No Fucking Jobs Anywhere


Well-Known Member
The bank that repossessed my car for being 2 months behind on payments because I no longer have a job is sueing me for the remaining balance. They wouldn't work with me at all, refused to put any of those payments at the end of my term plus interest or charges. This bank took away my only form of transportation so now I can't even get a job to pay them back lol. I'm seriously contemplating bankruptcy I'm so fucked right now I would sell my kidney to pay for this shit. Don't have a cell phone, school loans are due among other bills and i've been practically living on job boards and sending out my resume everyday for the last two months...some say it can only get better but I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Depending on what state your in you may be able to get out of this in two years and not file bankruptcy. Basically you make sure you dont pay the creditors shit for usually around 2-3 years and they can no longer collect. Your credit is already boned for the car repo, but fuck them they took the chance by giving you a loan when they knew it had a good chance of failing, sold off your debt to the repo company, and that company bought your debt cheap.

Knowing that there is a very good chance that you will not pay, and may have gotten even a better deal for almost nothing, when they found out how likely they were to never get that money back. Shit they most likely got their money plus some from the auction (as long as the car was not destroyed right), and are now just trying to skin you for every cent they can.

Fuck them, don't pay, shut off your phones and get one of your family to get one in their name and you pay for it if you can so they cannot fuck with you for the next couple years and you will be out of this mess.

As for school loans and work, did you get your degree? If not maybe you should see about getting back into school, it will stop you having to pay those bills while enrolled full time, and during this economic mess you will be getting skills to help you out when the economy turns around and make far more money in the new jobs than you will make working deadend jobs unless you can get really lucky.

And if you have graduated what degree did you get? Because there may be some ideas we have that you have not thought to use it in yet.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]If you know how you can clear many debts with a simple letter. In your letter you basically ask them to show you proof of the debt, proof of their loss ( The actual accounting) and proof of your responsibility. Sign your name to it[/FONT]. Many times they won't go through the long arduous process of proving their claim and just drop you off the books.

jeff f

New Member
The bank that repossessed my car for being 2 months behind on payments because I no longer have a job is sueing me for the remaining balance. They wouldn't work with me at all, refused to put any of those payments at the end of my term plus interest or charges. This bank took away my only form of transportation so now I can't even get a job to pay them back lol. I'm seriously contemplating bankruptcy I'm so fucked right now I would sell my kidney to pay for this shit. Don't have a cell phone, school loans are due among other bills and i've been practically living on job boards and sending out my resume everyday for the last two months...some say it can only get better but I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
have you tried going off the books for a job? look around the community and see what needs to be done. you would be surprised what people will pay you for help. its not glamorous but things like mowing grass, painting fences, scrapping metal can get you started. and when uncle sam doesnt have his hand in your pocket, a couple bucks can add up quickly.

good luck fitch and dont give up. wish i could help.


i agree with you 100%
i am in new hampshire and its just as bad up here.crokerd polititions in office have fucked this country.
imports from china killed every fucking manufacture in the u.s.the only ones staying afloat are obamas buddies the unions.
the sad part is the gov doesnt give a rats ass about the middle class.
look whats happening with the vegatable and fruit growers in fl and ca
they are being driven out by the mexico growers.
4 fl growers went to washington to get the gov to raise the terrifs up on imported fruits and vegatables so they could compete,the obama admin said no way
so this season is going to the the 4 growers last season in busiess.
all because a politition got a kick back from mexico growers.
by mid 2011 threw 2012 every american will feel the full effect of the colapcing economy because the obama admin has run out of bailouts
obama say we have to be more competitive with china,how is that posable when china pays 80 cents a day in labor wages.
we are all fucked thats the truth they are not telling us.


Well-Known Member
i hope these politicians are real fucking comfortable with their desk jobs, getting paid millions of dollars annually with their nice pensions and corporate connections, not paying taxes, etc while fucking recent college grads like myself, with a bachelors in hard science, can't find a job for shit, anywhere

im fucking exhausted, my spirit is shot, and i'm tired of being told to "STAY POSITIVE, HANG IN THERE". fuck you, i'm 23 and i want my life to begin (starting with some financial independence)...and i dont want to have to break laws to try and make ends meet but this shit is becoming more like survival :cry:
I sympathize with you. It was the same way when I graduated and now that I'm in the next stage of life (marriage/kids), I'm getting bit again. My advice is to swallow hard (welcome to the real world) and get a job doing something in your desired field even it is beneath your degree and what you should be making so you can build your resume. Hopefully, you have kept your overhead low and you may have to eat shit for 6-12 months. Big deal, you are 23. If your buddies are acting like they are flush with cash, fuck them they aren't. You will be dealing with that BS throughout your 20s...they are most likely lying.

Today, a degree means little, but experience holds weight and getting a second job is easier than getting a first especially when you have a relevant resume. It's eaiser to bide your time when you have some cashflow coming in and you can keep an eye out for the right opportunity. This will probably not be the first time in your carreer you have to take a step back to take 2 forward. You will gain additional contacts and industry perspective.

You have to look at getting a job as your job. Spend the whole business day at it. Get as many cards as you can and make x amount of phone calls a day. This internet stuff is fine in a normal job market, but today you need to separate yourself by calling and setting up meetings with people. Even if nothing pans out, you have stay at it even if it takes months. And keep following up with people. Things will probably work out for you, but you're going to have to do some mental gymnastics and get over the fact that you are not going to get instant gratification in this area. Take a deep breath and get back after it.