How to sell weed? First-timer.

Dude I was being theoretical... Don't go get yourself a few years. I promise you, sitting in prison, most type of people will wish they just went and got a job. Just keep your work to yourself and everyone is better off probably . Peace
Dude I was being theoretical... Don't go get yourself a few years. I promise you, sitting in prison, most type of people will wish they just went and got a job. Just keep your work to yourself and everyone is better off probably . Peace

well said. +rep
Go hang out with a crackhead. Hang out with him for a week. Try to stay up with him, and get to learn and remember that smell. Not of the crack, but of the complete lack of empathy. Tell him about your dreams and futures. After he robs you, you'll have your answer.
Seriously, no offense, but when I was younger and we saw a whistling-dixie fool like you walking down the street, we all said the same thing in our head at the same exact time, "JACKPOT!"

Everyone who is telling you it is not for you, is right. Even strangers can care about your well being. I do, and please seek another profession. You'd be safer robbing businesses, even though everyone gets caught. You seem like a clever kid, how about making legitimate money? Have some pride in yourself though. You know damn well what you're capable of. You don't have to be straight about it if you still want to be a cowboy. Try prostitution or something if you're so hard. With women or yourself, depending on what you have to prove to the world.

Here's just a simple question: Do you believe in fair fights?

Do you really want to know what it's like to be called white boy and know it's the worst thing in the world at the time?

Please just get a regular job or even start knocking on doors and asking for odd jobs. Old folks love that shit.
.... I know alot about herb but not about this sorta business I accept the danger and jail time involved in this so i don't need to be reminded.

Please and thank you guys :) first post.

One word... felony. You should probably leave that business to the professionals.
Like others have said, you probably shouldnt be doing it.
But if you must.... selective with who you sell to. Keep your "business" small and only sell to friends at first. Only take on new customers that the people you know vouch for.
People mess up when they start selling to everyone and become known as the weed man.
Your young, and in school...I really suggest you dont do this. Its a whole different vibe on a college campus...people you dont know will find out and shit will happen. Ive seen it before on college campuses...home invasions, getting jumped, stabbed....the whole nine.
If your going to sell pot and expect a profit you have to get a job being a care giver with patients. It takes time so cash flow will take a minute but it beats jail. Buying and selling on the black market will only bring you down. :( unless you can afford a half lb - lb and u kno a few people who buy oz's daily theres no profit. I'm trying to learns ya boy now listen up good.
Yep , I think the guy above me said it best, unless you can get atleast a half pound and know like 8 people that buy ounces like once a week there is no way it is worth it at all, even than that would only buy you dinner a few nights and feed your own weed habbit youd still need a real job lol , you would make more money selling something that is legal than you would from buying quarters and reselling it or even buyings half-pounds and reseling it. It is simply just not worth it.
If you look at the amount of time that you need to be available and the actual time involved in the "dealing", then your $ per hour would be well below the minimum wage with maximum risk of screwing your future.

In order to make a reasonable income you have to ramp up the quantity and also the risk ... ask yourself one question, "could I handle being locked up and repeatedly raped?"

Dude - all that stuff can't be answered. If you sell a lot you earn a lot. If you sell large quantities you earn less but more at a time. When to expect a cash flow - expect it when you start selling?
A great way by the way(for countries that usually mix with tobaco) you could buy some weed. Mix it with 2/3 tobaco or so (yes - people do that in some countries). Buys a box of cones and stuff your mix into the cones and make joints - sell the joints. This will make you more $. If you make very nice quality joints you can even spend a plastic cone to put each joint in. The plastic cover is only like 25cent or so, but it makes the joints look VERY attractive to a lot of people.
My advise is always DON'T sell, but since that is what you're going to do... ;O)
If your ever in doubt if someone is a narc, make em smoke weed.
If they're a cop (not including someone blackmailed by the cops to reduce their sentence i.e. not a cop), they can't and won't do it.
they'll loose their job.
good luck and only deal with people you know and trust.
you could set up a hierarchy with some friends, you grow and make your friends go and do the dirty work.
whatever you do use common sense.

this is a lie, cops will get high with you. that is not against the law, UC, go to rehab all the time. in some DEA squads it is scheduled into the under the wire time, for example; your going to be under for 6 months, and then you'll do a 30 day min. stinit in rehab, prescheduled before the sting starts..

if your sketched, shut your mouth and walk away.

