No Fucking Jobs Anywhere


Global Moderator
Staff member
kinda full of yourself, oh wow my hero

If you're going to criticize someones post you should address specifics. What is it exactly that was said that prompted you to toss out the "Dumb ass" comment?
I personally thought it to be a thought provoking post.
To summarize your contention of the object of this discussion with name calling is very immature.
Be to the point, this is a discussion not 5th grade recess.


Well-Known Member
i know you are being your normal sarcastic self....but i would lose an ounce of sleep.

and besides, they wouldnt starve. the ones that are cheating the system would go find a job cuz they are hungry and the ones who really need help would get it. mostly from christian outreach and family. you remember the christians and family dont ya? they are the ones the lefties hate.

thanks doc
lulz you're on the no job thread saying they'll go find a job if it gets tough, nice. The local news tells me the food banks are critically understocked around here but i'm sure they could handle another 100,000 people. Then family, not everyone has family support. i'm sure all the homeless around have their families looking after them. What about some chick that gets preggers at 16-19 and her "christian" family disowns her for it, yeah she shouldn't get assistance. I'm sure that child will grow into a fine and upstanding member of society. luckily i have a job but if i didn't and my family was gonna go hungry I wouldn't think twice about robbing the fuck out of you if there wasn't govt assistance.


Well-Known Member
i seldom resort to such simple insult, but i doubt you are capable of comprehending much else. you may insult my ideology, but never presume to demean my abilities or pretend to understand the vagaries of a market out of control. it's attitudes like yours that have destroyed the construction industry in this state and the livelihoods of many an honest tradesman along with it. when one's competition is willing to live in squalor and there are idiots willing to allow a third world mentality to overtake an entire industry, craftsmanship and honesty are little defense against avarice, envy and the despair that has begun to take hold of california's homeowners and businesses.
Very eloquent, but I personally prefer the "go fk yourself" mentality.
He is worthy of nothing more.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
when more of us lose it all we may see a change... rare is the american who will risk what he has to see others get their slice of the pie (although today it isnt a slice- its more like moldy crumbs)


Well-Known Member
when more of us lose it all we may see a change... rare is the american who will risk what he has to see others get their slice of the pie (although today it isnt a slice- its more like moldy crumbs)
think before you speak, study before you spout such foolishness. even in the worst of times, this nation has been the single most charitable nation on earth. its people give a greater percentage of their wealth to causes around the globe than the people of any other nation. they do this without compulsion and despite a growing atmosphere of dread caused by the cult of entitlement that is draining our people dry. while other nations depend on the government's coffers to aid those in need, it is the american people themselves that have always opened their hearts and their wallets far in advance of their overbearing bureaucracy and often to far greater effect. yes, we have the right to be selfish and greedy. we maintain that right because the individual has traditionally been considered to be capable of determining his own destiny by the laws of this land. we have maintained this right despite the propaganda of the liberal establishment and the pressures of the envious mob. we have maintained this right, but seldom is it actually abused. those that see the people of this country as self-centered and callous have been successfully indoctrinated into the cult of entitlement that is paving the way for totalitarian control.

jeff f

New Member
there are jobs. my grass needs mowed. your carden needs weeded, the snow needs shoveling. give a person 700 bucks a week to sit on his/her ass, and they will. if they just want to leech then they may starve. but they wont.

when times get tough, most people will do anything PRODUCTIVE to survive.

these bums i am talking about collect their SSI money, play ps2 all day and text their friends on their I-phones. then they go to the b-ball court and play some hoops before stopping by the beer store for a forty.

if somehow you have managed to stick your head in the sand and not see the bums leeching off working people, then you are too far gone to even explain it.

a nation will not prosper as long as laziness is rewarded.

word, you wouldnt need to rob me. all you would have to do is show that you were interested in providing for your family and i would give you the shirt off my back. most people would. but if you are a lazy bum and want to rob me....go big or stay home, cuz i aint goin willingly.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
lulz you're on the no job thread saying they'll go find a job if it gets tough, nice. The local news tells me the food banks are critically understocked around here but i'm sure they could handle another 100,000 people. Then family, not everyone has family support. i'm sure all the homeless around have their families looking after them. What about some chick that gets preggers at 16-19 and her "christian" family disowns her for it, yeah she shouldn't get assistance. I'm sure that child will grow into a fine and upstanding member of society. luckily i have a job but if i didn't and my family was gonna go hungry I wouldn't think twice about robbing the fuck out of you if there wasn't govt assistance.

