fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
so my neighbors old man comes over drunk as fuck yesterday. he says he wants to bring the dude down the street over to see my garden. tells me all about dudes grow, inside and out, and how he needs some pointers. tells me "the whole neighborhood knows you grow huge trees". i proceed to tell him nobody knows, because i don't tell anyone. after some prodding and drilling he says "oh, i told them all".



Well-Known Member
so my neighbors old man comes over drunk as fuck yesterday. he says he wants to bring the dude down the street over to see my garden. tells me all about dudes grow, inside and out, and how he needs some pointers. tells me "the whole neighborhood knows you grow huge trees". i proceed to tell him nobody knows, because i don't tell anyone. after some prodding and drilling he says "oh, i told them all".

Sounds like it's too late for the gate now


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
did you really truly think nobody knew that you grow.. after all the years you have grown outdoor... the way i think to keep my grow safe is that every one knows so i need to protect my girls.. weather it be fences. cameras, dogs, act.. when it comes to growing outdoors where ever it be you don't want to be to relaxed in the security department...

but thats bull shit sum drunk basterd talking shit, thats exactly what i would tellevery one, that he is just a drunkedy drunk fuck that don't now what he is talking about...


Well-Known Member
thats prolly the most fucked up thing eva!! thats y u cant tell no one anything!! id be pissed prolly woulda went thru his face on the spot

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
so my neighbors old man comes over drunk as fuck yesterday. he says he wants to bring the dude down the street over to see my garden. tells me all about dudes grow, inside and out, and how he needs some pointers. tells me "the whole neighborhood knows you grow huge trees". i proceed to tell him nobody knows, because i don't tell anyone. after some prodding and drilling he says "oh, i told them all".

Sucks to have neighbors dont it


Well-Known Member
yes, i was more than certain that nobody knew. i live on a dead end street and we all know each other. on any given day you can find a group of friendly neighbors chatting out on the street. they don't know my private business.

if you don't announce your business, it's pretty easy to keep it quiet. i have made efforts to ensure there is no view between my garden and anyone else. the only thing telling is the smell. and all they know at that point is i have "some plants". they have no idea of how many or where or what size. they may know now.

he was going to bring dude over for "some pointers". apparently dude needs some help getting larger yields. i want to help, but it was brought up in an awful manner.

i'll put my tent up today hopefully, and kiss my wife good-bye for 2 months. :cool:

i'm not as worried about anything as i am pissed. we had this problem with my neighbor a few years ago when they were peaking over my fence with strangers. it's the drunk old man that is the problem. she keeps her mouth shut. she's gone for the weekend but my wife already shot her a message. her old man is gonna get his ass kicked when she gets home. she tears him "new ones". hehehhehe


Well-Known Member
I dont think that ole drunkard will be able to keep his mouth shut.
he was standing in the middle of my shop and he kept falling over and catching himself. all slurry and shit. i really hate booze. i drink once in awhile, but this is one of the reasons i quit. it's almost sad. half the people on my street are drunks. which is the part that worries me. they are get together with their friends and it's a ll blah, blah, blah, .......


Well-Known Member
Or worse, they get into there cars and kill people. I scratch my head alllll the time wondering how out of kilter things are with weed, booze, and all the other messed up drugs.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
he was standing in the middle of my shop and he kept falling over and catching himself. all slurry and shit. i really hate booze. i drink once in awhile, but this is one of the reasons i quit. it's almost sad. half the people on my street are drunks. which is the part that worries me. they are get together with their friends and it's a ll blah, blah, blah, .......
I use to be a big drinker but I quit 3 yrs ago. Now when I see people drunk I think damn did i act like that. Makes me glad i quit.


Well-Known Member
That sucks. I hate people who don't mind their own damn business.

So when you going to his garden to give him pointers, lol
i told him to let dude know that would probably be better. but then i'd have to buddy up and be "neighborly". i'm the kinda guy that opens my door to everyone. often before even knowing who they are. thankfully i have my wife to help draw some boundaries. i think at this point i'll simply turn off my phone, put up the gate, and not answer my door anymore until Nov. :)

The Snowman

Active Member
i told him to let dude know that would probably be better. but then i'd have to buddy up and be "neighborly". i'm the kinda guy that opens my door to everyone. often before even knowing who they are. thankfully i have my wife to help draw some boundaries. i think at this point i'll simply turn off my phone, put up the gate, and not answer my door anymore until Nov. :)
i probably wouldn't leave my house till harvest haha


Well-Known Member
Wow, that’s messed up man. Im a friendly kinda guy also and I have been bitten in the ass as well. It’s to bad people think its there right to share someone elses secret. I dont think its the booze. It's my opinion that people who would do that, would do it straight or drunk. Fortifying the fortress will increase the curiosity of the others, you may lose a couple friends but it would send a message too keep there fucking noses out of your business.


Well-Known Member
i know how ya feel fdd, people who know of your garden love to brag about it, i have ended friendships over it.
but at the same time, what did you expect? even on this site you are a hero, so of coarse your neighbor thinks it is the most amazing thing, even if he wasn't a drunk, it would still get out.


Well-Known Member
My entire back yard is covered with motion sensors, with an alarm in our bedroom. We haven't had an issue since I installed them. I like sleeping in my own bed. The local police liked my security. They showed up to arrest us once, andwere surprised when my wife came out the front door before they had deployed(full SWAT get ups and automatic weapons.) The motion sensors tipped her off.

After they realized we were completely legal(my wife's doctor had a rather heated exchange with the DA) They decided they didn't need a law suit.

Cops hate apologizing, but they seemed to think we should know they were VERY sorry. They don't bother us, any more.

From September until I'm finished trimming in December, somebody is always here.