!BUT! to the OP;
if your getting adivse from an online forum, you'll be in jail not to long anyways. If your lucky you'll just get expelled from college, be forced into immidiate repayment of any and all loans/fed grants as well as lose all rights to fed grants in the future.. but that wont matter cuz no school will except a convicted drug dealer.. especially one that got caught at or near a campus...

seriously dude, your eyes are not wide open right now..
First off all the people giving the OP shit for posting this online, stop being silly. Minds is not "playing with fire" by posting this online. The great thing about the internet (or the really not great thing depending) is it is 100% anonymous. Not to mention I highly doubt the DEA is trollin the forums. Even if they were I don't think they are going to target some college kid trying to sell his first 1/4oz of weed.

All sorts of irrelevant shit.
Dude what the fuck are you talking about?! I think you have a really really skewed view of the American pot culture, and the average American cannabis user. It's not 1920 anymore, marijuana isn't just smoked by the "crazed negros" trying to steal all the white women. This kid is talking about selling weed to college kids, probably in Suburbia. There's a big difference between that and selling nic rocks of girl to crack fiends.
I've been retired from the illegal drug trade for long time now, but I started out selling weed. I sold in suburbia without a problem for close to three years. When I sold weed I didn't carry and a gun and never had a problem. Oh and guess what, I was able to sell without being called white boy all the time as well. Shit even when I got into the hard shit, and was working in a trap house in Detroit (84.6% African American according to the 2000 census.) I didn't get shit from my "colleagues" or custos for being white. The only time I've ever had to really deal with racism is from the Det PD.

Still I would advice the OP not to start selling, if only because it's a headache in a half. But if you are really strapped for cash and don't mind being on call 24-7 go for it. Just be smart about everything, don't brag and don't be flashy if you do well. And if shit goes south, be ready to pay the piper, you know getting into this that selling pot is illegal.
ITS JUST WEED!!!!!!!!!!! lol i would suggest if you have no clientel start off wit a half ounce or else you keep the shit mad long and it will dry up even in the plastic bag...... or keep it in a jar.............. next step is marketing........find your target market at schools the beach even your friends... get a good scale..... bag everything up in grams not 1.1 or 1.2 1.0 unless its a cute girl and you getting some ..........dont be the guy that gets used by the bitches allways get at least a blow job.... a gram is $20 btw......... dont hook up your boys and dont smoke your own shit..........dont drive around with more than a 4 grams unless your selling it all or just reedup........and the actual transaction well that depends on how creative you are ive put weed in burger king bags and just like majic you give some one a bag of burget king and get 20 buxx it looks like they asked you to stop by burger king for them lol iv done this in plain sight of parents when i was younger never fails and thats the only secret im shairing the rest you have to bang your head into a wall till you figure it out.........also netflix has all the seasons of weed lol watch it study it
i would also suggest you get some type of signature weapon knife screw driver guns work too obvious to cops and they make a big bang............ also get a sreet name like joker or psyco lol
your in college bro, chop up some shit and sell three dollar joints at parties, then get a customer base (friends/ acquauitances) for larger orders, but with the questions your asking i would just stop now.
playa playa.. dis aint stuff u ask..dis shit u learn ur own with xperience. but one thing if u get pulled over wit weed.. make a trap door somewher in ur car leading to under the car. cuse if its found they cnt charge u for road debree..jus make sure they dnt see u do it.
just remember your out come will be jail or worse.The truth is you want to sell because you think its cool and easy money well its not.When i say cool you think easy money and you will have ability to buy things and friends that you cant working a part time job at a retail store.the more you sell the reckless you get and sooner or later you will lose all control of you life.I have been there.Now for the rest of my life i have to look at my past and wish i didnt go that route.Trust me dont sell to people, grow it a brag about the quiltiy of your bud as you smoke it with your friends,but dont sell it.
you dont buy a quad to make profit, you buy ounces and up then resell your stash at G's and 8ths at street price, most likely you will double your money like this. If your in high school the extra 500$ a month is good, but if your like 20+ i would get a regular reliable job and maybe slang on the side for some extra cash.
Its pretty easy buy an ounce divide the price you pay for the O by 28. then you have how much you paid for each gram then sell each gram for a price higher than that. but if you sell high quanitys like 1/8 and 1/4s you lower the price abit but still enoghe to make profit. EX. buy an ounce for $200. Divide 200 by 28 = 7.15 so if you sell one gram sell it for $10 then you just made 3 bucks. if you sell all in grams youll make $280. but you only made 80 because you need 200 to go reup. its simple buy bulk at a lower price sell smaller quanitys at a higher price. make sure you always have product on hand. but dont keep alot on you at a time or have a scale on you with a large amount. but really if you dont know this shit get a real job. or as they say go big or go home sell pounds and shit get a gun go all out, haha.