No Fucking Jobs Anywhere


Well-Known Member
i said risk what he has, like all he has.... not by like texting help to save haiti by giving ten bucks or some shit...if you wanna talk spouting, examine your own post there, glenn beck.
so who is this grand arbiter that decides whose sacrifice is worthy of being considered charity? is it only considered charity if it results in poverty or death for those who give? i can honestly say that i have never spent more than five minutes at a time listening to glenn beck, but if he praises the american public for their generosity then he can't be all bad. unlike the phony liberals who see success and immediately label it as greed, he may at least have a grasp of what it means to be an american citizen. being a useful american citizen means constantly striving for success and then being willing to share the proceeds of your labor with those around you. it is not surrendering to the welfare state that seeks to wring those funds out by force or the mob that greedily bleeds one dry through entitlements borne of envy. it is a willingness to give and this is something that the american public has proved itself quite capable of. it may be pennies or it may be a fortune, but any act of charity is worthy of praise. that you refuse to admit our citizens' traditional role as the foremost contributors of aid across the globe speaks volumes on your own outlook on life, your own unwillingness to give of yourself, but it can't erase the charitable history of this country's people.


Well-Known Member
so who is this grand arbiter that decides whose sacrifice is worthy of being considered charity? is it only considered charity if it results in poverty or death for those who give? i can honestly say that i have never spent more than five minutes at a time listening to glenn beck, but if he praises the american public for their generosity then he can't be all bad. unlike the phony liberals who see success and immediately label it as greed, he may at least have a grasp of what it means to be an american citizen. being a useful american citizen means constantly striving for success and then being willing to share the proceeds of your labor with those around you. it is not surrendering to the welfare state that seeks to wring those funds out by force or the mob that greedily bleeds one dry through entitlements borne of envy. it is a willingness to give and this is something that the american public has proved itself quite capable of. it may be pennies or it may be a fortune, but any act of charity is worthy of praise. that you refuse to admit our citizens' traditional role as the foremost contributors of aid across the globe speaks volumes on your own outlook on life, your own unwillingness to give of yourself, but it can't erase the charitable history of this country's people.
do you honestly, fo one second believe that anyone would willingly give 20% - 35% of their earnings voluntarily?


Well-Known Member
wow...I guess I may have already known this but I'm not the only one looking for work either.....So here's my solution albeit a temporary one and will provide a solution for at least 5 yrs of job security, and by then the economy will have to have recovered.

It is bound to happen by mathematical certainty...and that is by making cannabis legal in all states at the FEDERAL level.

Please read my post and maybe through this if enough people are willing then there can be some financial support system from this as any campaign produces funds so will this as undoubtedly people DO get paid well working on a campaign. I know from experience, and it is perfectly legal, and not under the table either... I cannot just do this by myself, if you all are serious and want things to really change and not the b.s. change that was spewed out of our pres. mouth then please join me and we will win I guarantee it. :)


Well-Known Member
the thread is called..."no more couchlock" and yes the pun was just being funny and for us all including myself to get up and actually do something on a bigger scale than that of what is already being done. ;)


Active Member
‎"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand. " - Milton Friedman

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
so who is this grand arbiter that decides whose sacrifice is worthy of being considered charity? is it only considered charity if it results in poverty or death for those who give? i can honestly say that i have never spent more than five minutes at a time listening to glenn beck, but if he praises the american public for their generosity then he can't be all bad. unlike the phony liberals who see success and immediately label it as greed, he may at least have a grasp of what it means to be an american citizen. being a useful american citizen means constantly striving for success and then being willing to share the proceeds of your labor with those around you. it is not surrendering to the welfare state that seeks to wring those funds out by force or the mob that greedily bleeds one dry through entitlements borne of envy. it is a willingness to give and this is something that the american public has proved itself quite capable of. it may be pennies or it may be a fortune, but any act of charity is worthy of praise. that you refuse to admit our citizens' traditional role as the foremost contributors of aid across the globe speaks volumes on your own outlook on life, your own unwillingness to give of yourself, but it can't erase the charitable history of this country's people.
you, dear sir or madam, may choke on burning seeds from a bag of shit my fucking post. there isnt a refusal of anything, and as far as i, "the great arbiter" goes, i am routinely late for work for a job that im on probation for and really need...and why? because of the old lady at the end of the lane who lost her husband in may who needs help every morning with her trash, or wheelbarrow, or dog, or who just wants to im risking what i got because i care for her and and im trying to teach my kids something about duty and obligation to those who do not have. and dear sir or madam, with your post its glaringly obvious you are one of the poor souls who hasnt seen enough of the world to see there is only two kinds, good and bad, and your labels are serving to seperate us from what we are, and thats alone on this rock in space together....