There is too much fucking government assistance! It isn’t even assistance anymore, everyone looks at as an Entitlement program and that is the problem! I was in the grocery store last week and my wife overheard some teenager saying that she couldn’t wait to get her food stamps! My wife just told me that she was glad that I wasn’t there to hear it cus I would have blown the fuck up! America is so fucking lazy and they want everything for nothing. That is why everyone is sewing everyone else for bullshit reasons! Fat bitches, or guys trying to apply to Hooters. That kind of shit! If a whore gets pregnant from 16-19 yrs old have an abortion! There is no way that kid will be worth a shit if the mom can’t provide/ care for the kid. If she doesn’t want to get one then don’t give her fucking assistance! It isn’t my job to take care of her fucking kid! Why is it my responsibility to take care of her kid because she doesn’t want to get an abortion? Oh boo fucking hoo if you can’t afford your kid than you shouldn’t be allowed to have one! And everyone should stop giving bums money! Sitting around begging for money…. What a great productive part of society they are. Man we couldn’t do without them around! They are starving because they are incompetent to do any job or they are too lazy! I see jobs in the paper all day long, they just don’t want to do it! If they were starving they would have two shitty jobs to put food in their mouth. But why do that they can just sit outside on a corner and beg for a paycheck! Fuck them and fuck anyone that gives them money encouraging them to come to my town and bring down property values!


Well-Known Member
no body cares any more. all they care about is "whats the cheapest" no matter where it comes from. back in the day, our grandfathers day, people use to practice some consumer discipline, where if it wasn't made in america and wasn't union made, they wouldn't pay a nickel for it. lets face it, whether or not you agree with them, unions were a good thing. when unions were the strongest, so was our middle class. what do we have to say for it now?
Its not the gov. Thats playing with us.. Its the fat cats corporation owners, that stimulus package by obama was sappose to help open jobs. But in a time like this, instead of hiring new workers, they saved it and still have an attitude of reccesion poeple are trying to not loose thier jobs. And not hire new poeple, Thier greedyness are understandable since many places went out of business.

jeff f

New Member
Its not the gov. Thats playing with us.. Its the fat cats corporation owners, that stimulus package by obama was sappose to help open jobs. But in a time like this, instead of hiring new workers, they saved it and still have an attitude of reccesion poeple are trying to not loose thier jobs. And not hire new poeple, Thier greedyness are understandable since many places went out of business.

this qualifies for a real dumb post.

1 the govt did give big companies money. they paid for projects to be completed. and the most of it went to union contracts. dont know the percentages but almost all of it went to unions. so dont blame the company, blame the union and the govt.

2 companies arent in business to hire people. they are in business to make money. if there are no people buying a product, the company has no reason to make it. do you propose the just build a bunch of stuff and let it sit outside in the rain? they need to have customers.

3your "fatcats" is just plane dumb. how does a guy get to become a fcat? by having a successful company? maybe possibly? well if a company doesnt make anything cuz there are no customers, is that company successful? are you starting to connect the dots yet? so would throwing money after dumb shit like making products with nobody to buy them...would that make a company successful?

4the companies were not "supposed" to hire new workers. they were supposed to complete jobs and in turn make a profit. most of the "hired help" was emplyees that were previously laid off. then once they were eligible for another unemplyement draw, they were in turn laid off again. one place where i contract work played this stupid game with 10 guys at a time. they brought in 10, let them do busy work, then laid them off and brought in another 10. and yes, it was union work at union wages to absolutly produce nothing. it was a fucking goat rope and "taxpayers" paid for it. and all the govt union facilities around this area did the same thing.

the ignorance of your thought process is a disgusting example of the state of our educatinal system. this shit is basic economics 101. no offense to you but educate yourself or else you will never understand why certain things are happening to you.


