

Active Member
I just got a 16oz bottle of promethazine/codeine from my doctor for actually being sick, but i have had this same stuff before and it is amazing to coat blunts in.
promethazine provides for a much different high. be ready to stay where you smoke for quite a while because after a promethazine blunt you'll be posted. We once smoked one in a friend's back yard and we sat there for almost 3 hours and we were still feeling blunted. That same day my friend claimed he was seeing everything with a purple tint. I also love drinking promethazine, but if you're looking to conserve then coating blunts is a much more effective way to use it. I haven't exactly studied to compare the two uses but i believe smoking it gets you more faded. But that's my own personal opinion.


Active Member
I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Codeine) I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.


Well-Known Member
IDK where all of this mixing and fruiting it up came about. Why mix it up? Just drink straight from the bottle. There was a time when we didn't have a name for drinking cough syrup to get high. It was just called "drinking cough syrup to get high."


Well-Known Member
lean was started in H-town thats wre all the mixing it up came from......DJ screw and screwston texas made it all happen:)


Well-Known Member
Made what happen ? I don't really know who this screw-ball guy is and whatnot but I do know that since cough syrup was available people have been drinking it to catch a buzz. Not refuting your argument by any means, I just don't get the whole adding a name to stuff these days and people coining methods of getting loaded. You can't really "patent" something like that. Idk just rambling sorry.


Well-Known Member

I cant wait to get home:) in love with mary jane and codeine i dont love these ho's


Well-Known Member
Made what happen ? I don't really know who this screw-ball guy is and whatnot but I do know that since cough syrup was available people have been drinking it to catch a buzz. Not refuting your argument by any means, I just don't get the whole adding a name to stuff these days and people coining methods of getting loaded. You can't really "patent" something like that. Idk just rambling sorry.
right on, ya man dj screw invinted lean screw you know all the chopped and screwed music, dj screw invinted that to:)


Well-Known Member
Garsh derned fandangled rip-rap music! It's all just a buncha' clicks n' whistles I tells ya!(In redneck accent)


Well-Known Member
right on, ya man dj screw invinted lean screw you know all the chopped and screwed music, dj screw invinted that to:)

So lean is cough syrup mixed with juice and soda? LikI don't get why you can't just drink it. You'd get way more loaded than thinning it out with stuff. Isn't that what you're after?


Well-Known Member
you still mix it pretty strong, but ya thining it out like that makes it to were you can putt it in your styrofoam cup and sip lean while your smokin kind blunts..


Well-Known Member
just to let yall kno, we just call the medicine itself lean, or drank. doesnt have to be po'd up to be called lean.
for instance we called tussin ex "yellow drank".
dj screw did not invent lean. but yes did create "chopping and screwing music" and his inspiration was being dranked out on codiene. if you ever get the chance to sip some throw on some chopped n screwed rap and you will find yourself floating away.


Well-Known Member
So lean is cough syrup mixed with juice and soda? LikI don't get why you can't just drink it. You'd get way more loaded than thinning it out with stuff. Isn't that what you're after?
its because you find urself gettin sick like that, you want to sip your cup slow and just ease into the high.


Well-Known Member
its because you find urself gettin sick like that, you want to sip your cup slow and just ease into the high.
I know codeine/promethazine syrup can be harsh, but I find a few fat swigs tops it off. Probably enough to clear out half an average sized bottle. Never had a stomach ache. Then again the way I'm reading it here it seems like a social party thing and gets consumed on top of booze among other stuff. So yea, I guess then you would want to ease into it.


Well-Known Member
its more of like a kick back type of drink. if you do take it to a party you wouldent want to let anybody know or youll have roaches all over you.


just to let yall kno, we just call the medicine itself lean, or drank. doesnt have to be po'd up to be called lean.
for instance we called tussin ex "yellow drank".
dj screw did not invent lean. but yes did create "chopping and screwing music" and his inspiration was being dranked out on codiene. if you ever get the chance to sip some throw on some chopped n screwed rap and you will find yourself floating away.
YES! damn I was reading and wondering when some one from h-town would speak up. This shit is what we like to do down in the south just chill and drank it slow, cuz ya know the white cup is for the codiene and the cigarillo is for the kush

Purple so muddy I can barely even drive!!!