My First Grow


Active Member
I would say you have more than 2-3 weeks to go, but you never know. They can have a crazy growth spurt and mature fast. Do you have a scope? I ordered a few different ones off of e-bay. I recommend jewel's loops. They are much easier to use than the long weed scopes that have an adjustable focus. Get one that is at least 30x magnification. If you can find one that is 60x or 100x that's even better. I think they run about 20 bucks or so. Otherwise just wait until the buds looks full and most to all of the hairs are shriveled and red. I've seen many logs and youtube videos where people have chopped too early. It will get you high but waiting can give you such a better smoke. Wait too long though and it'll just make you stupid and sleepy. Keep posting pics and we'll all help too.

Joker's right. The first grow you learn so much, and even if you screw it up bad you'll still get some very good smoke. It's always better when you grow it yourself.

What type of lights are you using now and how many? I skimmed the old posts but couldn't find it, and it only looks like 2 bulbs.. I did see you mention that electical costs were a concern, but I wouldn't worry about that with CFL's. Say you run 200w of CFL's for 20 hours a day. That's 4kw a day. 1kw costs about 10-15 cents (U.S.). Not sure how much it is in Europe. So in America using that much power it would be 40-60 cents a day or 12-18 dollars a month. Plus the cost of fans which might be a few more dollars. So with a decent amount of light it will only be about 20-30 a month. Well worth the money when you get you final product. Also, if you have a regular strain the lights are on for only 12 hours a day during flowering which makes it even cheaper.

you might be right but she seems to be growing pretty fast (but then its my first grow so not sure how fast she should be growing) i have got a 30x mag its a cheap little pocket one but does the job although i do wish it was better ie 100x (might get one for my next grow) and yer ive read alot on when to chop i will make myself wait til its ready i think people just get excited and too impatient but im not going to.

yer i agree its better growing it yourself as you know where its from and you've watched it grow from a little seed into a beautiful plant .

your right ive got two cfl's but ive also got 225 LEDS too a mix of red and blue my cfls are 15w 4000k the other is 25w 2700k not very powerful but doing the job. ive worked out the cost of running i made a formula in microsoft excel to work it out with everything im running (including fan, lights, LEDS) its only costing me around £10-£15 for the whole grow which aint bad the price of elec where i am is 14 pence in the day and 5 pence at night.

ps i like your location :P it made me chuckle :bigjoint:


Active Member
day 60:


this is a pic of the leaf i took off as it was dying dont know why i took the photo but thought id put it up anyway :P
dying leaf.jpg



Active Member
heres some pics i took through a 30x mag:


some of the pistils are turning orange/red you can see them in some of these pics


Active Member
thanks fellas

well i've still got 2 of these seeds left but i also got 2 free seeds 1 warlock and 1 motivation so i'll be using them up might try the warlock next as i've been following LAX thread and hes been growing it it looks pretty sweet
