Could you boil tap water to get harmful chemicals out of it, and then put it in the fridge to cool it back down, and then water the plants?
Would that be bad?
Would that be bad?
Boiling won't reduce most harmful chemicals. A charcoal filter, like a Brita, will reduce some harmful chemicals but doesn't do much to reduce hardness or minerals in water. What chemicals are you concerned about? You can always use r/o or distilled. You can buy r/o water at grocery store self serve water machines. It's much cheaper than distilled and almost as pure. Whenever using distilled or r/o water you may need a cal-mag supplement. If you want to learn more about water, click on the link in my sig. My water thread has everything you ever wanted to know about water and the various purficiation methods. Happy Growing.Could you boil tap water to get harmful chemicals out of it, and then put it in the fridge to cool it back down, and then water the plants?
Would that be bad?