The hardest thing about growing marijuana is?


Well-Known Member
gettin over the myths and folklore
Couldn´t agree more, lot of BS spouted, if you can grow tomatoes you can grow MJ. Dumb kids who have never grown anything else try to make it look difficult.

But the actual job that I really hate the most is breaking up and disposing of the rootball full of roots.


Well-Known Member
The hardest thing is seperating advice from how you want/need to grow. There are too many people emulating what they see other people do. Use what decent tips you can but stick to what gets you good dope in the end.


Well-Known Member
i have been cropping every 8 weeks for the past 3 years havnt missed one harvest and the hardest thing I think is security. not letting people know where you live even best friends. also i find that people get jelous when you live in a nice house drive a nice car and can pretty mush do as you please and they think you dont have to work for it. which is complete bull shit. I have 8 one thousand watt hps flowering and 4 four hundreads vegging and I can tell you right now its more work than a full time job.


Well-Known Member
Couldn´t agree more, lot of BS spouted, if you can grow tomatoes you can grow MJ. Dumb kids who have never grown anything else try to make it look difficult.

But the actual job that I really hate the most is breaking up and disposing of the rootball full of roots.
actually, my tomatoes look like shit but my MJ is thriving! I would say unless you're growing rosemary they are about the easiest plant to grow

new guy25

Well-Known Member
I thought it looked hard first starting out But like most things itl come natural after a while
But I find as a soil grower' feeding a bit of a pain sometimes especially organic food. Dont like The drying part either lol


Well-Known Member
Alot of growers want you to think that they are some kind of realy great person because they can grow cannabis but nothing can be futher from the truth.Years ago yes this was true because of the lack of good lighting and other equipment but now hydroponic shops grow faster than the plants do there evrywhere.The best thing to do is go about it in a slow organised style don't bother with lighting that is not worth useing all though all lighting has its uses.You can but a grow tent now for has little has 300 pound this includes everything light exaust fan intake carbon filter ballast bulb hood the lot.Learn from your own misstakes keep records but do them incode if you get my drift just incase.Then after watching a few dvds like see more buds 1/2/3 and the george cerventis set you will be on yr way it is not rocket science
Ain't that the truth, I am a first time grower and that seems to be a hard thing for me , I can only imagine the torment that is a few weeks away when I have to wait for it to dry and cure.
The hardest thing for a noob is to do nothing. Just tend to the plants basic needs of light, warmth and food and don't overdo it. I agree curing is hard as well, having to wait.


Well-Known Member
i agree that the hardest part is waiting.

Man i cant wait to go perpetual lol

my latest grow is 118 days in as of today lol.



Active Member
Don't rush into it. 1st grow should be set up right. Fans, filters, pots, where to grow so "NOBODY" knows. Good soil , not Mag-o mart. Pro mix, Fox Farms, both! Kids grow slow same with your girls. Set it up right first time then next grow you start with same tools for the job. "TELL NO ONE"!!!!!!!! Getting good seeds over net ,i'v not been there yet!


Active Member
Best thing might be to grow a few autoflowers first. You can get an actual living snapshot of what to expect when you do your first real grow.