Well-Known Member
They'll find one. Rest assured.
Why so angry. Is this conversation about the new law or police misconduct? You're kind of all over the place. It is possible to support one without the other and you have no idea what happens in my circle or anything about me for that matter.
Is the condescending "my dear" and "Miss" supposed to hurt my feelings or make me feel bad about myself in some way? News flash, I've heard this all and much worse before. Considering the source, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Carry on.
I must have missed the boys only sign when I entered this forum. My bad. Although I doubt I'd be accused of "spouting off" if my opinions aligned with the majority. See I'm learning so much here. Dialog and opinions that differ from the mob should be kept to oneself. - Check. Critical thinking is bad - Check and knee jerk reactions of hate and anger are required for participation. Got it!
Why would I protest something I'm in favor of? That doesn't make any sense at all. I'm not apathetic to causes I care about and have been active as a municipal election campaign worker and have protested for social issue that affect me and my community.
You can have your circle jerk back, I don't see any reason to participate further in this thread.
or you could continue because there may be people out there that have your views
if i whimped out after i got unsupportive flak here i woulda been gone years ago
having no balls is bad
Lol like the kind of rational thought that leads to thinking merely having balls makes a person irrational?Having no balls is awesome... allows for a more rational thought process.'s that time of the month..for rationality...Lol like the kind of rational thought that leads to thinking merely having balls makes a person irrational?'s that time of the month..for rationality...
Hey, you brought up physiological characteristics as to determining rationality. I merely extended your (lack of) "logic" ...lolThat's so cute a menstruation comment.
is the 1977 in your name the year you were born? asking for a friend.
Yes let's explicitly discuss all the gory parts of the menstrual cycle in as much detail as possible. I've been waiting for this very topic to share my views on the female reproductive system. You're probably not going to have a good time but if that's where the conversation flows.
That's so cute a menstruation comment.
is the 1977 in your name the year you were born? asking for a friend.
Yes let's explicitly discuss all the gory parts of the menstrual cycle in as much detail as possible. I've been waiting for this very topic to share my views on the female reproductive system. You're probably not going to have a good time but if that's where the conversation flows.
Having no balls is awesome... allows for a more rational thought process.
lol you're serious aren't you?
If I can recall correctly I was called cunt, pig, IT, twat, fat and any other colorful ones I likely missed. Add a little sweetheart, my dear and miss on top. I called someone melodramatic. I said another was being ignorant and naive. You don't see a disparity between the two do you?
She's sexist! I can't believe you have the nerve to try be a victim.
You're almost old enough to be my father it shouldn't have to be explained to you.
this forum should be called triggered.
LOL, No what you did was act hypocritical by whining about someone doing the very same thing you did. Also I didn't call YOU a cunt, I said you made a cunt remark. But merely mentioning that makes me"triggered". Whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean. Fucking hilariouslol you're serious aren't you?
If I can recall correctly I was called cunt, pig, IT, twat, fat and any other colorful ones I likely missed. Add a little sweetheart, my dear and miss on top. I called someone melodramatic. I said another was being ignorant and naive. You don't see a disparity between the two do you?
She's sexist! I can't believe you have the nerve to try be a victim.
You're almost old enough to be my father it shouldn't have to be explained to you.
this forum should be called triggered.
Yep, you either can dish it and take it or dish it and play victim. Facts don't care about your feelings and no one fucking cares what gender you happen to choose today.I did not disparage you in that way. I feel you are having two different conversations in parallel.
However you are playing both the victim and the aggressor. Around here you get tossed out on your ass for that.
lol I didn't wimp out nobody here is interested in debating/arguing one point or another. Just patronizing bullshit and sophomoric comments.
Having no balls is awesome... allows for a more rational thought process.
I did not disparage you in that way. I feel you are having two different conversations in parallel.
However you are playing both the victim and the aggressor. Around here you get tossed out on your ass for that.
LOL, No what you did was act hypocritical by whining about someone doing the very same thing you did. Also I didn't call YOU a cunt, I said you made a cunt remark. But merely mentioning that makes me"triggered". Whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean. Fucking hilarious
yep, you either can dish it and take it or dish it and play victim. Facts don't care about your feelings and no one fucking cares what gender you happen to choose today.
I smile all the time. Hell, I howl with laughter when I read your posts. No butt hurt here. Just calling you a hypocrite which you've shown yourself to be, whether it was directed at me or you were speaking in generalities makes no difference.You do realized that balls in the context above and applied to me is a euphemism right? One benign generalized play on words with a hint of sexism makes me a hypocrite. A comment that wasn't even directed at you in particular and you're full of butt hurt about it. lol people are so sensitive these days. You should smile more.
Your such an angry little bitch. What happened ? Were you donkey punched. You don't belong here with men. Your place is elsewhere..................honey......