Well-Known Member

There is too much fucking government assistance! It isn’t even assistance anymore, everyone looks at as an Entitlement program and that is the problem! I was in the grocery store last week and my wife overheard some teenager saying that she couldn’t wait to get her food stamps! My wife just told me that she was glad that I wasn’t there to hear it cus I would have blown the fuck up! America is so fucking lazy and they want everything for nothing. That is why everyone is sewing everyone else for bullshit reasons! Fat bitches, or guys trying to apply to Hooters. That kind of shit! If a whore gets pregnant from 16-19 yrs old have an abortion! There is no way that kid will be worth a shit if the mom can’t provide/ care for the kid. If she doesn’t want to get one then don’t give her fucking assistance! It isn’t my job to take care of her fucking kid! Why is it my responsibility to take care of her kid because she doesn’t want to get an abortion? Oh boo fucking hoo if you can’t afford your kid than you shouldn’t be allowed to have one! And everyone should stop giving bums money! Sitting around begging for money…. What a great productive part of society they are. Man we couldn’t do without them around! They are starving because they are incompetent to do any job or they are too lazy! I see jobs in the paper all day long, they just don’t want to do it! If they were starving they would have two shitty jobs to put food in their mouth. But why do that they can just sit outside on a corner and beg for a paycheck! Fuck them and fuck anyone that gives them money encouraging them to come to my town and bring down property values!
lol you're gonna blow up on a teenage girl hahaha what a pussy. You want to go complain about it go to the ghetto stand in a gas station for two minutes top and then bitch at the feller with the 24 inch rims on his escalade about his food stamps. you won't cuz you'll only blow up on people weaker than you. I'll fight anyone as long as they are younger and smaller than me lulz. Just because a teenager gets preggers doesn't mean she's a whore. Damn it seems to me you have a lot of frustration towards young women. Seems to me when i got food stamps we still had to work they would cut them off if we didn't but then again we could of went without them if i would of decided that ramen noodles, mac and cheese, and hot dogs were a sustainable way to eat. With the money from food stamps it allowed us to pay for for daycare which in turn allowed me to work a minimum of 35 hours a week and allowed my 18 year old whore girlfriend to go to college and then work 20 hours a week. btw I gave a bum 5 bucks last night I was walking out with some beer and he looked like he really wanted some too so i gave him 5 bucks.

jeff f

New Member
lol you're gonna blow up on a teenage girl hahaha what a pussy. You want to go complain about it go to the ghetto stand in a gas station for two minutes top and then bitch at the feller with the 24 inch rims on his escalade about his food stamps. you won't cuz you'll only blow up on people weaker than you. I'll fight anyone as long as they are younger and smaller than me lulz. Just because a teenager gets preggers doesn't mean she's a whore. Damn it seems to me you have a lot of frustration towards young women. Seems to me when i got food stamps we still had to work they would cut them off if we didn't but then again we could of went without them if i would of decided that ramen noodles, mac and cheese, and hot dogs were a sustainable way to eat. With the money from food stamps it allowed us to pay for for daycare which in turn allowed me to work a minimum of 35 hours a week and allowed my 18 year old whore girlfriend to go to college and then work 20 hours a week. btw I gave a bum 5 bucks last night I was walking out with some beer and he looked like he really wanted some too so i gave him 5 bucks.
thats pretty funny word. give you props for that one. you clearly needed assistance and you and your girlfriend got it and used it appropriately. nobody is complaining about you.

BUT you and i both know, personally, people we know, people we talk to or see that are getting assistance by lying about what they do. they are sucking on the govt teat.

hell, your example has a guy driving a cadillac and getting foodstamps. thats fucking bullshit. he is a leech no matter how big his arms are and we both know people who are doing it. its wrong,morally, ethically and we shouldnt be allowing it.

now here is how our stimulus money was spent.

my friend works for county housing authority. he spends his days mowing the lawns of leechers living in public housing for free. he also changes their lightbulbs, fixes their dishwasher and on and on and on. so not only am i paying for the leeches but i am also paying for my friend who does the work. he is a regular employee who gets 12 bucks an hour.

for the stimulus they sent in a union laborer. my friend was forbidden to do the work he normally does and could only cut lawns and clean up. the union laborer was making $27 an hour. that was your prescious jobs bill.

now, please explain to all of us

1 why cant a person living in public housing cut their own fucking grass?

