Fred Thompson will be the next prez.(a prediction)


New Member
That was a mean thing to say medicineman. I hope you don't hate his face too much. Because I think you will be seeing quite a bit of him for the next several years.

I think you may see him as a vp-candidate with a front runner. Him and McCain seem like a natural team.

Remember, according to Rasmussusin polls, he gets banged hard by republicans. But, when pooled against the opposition party, Thompson takes ALL the democrats to a statisical dead-heat finish.
And then you woke up!


New Member
That was a mean thing to say medicineman. I hope you don't hate his face too much. Because I think you will be seeing quite a bit of him for the next several years.

I think you may see him as a vp-candidate with a front runner. Him and McCain seem like a natural team.

Remember, according to Rasmussusin polls, he gets banged hard by republicans. But, when pooled against the opposition party, Thompson takes ALL the democrats to a statisical dead-heat finish.
Interesting take, FT as VP. I would hate to think it would be with McCain, if it happened.


New Member
It IS true that most of the Christian Coalition went largely to Huckabee in Iowa. But, some voted for big Fred. This thread is about Fred's chances to take the nomination. I think his appeal in NH is marginal. His appeal in SC is good with the CCs. Remember, in Iowa, big Fred was a visiter. In SC, Fred is a cousin. He is very well liked in his home state of Tennessee. And that goodwill aids him in SC.

And for trivia, why did Al Gore loose the presidential election? Because he failed to win his home state and those electorial votes went to George Bush. So the moral of this story is, Tennessee is a major player in the election, because it is the state next door, to 8 other states. That does make big Fred almost the guy next door.
Good call. I agreed wholeheartedly, and expected foe McCain to show strongly, but this is ridiculous. But, it is NH, after all. A lot of Mass. transplants, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Old Fred dropped out. Nice call there, Nostradamus. Score one for Ron Paul. 1 down, 5 more to go...So now who's going to be the next president?:roll:


New Member
Hey CCDiane, where's my 50 bucks, Thompson HAHAHEHEHOHO~LOL~. You are really smart, eh? That fool couldn't even play one right on TV.