How to sell weed? First-timer.

Your hook up is risking it big time. #1 rule is If you grow, u don't sell. Instead u sell all of your weed to one person u trust. You NEVER sell out of the same house that u grow in. Rule 2. NOBODY should kno your growing. Loose lips sink ships, and you can't trust anyone! Mayb if you grow u can sell to your hook up, and if not Start asking your buddies to hook u up with their hookups. And after time u could possibly sell to them. But if your growing there should be no reason you should be selling quarters and ounces. U should be unloading all of your crop onto 1 or 2 sources. I kno it's hard but u can not advertise your
grow. Not even your best friend should kno. If u must share info with someone make sure their family. Jealousy greed and spite will bring you down and your loose lips will sink your ship. I'm surprised your hook up hasn't been busted yet. Good luck bro. It's hard
to keep a secret your so proud of.

well if you took time to read my post you would know i have no experience with being a drug dealer, i grow to smoke for a medical reason and im legal. Im just trying to help the fella, but besides being a douche bag, i like the advice of unloading rather than selling and might help the guy do his thing. My advice was probably not the best but like i said i grow within legal # to smoke. Hopefully in time you will get busted mr. Scarface
first of all a quarter can be sold from 80-120 bucks and if its really good it might be 5-10 dollars more (aim for 105-110 since you say you got that fire). Or you can make little dimes for such a small about make them .6 - .7 dimes. Re-up with that money. Also if you know the grower then tell him to hook you up a little if your boys with him, and let him know you're selling now, you can also take weight off of him, by working for him so he doesn't have to the shit, you do. a quarter is really hard to work with b/c its so little.
well if you took time to read my post you would know i have no experience with being a drug dealer, i grow to smoke for a medical reason and im legal. Im just trying to help the fella, but besides being a douche bag, i like the advice of unloading rather than selling and might help the guy do his thing. My advice was probably not the best but like i said i grow within legal # to smoke. Hopefully in time you will get busted mr. Scarface

First off... I was really trying to give the guy some solid advice. I was not reaponding to your post in any way. If i was you would have seen your quote above it. Second...Yeah I read it post and it was just about the dumbest thing I ever heard anyone on this site say. Anyone with common sense that grows for "profit" knows these instincts that any person worthy of reproduction should know. However, the uselessness and just idiotic advice that it was led me to believe that you were some nearly homeless retard and I refrained from commenting on it because although me name is buster bawls, I do respect everyone and refrain from name calling, assumeing that they are idiots until they prove me wrong, or show me that they are incapeable of assuming that I am a nice person just trying to help. That being said, I do not sell weed smoke weed or grow weed, I do believe in marijuana rights and love all people, especially the stoners. It seems to me that you have problems and are angry at the world for whatever reason. You hate people that grow and sell weed just because you can flaunt the fact that you have a medical scrip. Your a hypocrite and a moron.
I will be accepting your apology upon arrival...

Cmon dude really??? With a name like buster bawls u had to see this coming.

well if you took time to read my post you would know i have no experience with being a drug dealer, i grow to smoke for a medical reason and im legal. Im just trying to help the fella, but besides being a douche bag, i like the advice of unloading rather than selling and might help the guy do his thing. My advice was probably not the best but like i said i grow within legal # to smoke. Hopefully in time you will get busted mr. Scarface

Sorry had to fix some stuff, and for some reason the edit isn't working.
First off... I was really trying to give the guy some solid advice. I was not reaponding to your post in any way. If i was, you would have seen your quote above it. Second...Yeah I read ur post and it was just about the dumbest thing I ever heard anyone on this site say. Anyone with common sense that grows for "profit" knows these instincts that any person worthy of reproduction should know. However, the uselessness and just idiotic advice that it was led me to believe that you were some nearly homeless retard and I refrained from commenting on it because although my name is buster bawls, I do respect everyone and refrain from name calling, assumeing that they are NOT idiots until they prove me wrong, or show me that they are incapeable of assuming that I am a nice person just trying to help. That being said, I do not sell weed smoke weed or grow weed, I do believe in marijuana rights and love all people, especially the stoners. It seems to me that you have problems and are angry at the world for whatever reason. You hate people that grow and sell weed just because you can flaunt the fact that you have a medical scrip. Your a hypocrite and a moron.
I will be accepting your apology upon arrival...

Cmon dude really??? With a name like buster bawls u had to see this coming.

P.s. Your advice actually wasn't that horrid for a small timer. But from what I got from reading the guys question was that he lost his job and was looking to grow for profit. I think he got shit on enough by people and perhaps mayb reading all those sarcastic posts you subconciously became angry. But hey, mayb I'm the idiot... I guess only the poster knos for sure.
i'm sorry but if you have to turn to the internet for a "Guide on how to slang" you really shouldn't do it. just my opinion. but depending on how big you want to get there are a few pointers i can give you.

