Need Help, some scary dreams.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Well ok, i know your gonna say i sound stupid or wierd but please me nice about this.

Ok well occasionally i have these dreams there are 3 of them and i will describe them to you guys.

First Dream- I am walking around in what looks to be a empty city, and there is salt falling from the sky, little pieces of salt, all coming off of this huge big salt "meteor" and the meteor is going to hit the city but never does.

Ok, second dream- I am on a big round planet type object, it is made of metal and kinda resembles the death start. But i am on this planet, and for some reason i keep thinking, "there is to much here for me". It sounds weird, but it means to much of something.

Ok, the last dream- My hands are heavy and fell like metal, my hole body fells heavy. And whenever i touch something it fells real hard, spikeu, and cores. Even if i touch a pillow.

The last dream i usually sleep walk to, cause i touch pillows and stuff. I know these dreams sound stupid and well, just plain stupid, these dreams are frighting to me for some reason. I mean really really frighting. For some reason they just are.

So i ask you guys, is it normal to have dreams like this that you have more then once and that scare you like this? If so please describe them to me

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Nope no bad trip, ive had these dreams since a child. They really make me uneasy when i think about them, and when im sleep walking they scare the shit out of me for some reason. They sound stupid tho dont they?


Active Member
dreams are your subconscious speaking to you. Usually things you wont even admit to yourself or something your unaware of. Most dreams are un-readable do the fact its almost impossible to remember everything that happened in a dream. I had one recurring dream through a few years of my childhood. I guess you could call it a nightmare, really. It terrified me as a child but the dream did eventually fade. I think back to it now and I believe the dream was my childhood screaming out for freedom from my over-bearing narcissistic mother who has ruined any chance I have for normal relationships with human beings (where my medical marijuana comes in). Don't freak yourself out over it, but if its really worrying you see a therapist. They could help, really.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
One of my number one fears is that one day ill end up schizophrenic and be seeing ghosts and living those dreams every day and hearing voices. You guys ever see that movie called the grudge? It has seriously left me with a scar, i am terrified of that bitch on there, i have nightmares about her and really i am afraid of her. Theres a lot of stupid shit that scares me. I wish they would disappear out of my mind.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Well ok, i know your gonna say i sound stupid or wierd but please me nice about this.

Ok well occasionally i have these dreams there are 3 of them and i will describe them to you guys.

First Dream- I am walking around in what looks to be a empty city, and there is salt falling from the sky, little pieces of salt, all coming off of this huge big salt "meteor" and the meteor is going to hit the city but never does.

Ok, second dream- I am on a big round planet type object, it is made of metal and kinda resembles the death start. But i am on this planet, and for some reason i keep thinking, "there is to much here for me". It sounds weird, but it means to much of something.

Ok, the last dream- My hands are heavy and fell like metal, my hole body fells heavy. And whenever i touch something it fells real hard, spikeu, and cores. Even if i touch a pillow.

The last dream i usually sleep walk to, cause i touch pillows and stuff. I know these dreams sound stupid and well, just plain stupid, these dreams are frighting to me for some reason. I mean really really frighting. For some reason they just are.

So i ask you guys, is it normal to have dreams like this that you have more then once and that scare you like this? If so please describe them to me
i ask you what you spraying your plants with during flower.

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
It's your insecurity manifesting itself through your dreams,a subconscious release valve for your fears.


Active Member
It sounds like you have some anxiety over it. grab some white widow to calm yourself down. The more you think about it, the more your going to convince yourself your 'sick' or need help.


Active Member
its called hypochondria, a disease where real or imaginary physical symptoms spark panic in the host believing it to be serious, life threatening illness. My brother has it, really bad. Spend weeks getting spinal taps and blood work done because he thought he had lyme disease or some crazy illness, but it always came back clean. He did a lot of hallucinogenics as a teenager and I think it really fucked with his head now.


New Member
Nah...I've had some pretty fucked up dreams myself. I analyse them for myself, and let it go if of no significance.

Your first dream sounds like you are worried "it" is all about to come to an end, but the end never comes. You might know what "it" is.
2nd dream sounds like you have an over-abundance of something in your life, and it bugs you.
3rd one sounds like you may be worried about an arrest?

I'm no pro on this, just guessing.


Active Member
Nah I wouldn't have any reason to believe marijuana would cause recurring dreams or hypochondriac thoughts. He did lots and lots of acid. Theres been no research to prove marijuana could cause anything like that. Some people like to argue it can lead to schizophrenia but they just work in the paper/non-hemp business :)