jeff f

New Member
and dear sir or madam, with your post its glaringly obvious you are one of the poor souls who hasnt seen enough of the world to see there is only two kinds, good and bad, and your labels are serving to seperate us from what we are, and thats alone on this rock in space together....
thats funny. you say there is only good and bad and then accuse UTI of labeling and dividing.

question, if you lose your job becuase you are helping the old lady down the street, what use will you be to her or your family?

get to work on time and dont lose your job. take care of the old lady by getting up earlier or doing it after work. you are no good to anybody if you are unemployed.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
great advice homeboy! things i never think of....maybe one of ice's seeds can pop in yer eye...just not out for animosity. it is true tho, there are only two kinds. if youve ever been in jail or prison you would know that...its the "isms" and the "cans" and the religions and shit that split us up. the shouting of soundbites and the same tired names and labels are bullshit.. youre on the left! youre on the right! youre a fucking mormon, and not in christ..its all, or anyone else can twist and turn whatever i or anyone else says to suit whatever point you wanna make.i know these posts are pointless, opinions and assholes..i think it comes down to what you do when people cant see you. it comes down to what you are made of. are you trying to be a good person or did you give up and become a bad person stuck in your ways stuck in traffic laying on your horn because you want to be at home just like the asshole in front of you that cut you off at the last light and pull a gun cause goddam youre so fucking special that your time is worth more than his? are you going to cry that jose mexico mite be getting a free lunch while you had to pay for yours or are you going to quit sniffling and be glad you got food in your belly and quit thinking youre special cause youre an american and instead consider yourself lucky cause you coulda been born to goat fuckin nomads in afganistan? are you gonna pass the old lady struggling with her trash can cause youre late for work? or you gonna realize that the rat race is a lie, the american dream is a dream cause you got to be asleep to believe it (i miss george carlin) and it doesnt matter who from any party that is in any office, politicians lie and fuck us over, the only thing that matters is that in the end we all fucking die and and we aint takin none of it with us, and yeah, we could work really hard and pass it on to our kids so they dont have to struggle, but hey, in that struggle character is made and true compassion comes from suffering and thats how you get soul? or will you just keep the angry view that somehow you got screwed by life? and im not talking to anyone in particular......


Global Moderator
Staff member
great advice homeboy! things i never think of....maybe one of ice's seeds can pop in yer eye...just not out for animosity. it is true tho, there are only two kinds. if youve ever been in jail or prison you would know that...its the "isms" and the "cans" and the religions and shit that split us up. the shouting of soundbites and the same tired names and labels are bullshit.. youre on the left! youre on the right! youre a fucking mormon, and not in christ..its all, or anyone else can twist and turn whatever i or anyone else says to suit whatever point you wanna make.i know these posts are pointless, opinions and assholes..i think it comes down to what you do when people cant see you. it comes down to what you are made of. are you trying to be a good person or did you give up and become a bad person stuck in your ways stuck in traffic laying on your horn because you want to be at home just like the asshole in front of you that cut you off at the last light and pull a gun cause goddam youre so fucking special that your time is worth more than his? are you going to cry that jose mexico mite be getting a free lunch while you had to pay for yours or are you going to quit sniffling and be glad you got food in your belly and quit thinking youre special cause youre an american and instead consider yourself lucky cause you coulda been born to goat fuckin nomads in afganistan? are you gonna pass the old lady struggling with her trash can cause youre late for work? or you gonna realize that the rat race is a lie, the american dream is a dream cause you got to be asleep to believe it (i miss george carlin) and it doesnt matter who from any party that is in any office, politicians lie and fuck us over, the only thing that matters is that in the end we all fucking die and and we aint takin none of it with us, and yeah, we could work really hard and pass it on to our kids so they dont have to struggle, but hey, in that struggle character is made and true compassion comes from suffering and thats how you get soul? or will you just keep the angry view that somehow you got screwed by life? and im not talking to anyone in particular......
Some good points made! We apparently agree on a few more topics that I thought 5 minutes ago.

