Noob: Confused On What Types Of Lights To Use?


Well-Known Member
Hey wassup guys and gals,

Damn i just came across this forum, and this forum is crazy. Damn, I like everyone's setups. I had a setup about 2 years ago, but didn't get much out of my plants though. I need help on the lighting. I'm totally confused wether Metal Halide, HPS, or CFL are better for the grow room. Currently I'm looking at a 400W MH/HPS ligt for my grow room. I will be using the MH for veg stage, and use the HPS for flowering stage. I don't know if that is necessary now that I seen people growing with CFL's and getting pretty damn good results. If these people used MH instead of CFL's, would they have yielded more buds? I don't want to really run anything more then 400W because of the energy bill in HI aint cheap. Please help I'm so confused?!?


Well-Known Member
well i dont kno anythin about MH ot HPS but i do kno CFL is good for grow boxes/cabs. if your growing a plant that dosent get that big and ur using a grow box then i'd go with the CFLs. i see that u want 400 watts. so im guessing your growing anywhere from 1-4 plants?


Active Member
Hey wassup guys and gals,

Damn i just came across this forum, and this forum is crazy. Damn, I like everyone's setups. I had a setup about 2 years ago, but didn't get much out of my plants though. I need help on the lighting. I'm totally confused wether Metal Halide, HPS, or CFL are better for the grow room. Currently I'm looking at a 400W MH/HPS ligt for my grow room. I will be using the MH for veg stage, and use the HPS for flowering stage. I don't know if that is necessary now that I seen people growing with CFL's and getting pretty damn good results. If these people used MH instead of CFL's, would they have yielded more buds? I don't want to really run anything more then 400W because of the energy bill in HI aint cheap. Please help I'm so confused?!?
depends , NOW< you can use a FULL SPECTRUM MH for flwrng , use 400watts for up to 5x5 growing room, smaller room smaller the wattage, in terms of mh vs/ hps, well HPS are more efficient on you bill, but a full spectrum MH will prove higher yields in the long run... but either will do nice


Well-Known Member
I started mine under 9 x 42W cfls but at three weeks purchased a turnkey growbox that has 400W super hps for flower/200W cfl for vege. I am pleased with my results.

the hps has become highly popular and highly recommeded by many....yield and speed of growth....generally are optimized. some will argue that MH gives better "quality" to finished bud with a compromise on yeild.

I have seen it recommended and I believe I will adapt by turnkey growbox with 2 MH (100W) and 1 (250W) hps. I may also supplement with some other light sources but that is as yet undetermined.


Well-Known Member
Hey wassup guys and gals,

Damn i just came across this forum, and this forum is crazy. Damn, I like everyone's setups. I had a setup about 2 years ago, but didn't get much out of my plants though. I need help on the lighting. I'm totally confused wether Metal Halide, HPS, or CFL are better for the grow room. Currently I'm looking at a 400W MH/HPS ligt for my grow room. I will be using the MH for veg stage, and use the HPS for flowering stage. I don't know if that is necessary now that I seen people growing with CFL's and getting pretty damn good results. If these people used MH instead of CFL's, would they have yielded more buds? I don't want to really run anything more then 400W because of the energy bill in HI aint cheap. Please help I'm so confused?!?
Well, it all depends on your personal preference, the dimentions of the grow box, and how much money you want to spend. In any event, I never suggest buying mh, and hps. If anything, maybe a conversion bulb, but you could also just use a hps for veg, and flower. The reason I said about the dimentions is because if you have a fairly small room, a hid is NOT the way to go. The temps will be in the 100 range if it's under 8x8. CFL are very nice for small spaces. They (most) put out enough lumens (if you have multiple) to even flower under them. Like I said, it's about your preference.


Well-Known Member
Well, it all depends on your personal preference, the dimentions of the grow box, and how much money you want to spend. In any event, I never suggest buying mh, and hps. If anything, maybe a conversion bulb, but you could also just use a hps for veg, and flower. The reason I said about the dimentions is because if you have a fairly small room, a hid is NOT the way to go. The temps will be in the 100 range if it's under 8x8. CFL are very nice for small spaces. They (most) put out enough lumens (if you have multiple) to even flower under them. Like I said, it's about your preference.

8x8, even if there are fans for ventalation? Well I'm going to be growing them in a walk in closet with cardboardwalls. I'll be hanging the light from the hanger bar, which i about 5'8" high. I'm thinking that I'll be giving the space about 3.5x3.5. It will not be enclosed until the flowering stage so I don't think it will heat up. I'm not to sure how much heat the light gives off that' why. By the way I live in Hawaii, if that makes a difference. thanks.


