-Known Member
hate to admit this but... one time a cop was banging on the door, every 15 minutes for an hour. i was trippen out, grabbed the shears, ran down stairs and started "downsizing" , lost a few irreplaceable mothers that day, and a whole batch of cuttings. later my neighbor knocks at the door and she apologizes for the "comotion" but someone had stolen a bike out her garage. thats why the cops came, and now she was asking me if i'd seen anything or anyone. so i played along like i hadn't been thinking the worst case scenario 2 minutes earlier, and got all neighborhood watch about it like a give a shit about this bike in question after it costs me prize stock! that sucked.
If you have time to reach your plants and destroy and rid of them, while a cop is knocking on your door, the cop doesn't have a warrant. They don't usually knock and wait if they have a drug related warrant. All of this information is available in the security thread here on RIU