1.) dont buy anything less than an oz, a q.p. is more realistic. you wont make shit for profit and youd probably end up in the hole.
2.) once you break down the zip or watever only smoke what you set aside otherwise your out money.
3.) ONLY DEAL WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW. probably the easiest way to get busted is dealing with strangers.
4.) the shit sells its self. i mean do you see ads for tyrones street pharmacy, i sure dont.
5.) DON'T step on toes. stealing yourdealers clients is the quickest way to loose a hustle.

ill throw ou a quick example. say i get my once for 300 i take it and i bag up 7 grams 2 eigths and 2 quarter at 20 a gram, 50 an eigth and 90 a quarter youd make 420 dollars but say you smoke a quarter you still made 330 dollars a 30 dollar profit. not a good example but the nature of the game is turning a quick profit. so go for broke.

as far as you go is your call. chances are since you needed advice from complete strangers on the internet your aleady destined to fail, but i wish you the best of luck. your better off growing your own less middle man bullhit and instead of a 30 dollar profit it would have been more.
from what i got he was looking for a "Dumbies guide for selling" at least thats what i got out his post. said he gots a conect but no customers and was looking for tips so i might be the dumb one not to sure, tho i might be to stoned to understand it.
and as far as telling your family you grow, i wouldn't. but i come from a cut-throat family half of em wont hesitate to stab me in the back if they could turn a quick buck.
this should pretty much sum up the whole thread.
Yup I'm the retard. Though this dude wanted to be the man and not the mans bitch. My appologys.

Dude i have a life, a girl friend and a job.. It will take more than a few hours to respond to your post. But yea i have a bad temper when im out of smoke but fuck it im high right now, so my bad for calling you scarface but you sure acted like one, smoke a joint and chill. Lol busterbawls, were i come from busters run [:
and as far as telling your family you grow, i wouldn't. but i come from a cut-throat family half of em wont hesitate to stab me in the back if they could turn a quick buck.

That sucks, i come from a family of scavangers, last harvest got smoked up in a week... I was pissed a QP!! Id rather have a backstaber than a scavanger, least hell leave my kush alone.
P.s. Your advice actually wasn't that horrid for a small timer. But from what I got from reading the guys question was that he lost his job and was looking to grow for profit. I think he got shit on enough by people and perhaps mayb reading all those sarcastic posts you subconciously became angry. But hey, mayb I'm the idiot... I guess only the poster knos for sure.

Well from reading his question, he said he wants to start with quarters, so instead of laughing i decided to give him some advice that he can probably work with. He has no clients or customers and sounds like he wants to start small time. And by hook ups i dont mean it by giving double the wieght i ment it by doing 15$ grams to stand out and focus on close friends that smoke to be regulars. So to a narc Who may be watching it looks like some friends are just thier to hang out. Cuz its the same group of poeple that all hang out cooming And no one ealse. The reason why i implied to try and get legal smokers to buy is.. They are allowed to buy from any source Legally and cant be questioned when caught with it. The dude is working with quarters oz not quarter pounds to unload cheap.
That sucks, i come from a family of scavangers, last harvest got smoked up in a week... I was pissed a QP!! Id rather have a backstaber than a scavanger, least hell leave my kush alone.

think so, ill leave my uncle over there u'll catch him in ur stash. but he will still lie to your face and say he aint doin shit. Hell i'd rather deal wit scavangers cuz you just chase them suckers a way. these cut throat crack heads will smoke most my shit then sell wht they can n go buy some rock. i've had about 3500 dollars worth of tools get up and walk out my garage. and about 900 walk out my stash jar. i was so pissed took almost 6 months to replace everything. the stash was the easiest.

either way tho hommie you would be out your stash. don't you love family.
here is the deail, two quick tips to add. start with your friends, then have them (by word of mouth) get you their friends as customers, takes a while but you need steady reliable custy flow. don't do in/out deals make them stay n smoke a bowl or watch a movie n match one. you dont want to shit were you sleep unless you are already in jail, then the toilets by your bed anyway.

good luck, but aleast pick up a half if you dont got the dough for a whole one. no money in fliping quarter unless you dealing in quater pounds.
fronting is something you do with those you trust money flows in that way i love it when you have a slow day but 3 diff people come over with 50 20 and mostly 10s its like free money lol even though its not just dont go over oz without a bit of some toutorl to the buyer lol but dont listen to these fools do what you want getting arested is a risk you HAVE to take you have no choise
you need money and you want to sell weed cant worry about anything other than making your money cant worry about the police
like i said it happens it happens it comes with bud dealing and as far as clinentel trust your friends and friends only at the door
small traffic is key they bring money in cut em in some how half grames per 2 idk
Yeah I'm serious about the business, I don't find it too hard but I'd like to know a few things before hand. And ofcourse I wouldn't front anyone that's like rule number one lol

I can't grow my own shit at the moment :( so how soon would I see a nice cash flow? *decent.
Blahh blahh blaahhh just grow it yourself dry it bag it sell it $10 a gram. you guys are to serious about herb thats why its illegal. just chill
If you know noob smokers and have a coonect for fire mids, you can probably get away n sell it as outdoor chronic. Make sure it hits decent and barely have seeds, also cure it for a week cuz most poeple dont so thats why stress is so nasty. Ive had bought nasty perfume gasoline smelling chronic from the nieghborhoods b4 and well taken care of mids will smoke it anyday.