2 why cant they change their own lightbulbs?

3 how you justify this morally or ethically?

4 how is this helping the person in public housing?

and finally, how is this even sustainable for the short term let alone long term?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
lol you're gonna blow up on a teenage girl hahaha what a pussy. You want to go complain about it go to the ghetto stand in a gas station for two minutes top and then bitch at the feller with the 24 inch rims on his escalade about his food stamps. you won't cuz you'll only blow up on people weaker than you. I'll fight anyone as long as they are younger and smaller than me lulz. Just because a teenager gets preggers doesn't mean she's a whore. Damn it seems to me you have a lot of frustration towards young women. Seems to me when i got food stamps we still had to work they would cut them off if we didn't but then again we could of went without them if i would of decided that ramen noodles, mac and cheese, and hot dogs were a sustainable way to eat. With the money from food stamps it allowed us to pay for for daycare which in turn allowed me to work a minimum of 35 hours a week and allowed my 18 year old whore girlfriend to go to college and then work 20 hours a week. btw I gave a bum 5 bucks last night I was walking out with some beer and he looked like he really wanted some too so i gave him 5 bucks.
Yeah your right, lets just keep giving money away to people and not hold them accountable. Oh and I am real glad everyone could help you get your girlfriend through college so you guys didn't have to make any sacrafices! My fucking grandmother worked two jobs to put my gradfather through med school! They didn't just sit around and ask for handouts cus they didn't want to eat ramen! My dad was no stranger to mustard sadwiches. But I am glad that you were comfortable on johny tax payers dime. Glad you werent uncomfortable at all! I am also glad we don't have a "hood" around my area. That is why I live here, I don't want guys in escalades spending foodstamps in my neighborhood. That is why I don't want low income housing and trailer parks here, it atracts peices of shit that have peice of shit kids! It spreads like a fire the next thing you know your house is worth half of what you paid for it! Take it how you want wordz, anyone that takes advantage of the Gov because they think they are owed something or just don't want to work or be uncomfortable are lazy peices of shit the are a drain on the tax payers.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right, lets just keep giving money away to people and not hold them accountable. Oh and I am real glad everyone could help you get your girlfriend through college so you guys didn't have to make any sacrafices! My fucking grandmother worked two jobs to put my gradfather through med school! They didn't just sit around and ask for handouts cus they didn't want to eat ramen! My dad was no stranger to mustard sadwiches. But I am glad that you were comfortable on johny tax payers dime. Glad you werent uncomfortable at all! I am also glad we don't have a "hood" around my area. That is why I live here, I don't want guys in escalades spending foodstamps in my neighborhood. That is why I don't want low income housing and trailer parks here, it atracts peices of shit that have peice of shit kids! It spreads like a fire the next thing you know your house is worth half of what you paid for it! Take it how you want wordz, anyone that takes advantage of the Gov because they think they are owed something or just don't want to work or be uncomfortable are lazy peices of shit the are a drain on the tax payers.


jeff f

New Member
Yeah your right, lets just keep giving money away to people and not hold them accountable. Oh and I am real glad everyone could help you get your girlfriend through college so you guys didn't have to make any sacrafices! My fucking grandmother worked two jobs to put my gradfather through med school! They didn't just sit around and ask for handouts cus they didn't want to eat ramen! My dad was no stranger to mustard sadwiches. But I am glad that you were comfortable on johny tax payers dime. Glad you werent uncomfortable at all! I am also glad we don't have a "hood" around my area. That is why I live here, I don't want guys in escalades spending foodstamps in my neighborhood. That is why I don't want low income housing and trailer parks here, it atracts peices of shit that have peice of shit kids! It spreads like a fire the next thing you know your house is worth half of what you paid for it! Take it how you want wordz, anyone that takes advantage of the Gov because they think they are owed something or just don't want to work or be uncomfortable are lazy peices of shit the are a drain on the tax payers.
thats what i wanted to say, but i bit my tongue and tried to be a little less harsh.

your points are definitely valid.

and here is another thing. be a politician and say you are gonna cut social security. lets see how long your career lasts. but, all these welfare programs, leeches getting paid good money cuz they are alcoholics, (no bullshit i know one and usually see him every day) these pieces of shit are gettign paid from social security.

but what the lefties will do is start saying your trying to starve grandma. nobody is trying to starve grandma but lots of us wanna drown the blood sucking leeches.

mark my words, revolution is coming. maybe in the ballot box or maybe by bloody revolt.....but its a comin'


New Member
this qualifies for a real dumb post.