jeff f

New Member
great advice homeboy! things i never think of....maybe one of ice's seeds can pop in yer eye...just not out for animosity. it is true tho, there are only two kinds. if youve ever been in jail or prison you would know that...its the "isms" and the "cans" and the religions and shit that split us up. the shouting of soundbites and the same tired names and labels are bullshit.. youre on the left! youre on the right! youre a fucking mormon, and not in christ..its all, or anyone else can twist and turn whatever i or anyone else says to suit whatever point you wanna make.i know these posts are pointless, opinions and assholes..i think it comes down to what you do when people cant see you. it comes down to what you are made of. are you trying to be a good person or did you give up and become a bad person stuck in your ways stuck in traffic laying on your horn because you want to be at home just like the asshole in front of you that cut you off at the last light and pull a gun cause goddam youre so fucking special that your time is worth more than his? are you going to cry that jose mexico mite be getting a free lunch while you had to pay for yours or are you going to quit sniffling and be glad you got food in your belly and quit thinking youre special cause youre an american and instead consider yourself lucky cause you coulda been born to goat fuckin nomads in afganistan? are you gonna pass the old lady struggling with her trash can cause youre late for work? or you gonna realize that the rat race is a lie, the american dream is a dream cause you got to be asleep to believe it (i miss george carlin) and it doesnt matter who from any party that is in any office, politicians lie and fuck us over, the only thing that matters is that in the end we all fucking die and and we aint takin none of it with us, and yeah, we could work really hard and pass it on to our kids so they dont have to struggle, but hey, in that struggle character is made and true compassion comes from suffering and thats how you get soul? or will you just keep the angry view that somehow you got screwed by life? and im not talking to anyone in particular......
i dont have a problem with you bro. and i am very helpful to people in need. sometimes to a fault. i wise old man once sat me down and ask me what my top five priorities were. i said, God, family, job....and he stopped me. he said i know this sounds strange to hear but you need to place your job 2nd because without it, you cant take care of your family. while i dont absolutely agree with that 100%, it does make some sense when you think about it.

thats all, nothing personal. may God bless the charity you give.

ps i do cherish my blessing of being born here. i dont look down my nose at anyone. i sure could have been born in a goat fucking society. i dont have a problem with goat fuckers accept the ones that want to blow us up because we dont pray to the same God. the ones who regularly demean the women, abuse them and treat them like 4th class citizens. and yes they are muslims and goat fuckers. they wont let their daughters go to school, or look at a man, or take that stupid fucking scarf off their face. that is what we used to do in this country when we had slaves. we did away with that 150 years ago. i have big problems with those goat fuckers who stone their children and honor kill their daughters, and chop peoples heads off in public....yes, i got big problems with those goat fuckers. and i dont want any part of that culture in my neighborhood. you wann live in america, you treat people equally and fairly. otherwise, get back on your fucking camel and blow a goat back in the 7th century where you racist, sexist, bigoted bastards belong.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
cool man. i really believe if people put differences aside, we could bring this country back around in the right direction. we, the regular struggling folk need to have more people like us in public office, and not the hardcore fringe from both sides fucking shit up.


Well-Known Member
The bank that repossessed my car for being 2 months behind on payments because I no longer have a job is sueing me for the remaining balance. They wouldn't work with me at all, refused to put any of those payments at the end of my term plus interest or charges. This bank took away my only form of transportation so now I can't even get a job to pay them back lol. I'm seriously contemplating bankruptcy I'm so fucked right now I would sell my kidney to pay for this shit. Don't have a cell phone, school loans are due among other bills and i've been practically living on job boards and sending out my resume everyday for the last two months...some say it can only get better but I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


Well-Known Member
The bank that repossessed my car for being 2 months behind on payments because I no longer have a job is sueing me for the remaining balance. They wouldn't work with me at all, refused to put any of those payments at the end of my term plus interest or charges. This bank took away my only form of transportation so now I can't even get a job to pay them back lol. I'm seriously contemplating bankruptcy I'm so fucked right now I would sell my kidney to pay for this shit. Don't have a cell phone, school loans are due among other bills and i've been practically living on job boards and sending out my resume everyday for the last two months...some say it can only get better but I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Hang in there brother. It will get better..............eventually!:joint: