New CFL 2nd grow using Scott's Hyponex Potting Soil in 6" pots


Well-Known Member
its day 73 for the girls and thier doing great. the buds on molly are looking really nice.

good news gumball, the clones are coming to life!! both have new growth on them after 2 feedings with nutes. that makes me happy, so the pink will live on, LoL.
so glad to hear CD!! everything is looking good, and next time you can clone a bit earlier and not have to worry about the reveg part. your blooms are looking nice too!!


Well-Known Member
its day 73 for the girls and thier doing great. the buds on molly are looking really nice.

good news gumball, the clones are coming to life!! both have new growth on them after 2 feedings with nutes. that makes me happy, so the pink will live on, LoL.
Thats great to hear about the clones CD!! So how long did they take to show growth? I just took 2 wonder woman clones and 2 short riders, I hope they survive! I did everything by the book as far as I know.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
so glad to hear CD!! everything is looking good, and next time you can clone a bit earlier and not have to worry about the reveg part. your blooms are looking nice too!!
yeah, will do that for sure next time, thanks.

Thats great to hear about the clones CD!! So how long did they take to show growth? I just took 2 wonder woman clones and 2 short riders, I hope they survive! I did everything by the book as far as I know.
thanks treeZ, it was at day 19 that i noticed the new growth, fixin to check yours out.

its day 74 and molly looks kinda droopy, not sure what i did wrong here, too much water? the clones look good at day 20.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hell yeah tito, thanks.

its day 75 and i think i didnt water molly enough, i checked the soil and it was very dry. i always thought i watered to much, not sure how i missed this. 2-1 soil is always moist, she doesnt drink near the water molly does. some of the leaves are dry and brittle and brown, i hope its the water thing.

the clones are showing even more growth, i think they'll both make it, heres todays pics.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well molly isnt looking good, the leaves are still droopy and theres more of them, ive looked around online at plant problems and it could be like 10 different things, from heat to nutes to ph. nothing has changed in my routine so im kinds lost with this right now. the pic is a leaf off the bottom of the plant.



Well-Known Member
Check your pH? You don't have any other issues, so maybe your ph has went crazy. Could be something got in your water, or your nutes may be bad. I think it may be the cheaper and easier first step to check.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
day 76, molly still doesnt look good, more drying/brittleness of the leaves and just very droopy, i tested the ph and its 6.2 and thats with the nutes. the lights are where they have always been. and the temp is around 86 degrees with the humidity at 32%. it goes down to 79 with the lights off and the humidity at 40%. my nute mix might have been a little strong and its just catching up now. 2-1 is doing fine, she shows no signs of any of the things going on with molly. and the clones are looking great, more and more new growth.

i have moved the lights up a couple inches although i dont think thats the problem, the temp at the bottm of the plant is only 82 degrees. the light is nowhere near the leaves that are drying out. the more i think about it, the more i think its the nutes being to strong with all the shit i mix together. i am gonna give her just straight rain water for now



Well-Known Member
Well make sure she is getting enough of the macro stuff like ca, mg, iron and all that good stuff some strains need more or less than others, as yopu are seeing. If you know molly has been getting enough of these then definitely flush it out good. Hope she gets better, that same shit took out 2 of my last plants. I just got a ph test kit and found my water was less than 4 from the tap, which has probably been f'ing me up since I started growing.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
the ph is at 6.2, my nutes have all the "extra" goodies in them, i can only think i just gave her too much, so i'll just use straight rain water for now and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good plan to start with. By the way, what nutes are you using? I vaguely remember you changing a little while back.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
so the clones from molly have really taken off in the last few days, they are now 23 days old and looking real good. one thing with clones is you have to be patient with them, the first 2 weeks they do nothing and just sit there, then they really take off if they have rooted. looks like these 2 will make it. this was my first attempt at cloning. thanks again gumball!!

as you know, molly has been sick for a few days and im not really sure why, but i think i used to much nutes, giving her just straight rain water for now and she looked a little better today. the leaves are like drying out and turning brittle, my ph is 6.2/6.4 with or without nutes, checked it twice both ways vs the 8.0 tap water. so im just not sure whats going on. the pic of the leaf is from the bottom of the plant, so im pretty sure its not heat from the lights, the temp down there is only 82 degrees and 86 to 88 in the box overall, might just be to hot for this strain??

2-1 is doing fine, at just 16", she is sure to be one nice big bud when she is done. heres all the pics.


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome news about the clones, thats a great skill to have :) I just took 2 more clones off my big short rider so now I have a total of 4 SR clones and 2 WW clones!! They still look pretty good, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

About molly, you might be right about the temp being to hot for that strain.. How much does your temp drop at night? Mabe the difference between your High and Low temps are whats causing it. I think jose cervantes says that you don't want more than a 10-15degree drop in temps... Just a thought, I could be way off..

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Thats awesome news about the clones, thats a great skill to have :) I just took 2 more clones off my big short rider so now I have a total of 4 SR clones and 2 WW clones!! They still look pretty good, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

About molly, you might be right about the temp being to hot for that strain.. How much does your temp drop at night? Mabe the difference between your High and Low temps are whats causing it. I think jose cervantes says that you don't want more than a 10-15degree drop in temps... Just a thought, I could be way off..
thats great news about your clones, i hope they do well. the temp is 79/80 with the lights off. so not sure if thats it. the clones are great but worry me with whats going on with molly since they will be my next grow.


Well-Known Member
Just stick with the straight water, and watch molly carefully. Your temps swings may be, but I would have thought the problem would have showed before now if heat was it. I think over nuting was prob it.