National Geographic Explorer - Inside LSD


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Ya, I imagine that would cut into the BigPharma profits ..... quite a bit.
Just for migraines alone.. imagine if they reschedule it in the future for psychological uses! There goes most anti-depressants and plenty of anxiolytics!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
lol ... that is why such rescheduling will never happen in what we deem 'civilized countries' at any time soon .... way to much money at stake.
But ... yes I can imagine that my friend.


I want to try LSD or shrooms, but have heard to many horror stories about bad trips. Anyone else feel the same?


Well-Known Member

I only know of one other lysergamide that is utilized for migraines (maybe CH?), and that is ergoramine (cafergot).. it really has nothing to do with lysergamides though, it has to do with the fact that LSD is a tryptamine, I mean look at what they prescribed for migraines:

(and so on and so forth)

The common thing here, is "triptan". Well, what is a triptan?

Now, what is LSD? (hint: you can find it in the book "TiHKAL"). It's a tryptamine. :-)

So essentially, you could use DMT, Psilocybin, LSD, LSA, Psilacetin (4-AcO-DMT), AMT, AET, DET, etc. for treatment of Migraines (I hear many more people with CH respond to LSD and Psilocybin).

For more information:

You just lengthen the broadwidth of my brain SHEPJ ;)

What's more intriguing is the fact that LSD is made of up 3 different branches of psychedelics I heard: tryptamine, phenethylamine, and some other that is drawing blank in my memory at the moment

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I want to try LSD or shrooms, but have heard to many horror stories about bad trips. Anyone else feel the same?
Nothing wrong with being cautious .... I heard so many horror stories about smoking weed. Do you think I should try ?

I wanna take Lsd right before I die, and those poor rats lol
What if you like it so much .... you will not want to die ... just to try it again ?


Nothing wrong with being cautious .... I heard so many horror stories about smoking weed. Do you think I should try ?
That is true haha, but I knew when i toked the first time that nothing serous is going to happen. Im not too sure whats gonna happen with lsd.


New Member
If you plan on taking LSD, make sure you are REALLY happy first, also tripping with someone you trust will help too.
I tripped alone after being "spiked". It was no fun until I realized I was the one in charge of the trip. Not the drugs. Then it got REAL fun. 2 days of trippin balls in a forest. So much fun.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Im not too sure whats gonna happen with lsd.
Psychedelics manifest portions of the unconscious mind into the conscious; they act as a symbolic bridge between the two portions of the mind. You're right, you don't know what is going to happen.. but so long as you allow whatever happens to happen, you will learn.


as you allow whatever happens to happen, you will learn.
What if what happens is something really bad? like my one friend was truly convinced he was getting sucked into hell during a trip.....thats some really scary shit!


Well-Known Member
What if what happens is something really bad? like my one friend was truly convinced he was getting sucked into hell during a trip.....thats some really scary shit!
Thoughts like those can never hurt you. If you perceive what's going on in your head is real... you must objectify reality from disillusionment. There are steps to combat that. The first is to take a small dose of acid, to find out what the experience is about, then when comfortable ramp up the dose. Don't dose when there are stressful things going on in your life, acid will only magnify those bad thoughts... if you want something that will subside a hectic day buy some booze or cannabis... but, never think lsd is wholly a fun thing to do... because its not, its a therapeutic tool!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
What if what happens is something really bad? like my one friend was truly convinced he was getting sucked into hell during a trip.....thats some really scary shit!
There is no such thing as "good" or "bad", they are perception. If you tell yourself something is good, it will be good; if you tell yourself something is bad, it will be bad. If something "bad" comes along, ask yourself why it is bad. If you can understand why it is bad, it will not be anymore.

Don't dose when there are stressful things going on in your life, acid will only magnify those bad thoughts...
I somewhat disagree; if one doses during a stressful situation, they are forced to deal with the situation at hand at current (instead of unconscious repression or supression of the event). Sometimes it is nice to see it, deal with it, get over it..


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as "good" or "bad", they are perception. If you tell yourself something is good, it will be good; if you tell yourself something is bad, it will be bad. If something "bad" comes along, ask yourself why it is bad. If you can understand why it is bad, it will not be anymore.

I somewhat disagree; if one doses during a stressful situation, they are forced to deal with the situation at hand at current (instead of unconscious repression or supression of the event). Sometimes it is nice to see it, deal with it, get over it..
I knew my opinion was going to be questioned by someone of a more skilled intellect on the matter ;)

I suppose I didn't explain things in there entirety. There are those who take psychedelics to resolve issues and attack problems, then there are those who use it for the laughs and colors... if a person who only seeks the euphoria then he might be turn down by the experience, to receive something of therapeutic value, which might be of no good since his desire was to never touch those issues. But again, you just highlighted my point by bringing up what psychedelics ultimately do... and that's to bring the unconscious material to the conscious bearing mind!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
When I was a young man, what seems like ages ago ... I ventured to Amsterdam for the first time. I sat at a local coffee store and relaxed. Not knowing much about weed ... I studied the menu with excitement ... but five minutes later, I had reservations. As there was so much to choose from.
The colorful descriptions of the product at hand made me uneasy (there was to much to pick from ... what would I get ?). Certainly I could not buy everything ... but I wanted to try all.

From afar I have noticed the waitress smiling at me. She picked up on my body language and approached. With a strong Dutch accent she introduced herself and I informed her of my difficulty in making a choice. She went back to the counter and brought a 'phone book sized' wooden box of different strains packed neatly in little zip lock baggies. Then she looked at me straight in the eye and said:

'Do you want to laugh .... or do you want to get high ... ?'

I will never forget that !

With that being said ... I pose you with the same question.
If you just want to 'laugh' stick to smoking weed.
But if you are going to embark on that special trip ... you better be ready .... and how deep into the proverbial 'rabbit hole' you are willing to go is up and your 'fairy liquids and powders'.

Good luck ... we are all patiently waiting for you to join us !



Well-Known Member
When I was a young man, what seems like ages ago ... I ventured to Amsterdam for the first time. I sat at a local coffee store and relaxed. Not knowing much about weed ... I studied the menu with excitement ... but five minutes later, I had reservations. As there was so much to choose from.
The colorful descriptions of the product at hand made me uneasy (there was to much to pick from ... what would I get ?). Certainly I could not buy everything ... but I wanted to try all.

From afar I have noticed the waitress smiling at me. She picked up on my body language and approached. With a strong Dutch accent she introduced herself and I informed her of my difficulty in making a choice. She went back to the counter and brought a 'phone book sized' wooden box of different strains packed neatly in little zip lock baggies. Then she looked at me straight in the eye and said:

'Do you want to laugh .... or do you want to get high ... ?'

I will never forget that !

With that being said ... I pose you with the same question.
If you just want to 'laugh' stick to smoking weed.
But if you are going to embark on that special trip ... you better be ready .... and how deep into the proverbial 'rabbit hole' you are willing to go is up and your 'fairy liquids and powders'.

Good luck ... we are all patiently waiting for you to join us !

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Damn Puff's I'm fucking digging your stories... I want to meet that dutch madame now ;)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Thank you for kind words my fellow readers and friends !
I don't have any pictures of the Dutch vixen ... but I know what you want ... so I am going to give it to ya.
It all kinda Looked like this.



There is many stories in store for you.
I am just getting started. ;}



Well-Known Member
I'm sitting here on my chill pedestal waiting for more yo!

Who's the wide eye kid, with a suspiciously fond excitement for that microphone lols.... Did someone wake him outta his K-hole ;)