1 the govt did give big companies money. they paid for projects to be completed. and the most of it went to union contracts. dont know the percentages but almost all of it went to unions. so dont blame the company, blame the union and the govt.

2 companies arent in business to hire people. they are in business to make money. if there are no people buying a product, the company has no reason to make it. do you propose the just build a bunch of stuff and let it sit outside in the rain? they need to have customers.

3your "fatcats" is just plane dumb. how does a guy get to become a fcat? by having a successful company? maybe possibly? well if a company doesnt make anything cuz there are no customers, is that company successful? are you starting to connect the dots yet? so would throwing money after dumb shit like making products with nobody to buy them...would that make a company successful?

4the companies were not "supposed" to hire new workers. they were supposed to complete jobs and in turn make a profit. most of the "hired help" was emplyees that were previously laid off. then once they were eligible for another unemplyement draw, they were in turn laid off again. one place where i contract work played this stupid game with 10 guys at a time. they brought in 10, let them do busy work, then laid them off and brought in another 10. and yes, it was union work at union wages to absolutly produce nothing. it was a fucking goat rope and "taxpayers" paid for it. and all the govt union facilities around this area did the same thing.

the ignorance of your thought process is a disgusting example of the state of our educatinal system. this shit is basic economics 101. no offense to you but educate yourself or else you will never understand why certain things are happening to you.
I'm pretty sure this is a republican/Libertarian viewpoint, spouted by a company owner/CEO. I wonder how the hard times are actually affecting him, Does he play golf one day less a week, Did he trade in his mercedes for a prius? Did he still pay himself a Multi-million dollar bonus? Valid questions for the stated point of view.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right, lets just keep giving money away to people and not hold them accountable. Oh and I am real glad everyone could help you get your girlfriend through college so you guys didn't have to make any sacrafices! My fucking grandmother worked two jobs to put my gradfather through med school! They didn't just sit around and ask for handouts cus they didn't want to eat ramen! My dad was no stranger to mustard sadwiches. But I am glad that you were comfortable on johny tax payers dime. Glad you werent uncomfortable at all! I am also glad we don't have a "hood" around my area. That is why I live here, I don't want guys in escalades spending foodstamps in my neighborhood. That is why I don't want low income housing and trailer parks here, it atracts peices of shit that have peice of shit kids! It spreads like a fire the next thing you know your house is worth half of what you paid for it! Take it how you want wordz, anyone that takes advantage of the Gov because they think they are owed something or just don't want to work or be uncomfortable are lazy peices of shit the are a drain on the tax payers.
I know this lie i mean post is all bullshit. The post earlier you're talking about teenage girls with food stamps at the store and then you go on to say that you live in your bourgeois area away from poverty lol. I guess I exploited the govt. so we didn't have to eat mustard "sadwiches" :( lol. I also guess your "gradfather" exploited your grandmother to help pay his way through college. I am still trying to figure out how someone from such a scholarly family and those great schools you must have went to has a spelling error in almost every sentence.

"The Central Intelligence Agency supplied nearly 500 Stingers (some sources claim 1,500–2,000) to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan during Operation Cyclone, the Soviet war in Afghanistan, in the 1980s. These are thought to have had a decisive impact on the war.[6] After the 1989 Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the United States attempted to buy back the Stinger missiles, with a 55 million dollar program to buy back around 300 missiles (US$183,300 each)" from wikipedia.

Our govt. buys $200,000 missiles and gives them away to afghani's, then they buy them back after giving them away. Yet I should feel bad about the drain I put on you tax payers, umm no.