dj sjamaan purple widow report

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
well -

i bought mine from attitude and they came all fine like usual

i poped 2 seeds out of 12 random, i left them under 20/4 sced and 2 weeks later they started flowering... under 20 hours, it says nowere that these are autoflower strains but aparantly... they are :O?

anyone had expierence with these? i may try a few more of the seeds i have seeing as both these 2 were kickin out nutsacks


Well-Known Member
i bought mine from attitude and they came all fine like usual

i poped 2 seeds out of 12 random, i left them under 20/4 sced and 2 weeks later they started flowering... under 20 hours, it says nowere that these are autoflower strains but aparantly... they are :O?

anyone had expierence with these? i may try a few more of the seeds i have seeing as both these 2 were kickin out nutsacks
might just be a case of bad luck but why were you putting them under 20/4 so soon? if it's what u do usually, then it might just be their bad genetics.
i never ordered De Sjamaan. i personally order attitude but i stick to the more well known breeders because if a company has notoriety it usually means they have developed the cash flow to properly manage their genetics

but might as well keep trying cuz ya never know, it could have just been a fluke.


Well-Known Member
haven't run that strain myself, did watch a grow log with a purple widow
it was grown under HPS, put up a nice central cola, outdoor strain but seemed to do well indoors
the grower liked what he got, said buzz was not too long, more of a 1-2 hours stone, also liked the flavor


Well-Known Member
my purple widows auto flowered too! I just did one and it auto flowered. I don't get it, it does not mention that anywhere on attitude...:joint:


Well-Known Member
these were the first seeds i bought. got 'em cheap somewhere... don't remember. pretty much just wanted to use them as guinea pigs. germinated them, potted and repotted to get a feel for how it all worked while i ordered lights etc. for my closet. one female out of three. just kept it on my window sill. finally, after my short riders were done, i put it in the closet. took about 14 weeks total. lol didn't get much sun on the window sill. just a little thing, but turned out decent considering i didn't do much for it. i know it's supposed to be mostly indica, but mine looked and smokes very much like a sativa.
Hi there, I just thought I'd add, also had some purple widow from that web site, 7 germinated seeds produced 5 males that showed sex very quickly, and 2 females that auto'd after the 4th internode without branching at all. Consequently Pollen from one of the better early males was colected and pollenated on the biggest female, disapointed to not get a 2mtr monster for the outdoor season, being left with two lollypops does leave you behind and feeling ripped off, but also pleased there should be plenty of autoflowering seed stock for later in the year :)


Currently dealing with some Purple Widow myself.
-Only 3/4 seeds popped, took a week. Waited full two weeks before throwing the last one out.
-All 3 had trouble dealing with Fox Farms Ocean Forest (other plants I have had no problems starting in OF though).
leaves came out strange, typical nute burn effect. All 3 stunted (as a result?)
-One got big enough in 3 weeks to LST, took it well too, branching upwards etc.
-One is simply short, showing sex at 4 weeks (female!)
-One has grown into a freak with 5 tops, but it's very short and leaves are growing thin, brown spots too.

Last year I grew some from this same batch of seeds. All were runts and male.


Active Member
I was thinking about growing these due to the cost and possibly getting more females than males but now it all makes sense. The bud looks good but I need weight rit now I can't have these autoflowering and not put out like I was hoping.