Well-Known Member
8x8, even if there are fans for ventalation? Well I'm going to be growing them in a walk in closet with cardboardwalls. I'll be hanging the light from the hanger bar, which i about 5'8" high. I'm thinking that I'll be giving the space about 3.5x3.5. It will not be enclosed until the flowering stage so I don't think it will heat up. I'm not to sure how much heat the light gives off that' why. By the way I live in Hawaii, if that makes a difference. thanks.
Unless you're using a 150w, with a fork-load of ventilation. But if it were me, I'd go with the cfl. You might not get quite as large buds as with a hps, but it's cheap, and works very well. They practically don't give off heat. A little, but it's insignificant. Someone else on here did a stealth grow with cfl (4 warm, 3 cool, I believe) and had fantastic results. For the area you're describing though, if you really want to use hid, go with a 150w, with ventalation. Hope this helped, peace.


Well-Known Member
Also, you should have an input vent, and an output. Fans will only blow the hot air around, but with an intake right where the hps is, the temperature given off by it will be removed fairly quickly.


Well-Known Member
Here is my opinion ...
if you have the room and budget go with MH and HPS
if you have the room and half the budget go with CFLs and HPS
if you have half the room and half the budget go with CFLS

or if you feel drawn to one of them - go with that.


Well-Known Member
Unless you're using a 150w, with a fork-load of ventilation. But if it were me, I'd go with the cfl. You might not get quite as large buds as with a hps, but it's cheap, and works very well. They practically don't give off heat. A little, but it's insignificant. Someone else on here did a stealth grow with cfl (4 warm, 3 cool, I believe) and had fantastic results. For the area you're describing though, if you really want to use hid, go with a 150w, with ventalation. Hope this helped, peace.
Ah Crap, so sorry. I only really measured the space where I'm going to be groing will be about 2.5x2.5x5.75(its way smaller then I thought).

I know this changes a lot, I gues I should be running CFL then. I really wanted to use the HID lamps.


Well-Known Member
depends , NOW< you can use a FULL SPECTRUM MH for flwrng , use 400watts for up to 5x5 growing room, smaller room smaller the wattage, in terms of mh vs/ hps, well HPS are more efficient on you bill, but a full spectrum MH will prove higher yields in the long run... but either will do nice
I personally think the full spectrum HPS (not MH) such as a 270 Watt or 430 Watt are the best of both worlds in one bulb. They provide plenty of Blue spectrum for robust vegging, yet are primarily Red Spectrum HPS which is without a doubt the standard for flowering.


Well-Known Member
you can certainly still use a HID....the issue of air movement, and temperature management might just be a little more challenging....HID in that space with say 2-4 or 6 plants? you could have a very nice compact little garden.
Ah Crap, so sorry. I only really measured the space where I'm going to be groing will be about 2.5x2.5x5.75(its way smaller then I thought).

I know this changes a lot, I gues I should be running CFL then. I really wanted to use the HID lamps.


Well-Known Member
if you have the room you want a 600 switchable ballast mh and for veg hps for flowering. about 250$ for the set up.Its worth it to me,nothing like having the grow power when you need it. sounds like that space you have would be good for clones. mybe buy a cabinet and make it yourself. the hps and mh make a denser bud than cfl.


Well-Known Member
Look into Ceramic Metal Halide, it replaces both HPS and MH lights, much lower temps, better spectrum, and the bulb costs less about $50. I tried to post a link but I guess this site doesn't want other forum address posted. Phillips and Venture Lighting both make great bulbs and with the Phillips you use a regular HPS ballast.
I've seen direct side by side comparisons, the best bulb Hortilux makes doesn't come close regardless of enhancements and Lumens. The proof is out there and there have been a number of harvests under CMH to show that they are better all the way around. You would need a 600 watt HPS to come close to a 400 watt CMH bulb.
I'm going to be using a 400 watt bulb in a 36"W X30" deep and 32" high a umberlla reflector NOT AIR COOLED, with a 4" fan/scrubber combo.


Well-Known Member
if you have the room you want a 600 switchable ballast mh and for veg hps for flowering. about 250$ for the set up.Its worth it to me,nothing like having the grow power when you need it. sounds like that space you have would be good for clones. mybe buy a cabinet and make it yourself. the hps and mh make a denser bud than cfl.
I got my 400 Watt HPS ballast and the CMH Bulb for about $170......Like I said, forget the costs of switchable ballasts, Air cooled reflectors, conversion bulbs and and jacked up prices for "specially enhanced bulbs".


Well-Known Member
How about sharing info on where you got your setup. Thanks
No one here seems to know or has heard about CMH Bulbs. Instead of jacking this thread, I will start a new thread with pictures and spectrum charts and info on where you can get them.