Sakhal chea
Your hook up is risking it big time. #1 rule is If you grow, u don't sell. Instead u sell all of your weed to one person u trust. You NEVER sell out of the same house that u grow in. Rule 2. NOBODY should kno your growing. Loose lips sink ships, and you can't trust anyone! Mayb if you grow u can sell to your hook up, and if not Start asking your buddies to hook u up with their hookups. And after time u could possibly sell to them. But if your growing there should be no reason you should be selling quarters and ounces. U should be unloading all of your crop onto 1 or 2 sources. I kno it's hard but u can not advertise your
grow. Not even your best friend should kno. If u must share info with someone make sure their family. Jealousy greed and spite will bring you down and your loose lips will sink your ship. I'm surprised your hook up hasn't been busted yet. Good luck bro. It's hard
to keep a secret your so proud of.
well if you took time to read my post you would know i have no experience with being a drug dealer, i grow to smoke for a medical reason and im legal. Im just trying to help the fella, but besides being a douche bag, i like the advice of unloading rather than selling and might help the guy do his thing. My advice was probably not the best but like i said i grow within legal # to smoke. Hopefully in time you will get busted mr. Scarface