Search Bar sucks; Help me find what im looking for


all i was looking for was a grow with

a 250w hps
SOG method
maybe like 9 plants

im sure there are plenty of journals out there with that

if someone can point me in the right direction, ill be out of your way.

fix it .seriously im not even high.

when someone starts a journal... they can like check off things that they are using....

_ 1000w HPS
_ 600W HPs
_ 400W HPS
X 250w HPS
_150W HPS

thanks for the read

joint joint joint joint


Well-Known Member
With a 250 HPS , you can only do about two plants . If you want to do 9 plants , you will need more power .


Well-Known Member
The broken search function can be easily circumvented by using google. Preface your search term with 'rollitup', or just filter results by 'discussion' for results from many growing communities.


thanks guys.

for sure you can do 9, just have to be kinda small. and thats what i wanted to see.

yeah google works, i just HATE when sites have shitty searches, its like they might as well just say go to google, save some time..

trichlone fiend

New Member
If you were to click "advanced search", then in the second section titled "search for", you'll see "keywords". There you'll want to type in what your looking for, in your situation, I'd type, "250 watt"...then, you'll want to chose "search titles only" from the drop down box just right to your keywords....then click search


Well-Known Member
If you were to click "advanced search", then in the second section titled "search for", you'll see "keywords". There you'll want to type in what your looking for, in your situation, I'd type, "250 watt"...then, you'll want to chose "search titles only" from the drop down box just right to your keywords....then click search
+1, most people dont know about adv search


Well-Known Member
I have found the the number of plants doesn't matter so much as the overall growing area. 2 plants can grow up to fill in the same space as 10. Im sure this is only true to a point.

Even though the search function can still be used via google or advanced, it seems to me if the normal search bar worked we would get much fewer posters asking already answered questions.