Well-Known Member
Not everybody thinks the govt. is the enemy. More and more we are seeing that the govt. doesn't act in the best interest of the people. More and more we see blatant corruption. More and more we see powerful, corrupt politicians getting away with it simply because they have money and power. Some would argue that regulation is the problem. We have to walk a fine line in this country and of course gun ownership isn't universal. We do attach some provisions like you cannot be a convicted felon and own a gun. With liberty comes responsibility. Unfortunately not everybody is responsible. What now? We should shackle everybody simply because a relative few cannot be responsible? The right to keep and bear arms is indeed one of the most powerful checks in our system of govt. Our forefathers knew that this would be the only thing standing between the people and tyranny. Take away this most fundamental right and see how long it takes for us all to be in shackles.We make the gov't our enemy to our own detriment. The point is that the powerful elite run the gov't partially because we think the gov't is our enemy. The gov't should be a vehicle for the people. Instead people latch unto the inane anti-establishment idealism without any concrete goals. If people really want control, then they need to grab control of our gov't from the elite. Election reform is an example. We, the People, do not have representation because we do not fight for the laws/rules which would give our candidates a chance to be elected. Yes, we have numbers...and we could use them...instead we let the media/elite/powerful separate us with partisan BS sentiment like "the gov't is bad".
A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be
A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State... (is a proviso to the second part ... a well-regulated Militia, as in people's military group... security of a free State (the security of the United States)...
The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed... (in order to secure the first part of a well-regulated Militia... having gun control and laws can be argued not to be an "infringement" towards a well-regulated actuality control/laws would enable an improvement on those lines...)
Gun ownership is not universal...if they were universal then it would have been spelled out more plainly... "All people have the universal right to keep and bear Arms" without any such proviso like "well-regulated Militia"...
Gun ownership is a responsibility. That is the part that is left out of many discussions. Along with rights comes responsibility. Some people should not have a gun, they are not responsible citizens.
Regulations are in dire need in the US.